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Everything posted by smellyloo

  1. Bylaws according to Smelly 1) I am the best and most knowledgable skipper .... ever 2) I always have the right of way over everybody. 3) IF I wave to you treat it as a compliment ..... I don't feel it necessary to wave to people I don't know. 4) Please don't touch my boat without permission or ask me to move up to accommodate others. That privelege is reserved solely for me. 5) If you don't agree with my perception of the rules then clearly your WRONG ..... simples
  2. I suppose for many of us £40,000 pa would be concidered a good wage so to see people presenting very medioca shows like "The one show" earning £450,000 pa rather surprising. For cutting edge drama & documentaries I can see some sense in buying in top talent but shows that are just switched on for background noise whilst peeps go about their daily routine then surely the beeb could find much cheaper presenters. Regarding the wireless ...... I guess people get attached to the voice behind the show and overtime consider them friends, even so, to pay someone in excess of a million pounds seems somewhat extravagant to me. I guess the man/woman/person (or whatever is the current PC term to refer to them is) at the helm of the Beeb should be the 1st person to be scrutinised, after all they are responsible for the high wages for medioca stars and gender inequaility for pay. Let's remember it's it that spends our tv licence revenue or as I would prefer to see it referred as "Tele Tax".
  3. Words fail me. Chris Evans the highest paid presenter ..... over £2,000,000 per year. I've never met anyone who likes or rates him! Time I think to end the archaic tv licence fee. Why should I pay such salaries for what can only be described as medioca presenters.
  4. Thanks one & all for a thouroughly entertaining thread .... which has left me ever so slighly green with envy lol
  5. I suppose the origins of "right of navigation" was mainly for commercial traffic. Sadly the Port of Norwich is no longer so ............... maybe the whole concept of lifting/swing bridges should be revisted. Perhaps a fixed bridge with height above the water line being set at minimum height to suite the pleasure craft currently on the Broads could be an option. Sailing craft on the Broads are already equiped to enable passage under bridges.
  6. What I like about the "Tim & Pru" programs is that they show a couple who have decades of boating experience still able to laugh and accept that their boating skills aren't quite perfect. We could all learn a lesson or two from them.
  7. I long for the days when people used to mind their own business, yes they might have uttered oaths under their breath, but mainly were content to live and let live. Today we have armies of curtain twitching, key board bashing, busy bodies, cameras to hand to record any event that offends their rather narrow expectations of acceptable behaviour. Sadly I can only see this kind of arm chair policing increasing ..... just think of the tensions this might release in the future!!
  8. Maybe having gone to the trouble of bagging the poo they are tucking the bag away ready to be collected at the end of their walk?
  9. Putting to oneside the method I thought you could catch and subsequently eat a pike ... subject to size and daily limit?
  10. Take a walk into the city and you will find loads of restaurants offering all sorts of cuisine to suit all budgets. However there are very few riverside hosteleries so head into the city.
  11. I'm inclined towards "Tims" thoughts. Perhaps add £5 to your intended fee redeemable against purchases made in the pub.
  12. Hopefully lessons will be learned but I feel demanding that heads should roll before a thorough investigation is completed is a bit premature. If criminal negligence or some other offence has been comitted by individuals then I'm sure a court of law and judge will administer an appropriate sentence. But the most important thing to discover is what chain of events occurred that culminated in such a catastrophic event.
  13. I think this statement rings true now & for generations past. That's why many old farts are convinced that things now are much worse than in their virgin youth.
  14. Nothing nicer, on a sunny day, poodling along the river with a cooling bottle of white wine. Helps pass the time between pubs.
  15. Almost ...... You clearly led a very different life to me in your youth. I nearly killed myself ..... sadly a couple of my friends did. Remember no MOT, no breatalyser and a feeling of uforia as we emerged from the constraints of wartime Britain. Had the pubs not closed at 10:30 I reckon life would have been then much as it is now.
  16. Me thinks people have forgotten how they behaved in their youth!!
  17. I've been struggling to find the right words anf Boatyman has summed up my thoughts ... Yep It's a sad sad world!!
  18. Ermmm .... No you don't!! If you've got money to spend they should be delighted to make contact & discuss your requirements. If they can't be bothered then seek out people that can.
  19. The very mention of Wimbledon sends shivers of boredom down the spine. Two weeks of mind numbing ball banging which the beeb believes is good viewing on ALL their chanels. Still i'm sure they will drag out there queen of all sports "Clare Balding" to help us understand the intricasies of this particular sport. Quite how she has amassed such an in depth understanding of all manner of sports must be one of lifes unfathomable mysteries.
  20. One day the finger of scorn might be pointed at you ...... So make sure you always look miserable and bored out of your brains that way you might avoid the picture of shame!!
  21. I can't think of a better way to publicly respond to warped hatred!! An uplifting concert performed by artists from home and abroad, representing all creeds & cultures, sending a message of love and hope which no amount of vile hatred can surpress.
  22. My thoughts exactly .... well said
  23. Anger & hatred are two very different beasts. Anger is an understandable reaction to the vile events that occurred in Manchester, Hatred on the hand is as vile as the event. It eats away like a virus and turns normal people into nothing more than snarling savages ..... Please let's all try to avoid the pit of hatred!!
  24. So a "big man" decides to kill himself but is so cowardly he has to take innocent children with him!! I hear there was much merriment in some quarters on receiving the news. Words Fail me!!!
  25. Yet another very sad loss. I enjoyed Jill's posts and I will miss her contributions very much.
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