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Everything posted by smellyloo

  1. Grey no entry signs for me too .... windows 10 & firefox
  2. Show some respect man!!! Surely you mean "LORD that Sugar man"?
  3. My guess would be now that lewis is nearing the end of his F1 career a young, hungry, better looking driver Wot about Suzie Wolfe?
  4. Hardly free .... it requires a great deal of time to create effective social media marketing ..... but if you're addicted to it anyway I suppose you would be on it all day anyway. I've made several half hearted attempts to understand Facebook but I never can get passed the feeling that the layout and navigation is a complete mess, couple that with the annoying prompts that some oik has reposted a "funny" joke or pic and i'm left with nostalgic hankerings for phone boxes and party lines!
  5. I wonder how many people spend longer managing social media content than actually doing their work?
  6. I never watch the business end of these shows but I do enjoy watching the losers show. Particularly the ITV ones where precocious kids get given their marching orders ........... not to mention the poor darling big kids blubbing into their over sized egos.
  7. Perhaps social media contributes to the decline in interest in the Broads. Anyone reading the acres of topics on declining moorings and inadequate rubbish clearance, inconsiderate boaters contributing to noise pollution ........ closing pubs and poor hygiene rating might be put off the Broads as a destination. Personally I think the Broads has improved considerably since the 1960's. The boats are more comfortable the waterways are cleaner and the moorings better maintained. You simply can't compare a holiday apartment in Greece to a boating holiday on the broads. Many people don't want to fry on a beach in average temperatures between 30 - 40 C. Not to mention the greasy spoon tavernas who I suspect have never heard of a hygeine rating.
  8. I regularly watch it but continue to wonder why I bother. Sadly, all too often, it is merely a procession of cars whose soul purpose seems to be to provide the particapents with a jolly, expensive knees up. Maybe the post Ecelstone era will herald a change providing entertaining and proper motor racing.
  9. A glamper would probably hate camping and a camper would be bored glamping. I guess there's room for both tastes; as for me .... I look down on the campers and up to the glampers but if I was in a pickle I would seek advice from a camper. PS I could concider living in a modified, floating shipping container, thoughtfully mounted I think it would pass under most bridges and wouldn't require planning permission .......... Maybe my next project .......... Ebay here I come.
  10. I've worked out a way to cheat. Take a photo and use video editing tool to zoom in / out and shake it all about!
  11. Hi Grace I've decided to put my thong into mothballs (again) as I hoping to get an invite to Trump towers, I'm guessing the thong would be frowned on there so I'm looking for something more appropriate .... purpely lederhosen perhaps. So if you spot a thigh slapping, flatcapped purpely person on your travels spare a thought, it just might be a socially upward Smelly traveling to a brick laying course, I believe there will shortly be a shortage of "brickies" in Canada & Mexico. Toodle pip
  12. I ccleaned & malwarebyted, cleared me cache & history ....... reset my router & turned off overnight. Tried to access on phone, tablet & laptop all without success. In an attempt to hide my IP address I looked into cloaked private access but the £9/month tarrif put off a tightfisted old smelly. Now i'm back I'll have to put my fingers back into training and try and think of something interesting to type ....... hmmmm any thoughts on tolls ............ anyone?
  13. When the site moved servers I was cast into the wilderness for approx. 3 weeks, I didn't know whether I had been banned or why my IP address was not acceptible ..... I stlill don't know? During this time I only had access to the NBF which these days seems a shadow of it's former self and seems to have sprouted a number of password protected topics? ...................... Still I have now regained access, strangely I found myself trying to login every few hours during the wilderness days, without success, I vowed that I didn't care but I'm glad to be back .... and if I was banned i'm glad to be un-banned.
