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Everything posted by smellyloo

  1. What I dislike about the X factor (apart from everything) is the talent (some anyway) is overshadowed by the heavily scripted "spontanaity" and the unfathomable inclusion of pantomime judges.
  2. The seeming petty nature of some of the costly investigations would suggest that the authority is overstaffed for the amount of work that they have to get through. Idle hands have a knack for finding work!!
  3. I'm inclined to agree with you .... nothing wrong in fencing the play area to prevent strays sniffing about. Don't know what you do about the land mines buried in the sand pits though (cat sausages)?
  4. smellyloo

    Shut Down

    Well I for one am glad it's back to normal service. I understand admin are looking into the incident and I guess they will respond as, when and if there is anything to report.
  5. "crowd funding" ..... I think this used to be called "charity"!
  6. Travelled many times with both ryanair & easyjet and can't fault them. Yer it's no frills but they have helped make flying across Europe very assessible so it's a big thumbs up from me.
  7. I find these Poo bag holders indispencible when out on the walk. They hold the offending bags securely to either take home or empty in the nearest hedge (sorry bin). I even hang them from the dogs harness so he can carry his own doings. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dicky-Bag-Waste-Large-Midnight/dp/B012AMUBSQ/ref=pd_sim_199_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=CVZ1PD7B6J5CXAP9DZ0A
  8. If you think dog poo is a problem your mind, wishing to please you, will trick you into thinking their are mountains of poo everywhere. If you stop fretting about it I think you will see that, on the whole, the problem is somewhat overstated. Whilst stepping in poo, be it dog, cat goose, cow, deer etc etc, is very unpleasant I think most of us, who look where they are going, will admit it is a very rare occurence. I think it rather sad that society seems to be becoming ever more intollerant of others wishing for ever more control over our everyday lives. The growing number of social media "moaners" feeds the frenzied appertite for an evergrowing list of things to complain about.
  9. This is a really facinating thread, and thanks LR for sharing your journey. My feelings are that the vessels under consideration are in that "twilight" bracket. Too old and cheap for the wealthy to consider BUT too expensive for the average punter. For this reason they do seem to remain un-sold for lengthy periods, this in itself would concern me as I would like to think I could sell it on quickly to realise my considerable investment. If you were living on board then I would fully understand the need for space but if your acquiring a hobby/bolt hole residence I would have thought a slightly more modest size would give the same service at a considerably more affordable cost. However these are my musings and from your detailed writings I can see that you have put much effort and thought into selecting your ideal ship. The ones you are considering look absolutely wonderful and I wish I were in a position to consider such a vessel.
  10. When you are the skipper of a vessel at sea you are responsible for every soul aboard your vessel. Electronic navigation will certaily make 99.9999% of your voyages much easier, and i'm sure that in your mind you have adequate back up systems in place .... But it is the unexpected that might prove fatal. A fire on-board and god forbid an abandon ship is called for. Then your carefully thought out emergency plan will need to come into effect. What have you stowed in your emergency bag? Do you have time to grab your chart (paper) with your last known position marked? No, I would still need to record my positions on a paper chart and record my ships log in a book.
  11. I really can't see why the NDR shouldn't be completed. Every county in England seems to luxuriate with Motorways providing reasonable access across the Uk. I dream of being able to drive on a dual carriageway, even if I am only going round in circles, before I'm too old to drive.
  12. I confess that I thought "Rabbet" is the correct term. Rabate is something different.
  13. I think the main issue we face is that with a decline in manufacturing we have to find jobs for those displaced people. Encouraging everyone to seek a degree gave us 3 years grace, whilst they were having a good time, but then we got a whole raft of ology graduates looking for meaningful employment. Witness the explosion of non jobs .... inspectors, planners etc etc. Now they have to justify their existence by convincing the gullible public that their job is essential. The star rating system is deeply flawed. If an establishment is deemed unfit to serve food it should be closed down pending re examination if not why muddy the waters with a meaningless system which only serves to fuel the ever growing paranoia that our world is being consumed by dirty germs entering every orrifise.
  14. Sounds like a load of old tat to be.
  15. So many words and phrases that used to be common place are now considered offensive. Some deservedly so others not so. What surprises me is how people take offense so readily instead of just ignoring the offender. Strangely it seems to be the younger generation who take offense most readily, I feel sorry for them, I guess they will have to identify themselves as some minority group so they can claim discrimination. Sadly just another sign that society is heading for a nanny state where it's always somebody else's fault.
  16. You know it doesn't seem very long ago when the original one (which looked a little more ship like) made way for the new one .... soon to be the the new old one.
  17. For me it's a bit of a shame. It's the last visual reminder that Norwich was once a port for sea going vessels. I preferred the floating restaurant when it was just the steel barge, without the faux junk atop ship.
  18. I was told that fudge makes for a much better bait than worms .... it attracts the really fat fish .... mind you the chap who recommended it to me was emtying an honesty box at the time .... so it must be true.
  19. I had the pleasure of meeting the family in the 70's. We had a facinating chat and he told me how they used to comunicate across the marshes by positioning the windmill sails in certain positions ..... unless, of course, he was spinning me a right ol yarn which them ther good ol Norfick bouys are pretty good at!
  20. But what vessels are classed as merchant ships? I'm not at all sure that a private broads cruiser whould qualify nor do I think a hire cruiser would. But then, as I get older, I realise I'm nearly always wrong.
  21. The thing is if you offer help you do actually need to be confident that your not going to end up as a hindrence. Offering asssitance at sea might well save lives. At least if you conk out on the river your not far from the bank which will at least give you time to think I wish I could get a B***dy phone signal.
  22. The peggy 800 is a smashing boat for the Broads. It's fun overtaking the mobo cruisers when you get a good blow but sadly, with a bendy river, the mobo's always get the last laugh. Have fun.
  23. Fortunately in this country we have professional learned people deciding the fate of those found guilty. They have the benefit of reviewing evidence, first hand witness to the accused in dock and personal witness testimonies. Taking all into consideration they come to a judgement regarding a suitable sentence. Whilst we all have our "uninformed" opinions as to what sentence would have been appropriate I am glad to leave it up to the professionals to decide.
  24. CARS!! Cor you lot must have had wealthy parents.
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