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Everything posted by FairTmiddlin

  1. Sounds like a perfect description of you.
  2. I always thought of you as a grinder and flappy disc sort of man. Hand tools my god!
  3. Not making decent headway during your test can mean a mark towards failure. But you also should drive to the conditions.
  4. Yes, be great to watch the progress. But! The content providers on YT do admit that any filming of the process adds significant time to the build of any boat. Tally Ho and Arabella both admit it would have been built a lot quicker if not on YT. But the revenue was part of the reason it was on YT
  5. They must have had a short life, between the 2 and three models.
  6. For a MiFi with dual antenna, I use something like this https://rb.gy/bb479
  7. Just click on the link in Mouldy's post before your last
  8. Some online for up to £230 in good condition
  9. No Hornet and Elf same boot only badge different
  10. Same body as the Wolseley Hornet different bonnet and grille shape
  11. Generally known as a Lazy Norfolk wind. Doesn't bother to go around you. goes straight through you.
  12. When I worked in an Austin/ Rover workshop in the late seventies. We had a brand new Allegro come back to the workshop for a strange rattle when cornering. Took us many hours of driving with someone lying where the rear seat should be to trace said rattle. Finally traced to the cross member under the front seats. Bodyshop removed said cross member to find three rather large nuts tack welded together, so they would only just fit across the cross member and not fall over. The nuts not only didn't fit anywhere on the car but to be welded together. Must have been a Friday afternoon prank. BL replaced the car and picked up the offending vehicle and nuts to investigate.
  13. Yes but! Only on Sundays during Lent.
  14. OOOH a posh mini! Still holding good prices in good condition. Nice easy cars to work on as long as the subframes are still intact and their mounts, most other structure is a breeze to work on and new panels are still available. Used to be my bread and butter at one time. Even bought my Ex one as her first car.
  15. Good to see the Captain checking the fenders.
  16. Clicking on the boat name brings up The details are editable in the software to give info
  17. Would run off any mobile phone If one of your members is an amateur radio operator he could set multiple addresses on the aprs.fi app for each boat. the software map is very zoomable and you could have the whole course or just a small section of one river The whole course Part course Full zoom Wroxham bridge
  18. The technology needed is APRS or GPRs Used in shipping aircraft and the such like. As a radio amateur we have access to a site called aprs.fi to transmit our locations Here a snapshot of the strait of Dover with it in action It's easily downloaded as an app on a smartphone and you can edit the period of reporting in seconds. The quicker you transmit the closer the dots are together. But you would get a very wavy line with a sailboat if you reported too often.
  19. Awwww Marshman so sad to hear. Hope that you have friends who can keep you on the water.
  20. Well, you certainly kept that one under the radar at the meet. Congratulations and hopefully if all OK. Enjoy!
  21. Roll top? The biggest question is, Quill or Fountain?
  22. Me too, been with them for years, no problems whatsoever.
  23. Hopefully next year you can make the meet up at Salhouse and we can see it in all of it's glory.
  24. To all who attended the Annual meet this weekend, Thank you for coming. A very enjoyable couple of days and some joyful hilarity was enjoyed by myself and hopefully all. The weather was also our friend, and glorious sunshine and mostly clear blue Norfolk skies abounded. Must admit to a slight tenderness to the solar panel at the back of my head. Thanks once again for your company. We must do this again sometime
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