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Everything posted by Wonderwall

  1. So sorry to hear your sad news Alan. My thoughts are with you. Neil
  2. It was a Boxing Day tradition when I was wee boy. my family, gran and grandad, uncle aunt and two cousins . After a big lunchtime meal the adults would pour over the boats , and quite often the chalets too. The grand parents would often get a chalet , with extra rooms , and a selection of kids would stay with them , then kids would swap places during the holidays some leaving the boat to stay in chalet, some leaving the chalet to join the boat . And repeat . I remember the brochures being so well read and ended up in pieces , held together with tape!! We had a large boat one year , I think it was broads venture iv , could be wrong , and the chalet was at potter. I think the boat was from Stalham . A big heavy woody , which had the main pilot ( my uncle) cursing as the wind dictated which way it went!! Happy days indeed.
  3. Hi MM I certainly wasn't trying to demean anyone , it was tongue in cheek, a little dig at a post I didn't agree with . Falling out , making enemies , is not my remit , especially on a forum like this . I've enough of that in real life Another way to look at it , if an entrepreneur chooses to build a venue of some entertainment on the broads , and peeps who enjoy such a thing, choose to go in their droves, it then frees up a few more idyllic moorings perhaps . Maybe I was being a bit precious , but it was the old bug bear of " if hirers choose this" that pulled my tail . Anyway , no harm done hopefully, apologies if I came over wrong . Peace and love to all broads people
  4. I have no idea, as I mentioned , I only recently found this out . It may be that all MIA recieved no monies, my granny certainly didn't . I was very young when she died , but apparently she often questioned where the money raised from the poppy appeal went , because she was left to raise a family of 2 without a breadwinner. I shall try and find out more about it , unfortunately all the people who knew her well are becoming less and less!
  5. I just found this out recently My Granny ( no longer with us) lost her husband in the war. She never ever bought or wore a poppy. The reason being , her husbands body was never found, and was deemed MIA, she therefore never recieved a penny of help , he ( and others ) were treated and regarded as potential deserters. How utterly sad is that.
  6. Haven't hired that particular boat, but have have hired from HW about 6 times and have been delighted with boats and service every time .
  7. 5 is a great achievement without doubt, and hats off to him. He is not the most gracious person in my opinion , but that's his business. To say he would have won the title if he was driving a Ferrari is just far off the truth for me.
  8. Thanks. Tell her I said hello , miss her and am thinking of her . Neil
  9. What a legacy he has left. His family and friends can walk tall at these sad times.
  10. Glad everyone safe and sound. I wonder if the young cadet was sea sick?
  11. Take the little uns. It's the greatest place in the world, enjoyed even more by having your best people around. Go for it
  12. Hello Svenuk Ive hired from Pacific cruisers twice in the last 3 years and both times they have been top drawer. Especially in value for money, the two boats I had were competivly priced , very well turned out with everything you need on a boat. The staff just couldn't be any more helpful and friendly. Lovely people. Freedom boats I have never had the pleasure , but the yard and boats look great any time I have seen them, and I've never heard a complaint. let us know how you get on.
  13. Oh well, better luck next time . I always thought an examiner only intervened if he felt the driver was unsafe. For him to give you what sounds like advice and coaching during your test seems bizarre . Your not the first to fail,and you won't be the last . Should you be looking for advice , I would say you tend to over complicate things . If your instructor is putting you forward for your test he/ she must feel you are ready. Simply go out and carry out your instructions . I taught my daughter to drive , she passed first time . Stay confident, stay calm . I really doubt the examiner has it in for you , I would be surprised if he knew anything about you, it is a tiny percentage of folk who vist this site. all the best neil
  14. If your looking in Gracie , you are being missed, let your friends now your ok.Thats an order Things definitely changed round here , nothing stays the same forever. But most folk on here are good eggs . Stay with it, the cream always comes to the top.q
  15. I join this discussion late, and admittedly without reading all posts. But my take on it is , the clip above , while not nice viewing , is nature at work . And nature has evolved very wisely to create a good balance . It tends to be humans and their over large brains who mess it up. I ain't no tree hugger, I'm very happy to be part of the top of the food chain , thems the breaks I'm afraid. We should , I think , however , make a marked attempt not to interfere too much with the balance . It has for example seemed for a long time , their is too many geese on parts of the broads. Which dosent usually end well for over populated species . Disease usually intervenes, again nature balancing out the sum of the equation. Otters ( I think) belong on the river , and take out the weak of their prey. Back on topic , I think a close season on the fishing can only benefit both the nature side , and the fisherman . I am 50 year young , been on the broads many many many times , but only once during close season . Only once for a reason! I so enjoy , part of my holiday being rod in hand , chilling out , fishing away . But I can see the pointless part , when I'm not eating my catch . I'm skilled enough to release most of my catch , unharmed , but every now and then my actions do harm a fish and I have to question my actions . I console myself knowing I have fed many a million fish , in my desire for a bit of sport and relaxation . That probably all means only sense to me !!!!
  16. They are a stain on modern life . Ive been told a set of ear plugs and a whistle next to the phone are handy. Insert plugs in ears , take a deep breath , give it a blast.
  17. Are you sure that's not channel sexteen?
  18. Can I just say , that those who are lucky enough to make the "unofficial " meet , I hope and I'm sure you will, all have great time . I'd like to think , that I will make it along to one , where I will look forward to saying hello , and sharing a wee whisky with some good people. I can see , on this thread for example, how being a mod/tech on here , could be a tedious thankless task. Well , I take this opportunity to thank you all. IMO it's still inhabitated by very very good people in the majority.
  19. I support Hibernian FC because they are the greatest club in the world. From the finest city. Its in my blood and has been for generations. I would struggle to keep the passion if the players were receiving per week , more than the average man earns in a year. How did that happen?
  20. " The Wasp Factory" the first novel from the superb Scotsmaan Iain Banks is a fine novel, if you like a bit darkness and twist. Nothing much to do with wasps if memory serves me though! Thank me later
  21. What should hirers do, when a private boat powers passed at 3X the limit, creating a wash which can knock your cups of the table? Or even worse , the beer out your hand
  22. A lot of pubs are now restaurants, maybe they are counting them. A bar has a pool table, dartboard, dominoes , a tv with either football,rugby ( strictly 6 nations) horse racing and I suppose golf or tennis on if Wimbledon or the open are happening. , it becomes a pub, if there is a lounge for the fairer sex, so they can drink their fruit juice and plan next weeks dinners, otherwise, it is a restaurant, which also serves beer at 3 times the price , or wine at 6x.
  23. I never knew you were meant to wait until it is docked. I've always just judged it so as I'm not too close to the ferry.
  24. I'm quite a sociable person, but when on the broads, I do like my space. We tend to eat early and then head off somewhere quiet for the night . If the weather is bad ( remember they days?!!) I'll try and find a quiet mooring instead of wild. I don't come in the peak times , but when I do ( early July or late September/ October) it's not a problem to find a quiet spot. I remember about 30 years ago , boats being 3 abreast at Yarmouth, and that was at the Marina which of course is no longer there but if memory serves me , a good few boats could be accommodated there.
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