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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Come on the tolls have to go,cost alot to bang on about broads national park.
  2. Just got some fire wood for tonight.Not hand crafted like this.Should I take it back or burn it?
  3. Don't tell the Railways.It will no doubt be the wrong kind of fog.
  4. For example our boat was in the BB fleet for a couple of years then sold to us via NBS.Its my guess,The same thing will happen with ex Alpha craft boats.
  5. This comes up every year. It's Christmas .Simple no one will stop us celebrating it.We can also celebrite other festivals .Christmas is Christmas simple.Not happy holidays or any other silly thing.I have worked with many faiths over the years and none have had a problem with Christmas.
  6. What kind of info? Do you want to moor as a visitor or long term?
  7. Sometimes technology is and can be overused like you said they will send you an email even though you are there.Madness.Techology is a good thing,but can be misused. I remember being told once computers are common it will do away with paper.Yet that is not always the case.As I have said until most of us are comfortable with technology many will.need a personal toach.
  8. When I went past NBS in Brundall on Saturday many Alpha boats were there.NBS is part of BB anyway.
  9. The high street is clearly useful to my generation and those older.I think in time as we die out booking via the high street will become rare.I like doing both. It' also a social thing to meet others in shops banks etc.It will be sad if we only do business via computers and smart phone. Perhaps we are already seeing problems linked to technology now .Some people use technology for evil reasons from the comfort of there home.Sorry if I have gone off subject. Ian
  10. I agree with Charlie can not see a reason why all kinds of people can and should enjoy the river.i think all it takes is a bit of planning. As Charlie as said there are a number of charities on the broads. For example Nancy Oldfield would be a good point for information. If you are in Neatishead call in on the way to the village or give them a call.I am sure they would be pleased to help
  11. I know what you mean.Some years back our Scotich friends would visit us.At that time I used to have a dog and smoked.Used to walk the dog to the shops to get papers etc.My friend used to come along.He would say good morning to people along the way.Of course they all took no notice.He said Ian way don' they say hello.Sorry Jack but most people in London think if you speak to them you want something. I think sometimes that's why people don' wave.Many Broom owners do wave,but the funny thing is many broom hirers don'. Ian
  12. Hope you get more treats then tricks.
  13. Look when both Ferraris made a sandwich out of Max' s they blamed him.I do think they have been lucky not to fill the full force that others seem have suffered.
  14. Seb has punched his luck most of the season.
  15. Well done Lewis winning his forth world championship,yesterday in Mexico. The first British driver to win four titles.
  16. Yes indeed its at How hill.Was there in the summer also worth going into the gardens.
  17. I enjoyed the show, as others said it jumped all over the place.Still great to see,as Peter said Tim almost whacked the stern moving off. All in all well down C4.
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