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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I just wonder how many of those 5000 cards went as swaps for the old cards, if we think each user may have had 2 or 3 old cards , then its no stretch to see 5000 disappearing in short shrift, especially if they then swapped their old cards and bought a few spare new ones as well.
  2. now we all know you can get a phone signal in horning- if you are in the right spot, OK that might be in Southgates shed standing on top of Broad Ambition holding the phone in the air - But..................................
  3. I only make the simple kind of bread, well made it is enough, fresh bread is the thing, no need to fancy it up. with a good soup it is perfect.
  4. None of our family LOOK mad! I think the word is eccentric. I remember the story my mum tells where she (my mum) managed to get her leg run over by a double decker bus - and yes the bus came off worse.
  5. Some good ideas there, Thanks. Just one point I will make, and that is that if I want some good bread, I will cook it myself. when I had a camper van with no oven I had a big tin box contraption that sat on the ring, and used an old saucepan with no handle to cook the bread in, perhaps you can do a vlog on bread making on a boat, as there is nothing better than a fresh home cooked loaf.
  6. since nobody has ventured a guess as to which of my relations this was, I will let you out of your misery, it was indeed my aunt who used to do stunt riding.
  7. tonight I have worked out how to mount the LED's in the back of the lamp, that and shaping another plank ready for steaming tomorrow.
  8. Just dont expect me to fit the light switches in to the helm position
  9. Robin, are you not going to want to cruise with the canopy down? this means that the cockpit at least has to be detailed. its attention to the small details that make the whole thing realistic, Lighting was one of the things I agreed with Charlie, so the least i can do is get the light fittings right.
  10. It seems that my family have always been into motorcycles, Here is one of my relatives back in the 1950's, does anyone want to guess what relation to me they are:- my mother used to sit on the back, rear facing when they did the egg and spoon race.
  11. just be careful, I was threatened and nearly beaten up once when I asked a car driver (who was parked across 3 of the 5 parking bays at my doctors), to pick up the drinks can he had just discarded out of his window, I had my car door slammed onto my leg as I got back in it to get away from him, all of this happening in front of about 50 witnesses. (he did pick up the can as he stormed off)
  12. the only thing I did today was test the LED's with a 12V supply, a bit brighter, but not too much so. the rest of the day I have been suffering with a headache and my balance has been off, I suspect a bunged up ear. we will see how it goes tomorrow.
  13. phew, glad you are back. due to time constraints I only really get to cook properly at weekends, of a Sunday morning I prepare a beef stew or casserole. this is done using a 700g pack of diced beef and fresh veg in a slow cooker, various stock cubes, mustard and horseradish are added. all the veg is put through a nicer dicer for consistent sizing, and occasionally lentils are added to bulk it up. Sunday evening I make up a large batch of mashed potato, we have mash and stew for tea, the remainder is saved and depending on work and shifts of the pair of us, either made up as a big shepherds pie, or as 4 small individual portions, these provide evening meals for the next two days at least. so one batch of sunday cooking sets us up in meals for at least half a week, now the question, do you have any other similar slow cooker recipes for meals that can be had as one meal one day (on the day of cooking) and be renovated as a different meal easily for a couple more meals. Thanks
  14. additionaly I would be thinking about signage, along the lines of 'please do not leave rubbish, as we have no road connection we do not have rubbish collections, fly tipping will be prosecuted', or some similar, but friendly warning.
  15. It is specifically stated in the OFGEM information about recharging, that only the cost of the electricity and standing charges may be recouped, no costs for the installation or maintenance may be added:- https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/ofgem-publications/74486/11782-resaleupdateoct05.pdf (see example 8a for the statement)
  16. where I feel the may be falling foul of OFGEM would be advertising the cards as £1 credit, if they charged £1.20 for a £1 credit card. clearly stating that the 20p was an administration charge, and had the meters set at the highest allowable for the unit rate by OFGEM, then that should be acceptable, its by not differentiating and adding a high (unknown) charge at the meter that they may be operating illegally. has anyone tried contacting OFGEM and asking them if what the BA are doing is the legal way of recovering their costs. While I accept that the only way of recovering costs is by charging for the administration, I would like to see a more open admission of what part of the cost was administration, and what part the actual energy usage. I suspect that while their charges may accurately reflect the costs involved (remote electricity meters can be very expensive to get the supply to) that we wont like the answer if they did clearly state the costs.
  17. yesterdays work was glueing that plank, today the 12v LEDs for the lighting arrived, at 3.7V they have a nice glow, 6V makes them brighter, they wont need 12V to do what we need - pictures taken at 3.7V.
  18. I think you must use the same rubber tape measure as the people that lay our cables, we were once told they had laid 55 metres of cable along a road that was only 40 metres long.
  19. hence the paper templates for the carpets
  20. Last night I did some work, mainly steaming and clamping the plank I shaped the night before, I also printed a full set of light fittings in the higher quality settings.
  21. Peter - You missed out the bit about the minutes of all these meetings, not being available until after the next meeting.
  22. I have been inside that one- several times, the whole of the floor is rotten, we had to lay plywood sheets as we went just to go in there (that was the time we filmed with Blue peter there), the previous time we had about 50 vikings in there for a photoshoot for a book on vikings, there is a copy in most school libraries nowadays.
  23. I had a different one this morning, phone rang so I answered, they asked for me by name, so I said yes. Then he started (with a slight foreign accent) some spiel, I answered straight away, if you are after selling me anything the answer is no. he responded with we are not selling you anything, we are going to repay the interest on a loan - goodbye said I I know that a bank would have announced itself with the bank name first thing, plus they would never phone, they would send a letter. the number was 07949582533 - one google rating tells me this is a telemarketer trying to get your ppi claim.
  24. I am just trying a single light on the very best print setting
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