  14. You must be refering to the Norfolk Broads ............
  15. Speedtriple .... To hold such views about Mr Packman you clearly have met and conversed with him although others who have posted here and admit to knowing him personaly portrait a differing opinion. I am usualy wrong but this forum is not specifically a boating forum but a Broads forum? Many non-boaters enjoy the broadland landscape not to mention the thousands that live here. Threads like this suggest that we all share the views posted here but this is not the case. I believe that tolls for hire boat companies is reducing? This must be good news for hirers. Tolls for smaller boats is decreasing .... is this not a good thing? Larger private boats are paying more ...... if I owned one I might feel differently but I don't so I don't. I don't enjoy reading the abusive tirades directed towards BA staff, I have no problem with many on here who write constructive critics of their policy but please remember not all members of this forum are private boat owners and the views of the few do not nessesarily reflect the views of the many.
  16. Snails aye ..... food for thought!
  17. There are far too many people who want to create laws to control our behaviour instead of encouraging people to use common sence. I do not want to live in a police state let alone a state policed my amateur curtain twitchers eager to report a perceived violation of our increasing burden of laws.
  18. In the old days before we had great great goals and hard hard fights the only Trump we had to worry about was Nellie the Elephant! And we could wallow in cosy nostalgia watching that old cocney boy Dick van Dych trying to pull that English rose Poppins. Me thinks fondly of the Old Shakespear days when the good old folk of Yarmouth would gather round the log fire in the local disgussing the days issues in that witty, flowery, tudor style little knowing that in future times little wiilie & willeta would be forced to put their nosies into those preserved volumes whilst scratching their little heads wondering What the ....... is this all about.
  19. One claim to fame ..... It was the pub that gave birth to the Darkness. For those who don't know what i'm on about .... "the Darkness" were once a very popular group of minstrels whose renditions were laid down on black vinyl platters and who regularly entertained us via televisual & wireless recordings.
  20. Jenny "blackbeard" morgan stealthily, slithering along un-noticed and un illuminated with baccy for the nuns & jewels for the fathers! There be tunels under that there broad.
  21. Sadly Broadland is slowly changing. Boatyards are closing, moorings are disappearing, waterways are silting and becoming overgrown ................ this in turn means less people hire boats and eventually as the cruising range and facilities diminish the privateer will sell up. So I think it is important that the appeal of Broadland is expanded to encompass as many peoples preferences as possible. Who knows even a fleet of hire vessels in the form of swans & ducks might prove to be unique selling point but seriously any private venture will fail or succed depending on the foresight of the owner providing they are not shackled by the desire of the tree hugging, newt loving graduates who have snuggly put their toes up in our various "trusty" type houses and seek to justify their lofty salaries by poking their nosies into other peoples business. Diversify or DIE!!
  22. Well fortunately for you the broads is a member of the national parks family so it is very unlikely that the area will ever allow ordinary people to have fun ............ so i'll get me green wellies and tweedy jacket and go and seek out that protected great flat nosed newt and put it in my seaside bucket ............ I know how to be a rebel!!
  23. No, Not all the Broads but there must be room to accomodate all tastes. Much of. the public facilities on the Broads are a bit too "National trusty". A bit like visiting a dusty library .... loads of rules and things you shouldn't do. With a careful caloboration with the private sector and BA planning there should be room for a more relaxed access to Broadland for those visitors who just want to have a bit of fun.
  24. Your quite right JM for the keen walkie person/cyclist they can seek out these facilities and very good they are too. But there are thousands of families visiting our seaside resorts (many many more than hire from the boating trade). I don't see many magical experiences for these families with easy access to the Broads with the opportunity for introducing them to the joys of nature whilst providing the essentials, adventure playgrounds, refreshments and boating lake style boating adventures. And no I wouldn't expect these to be funded from the boating tolls which should quite rightly be mainly spent on boating facilities ..... There should be more emphasis from the planning authority to allow private enterprice to create these facilities in appropriate places. What a shame that the old Brundal Gardens experience closed to the public all those years ago. What a huge asset that wouldhave been.
  25. I have been a fisherman and a boat owner ..... I know longer belong to either group. Whilst I agree that facilities for both these groups should be maintained I now belong to the much larger group .... people who live/work in Broadland. The Broads need to be made more accessible to those without a boat and the holiday trade needs to expand beyond the limited scope of the hire boat trade. The majority of people living or visiting Broadland do NOT have access to a boat so it is important that the Broadland landscape evolves to cater for their varied needs.
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