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Everything posted by Wonderwall

  1. It's been a bad one ....... Work has been cancelled for 3 days . Pager went off this morning ( retained firefighter) 7.30. Lorry fire on the motorway. Had to dig my van out of drive, by the time I was on fire engine my hands and feet were like blocks of ice. Motorway was like the North Pole , horizontal snow , gear absoloutley soaking wet by the end . Got my first coffee about 10am , hence big headache. Back home to find my fence , which was already temp shored up , was almost over in the gales . A few hours trying to save it while the wind and snow totally bullied me . . It's kind of hanging by a thread just now, but if this wind keeps up ( which it will, ! )it's just a matter of time untill it is half way up the street . ( this is all the cause of a rotten post, it was a professional who put it up and did a good job ) Then my wife and daughter who are due to go to Tenerife tomorrow for a few days to see the outlaws, have had there flights cancelled. Of course my wife is gutted not to see her mum or get a bit sun. My daughter is stuck at her uni digs in Edinburgh ( 30 miles away) and all trains and buses are off, with police strongly advising no non essential travel. We have about 2 foot of snow with some of it drifting up to 3 feet. The snow continues to fall , the wind blows hard , my fence is waving about like a flag up a pole!!! My wife is understandably down in the dumps. On the plus side , I have plenty beers, what time is it acceptable on a Thursday afternoon to crack one open?!!!!!!!!!
  2. I was looking forward to the living aboard thread, it was mentioned ages ago. I was also modded for giving my opinion on something , it was light heated and not aimed at anyone , just my take on something. I thought it harsh , but really got over it quickly , it's not worth fretting over. Same as if someone is rude to me online, I really struggle to get offended . Some online warriors are really quite entertaining, it's almost a step away from real life , and the written word can and does lose its tone somewhat. I hope you stick around , healthy debate is good , a lot to be learnt from differing opinions and characters. It would be a boring place and world if we all wanted and agreed on the same things. Good luck
  3. The shed is a great wee pub. Its got a a proper pub feel as well as being a bit quirky. More importantly , it has a pool table, a dartboard , a jukebox , sells food, beer, and spirits , and it's on the Norfolk broads. I wouldn't be on that side of Yarmouth and not go . If you haven't tried it , give it a go . As they say in these parts, it's the berries!!
  4. My month report could say " good effort, room for improvement!) ive had a beer or whisky on an odd school night, but not much at all. Peanuts are my downfall, and I like a biscuit, but again , I have reduced both by around 70% there a bouts. Step count is over 10000 everyday almost, but have only managed 15000 about 5 times. Best result is my swimming which I have managed100 lengths + every week. Got 26 in tonight. So, not bad, have probably lost a couple of pounds and slight shrinkage on the mid rift , Onwards and upwards, must keep it up next month. interested to hear others gains and fails, it ain't easy getting on !!!
  5. 2105 the winner should make a donation to the RNLI or some other broads related charity .
  6. I could easily be persuaded to have a " wee gold felly " tonight is our much missed friends memory. . He passed on a lot of common sense to me when I was feeling a bit down , and while he is no longer available for a chat , whether it be sport, the broads , our profession ( sparkies) our just a bit banter , I still read back the messages we sent to each other if ever I need reassurance about things we discussed. So , in a way , he does live on . Without wanting to blow my trumpet , I do get satisfaction that it was my request we should change the name to " broadscot lounge" I also wrote a poem about him , which I think is still kicking about on here somewhere . I'm not saying it was any good!!!! , but it was my Rabbie Burns attempt at a bit acknowledgement for the fine man . Oh , and he did play cricket in his younger years , he had the battle scars on his knees and back to prove it!!! All the best big yin, forever in our thoughts.
  7. Good luck, I hope the lowlife scum who have taken it get their comeuppance . Might help if you give the area from which it was taken? Chin up, don't let the you know what grind you down.
  8. If they require anyone to take any boats out for a few trial sleepovers, then they can get me on here . No problem All the hire yards I have had dealings with over the last ten years , HB , Richardsons and Pacific have been on the top of their game . Both in boats and customer service. Norfolk folk in general ( on my experiences) seem a good friendly bunch. Certainly adds to the holiday experience.
  9. And a great big happy birthday from me
  10. All these byelaws, rules , regulations , do's and dont'ts can make all this cruising on the broads seem perplexing. Ive been coming to the broads for nearly 50 years, without knowing pretty much any of them. Common sense has however has served me well , as it has most others. If you come up behind a boat , who is going slower than you, pass on the least inconvenient side to your new friend , give them a wave and continue on in paradise.
  11. Okay, I comprised Had my retained fire brigade training tonight. Came home and went down pub about 2 hours after everyone else . Still managed to sink 3 foaming ales , but it's nice to be nice . Is it not!!!! Done 30 lengths earlier today , so I feel I've already paid my penance !!!!!! So , the 3rd day and I've regressed already , no surprise I suppose . It's hard be a sociable type!
  12. My resolve is already being tested. A friend has called to see if I fancy a couple of beers tonight ( I'm still on holiday) When I said I wasn't sure , he was bemused , " have you got something else on? ". " is everything ok?" " are you scared I might beat you at darts? "!!!!!! I could of course drink orange juice, but that's just double torture . I have the breaking strain of a kit Kat , so let's see what happens. At this moment in time , I'm staying in
  13. So Grace, All you want to do , is stay the same I suppose what they say is true,.....if it ain't broke and all that
  14. So, the decorations are down, the over indulgences of food and drink are kicking in . A new year , a new me beckons . Ive never really been one to make resolutions , but this year I seem to be challenging myself to a few. The big "50" happens this year , so maybe that's what is driving me on to make changes . I've kept most of them to myself , but thought if I put it on here , it might shame me as the year goes on to drive on with them , should in the more than likely event I slacken off!!! Most of them actually come under one heading " stay off the couch"!!! The targets here , amongst others are to do at least 100 lengths of my local pool every week (25m) and to get my step count on weekdays to 15000. Not a drop of alcohol on a school night, and no more than 2 cigs a day ( very rarely have any more than 2 a day anyway, but boy I enjoy them.!) More fruit and less biscuits. Achieve , a break of 50 at snooker . Reintroduce myself to the guitar which sits in my living room , which I learnt late in life , reached a very basic but enjoyable standard , but sadly fell out the habit and is now alien to me. Even though I have set a few, they are all quite easily achievable so hopefully my mojo holds up,and both physically and mentally I should feel the benefits . Made a good start today , cleaning out the garage , which ain't a quick job but I'm already looking forward to carrying on tomorrow . There is something therapeutic about losing junk and clearing space for some more !!! The attic is next . So, what's everyone else hoping to target?? Hopefully we can check in here as the year goes on for some moral support and the odd size nine up the backside if and when required Happy new year all. Neil
  15. Just me , the boss and the young lad. Feels very strange, usually have folk round or go out . Trivial pursuits in on the cards I think . Going visiting tomorrow , so will have an unusually clear head for New Year's Day , which will be nice. All the best to you all , Lang may yur lum reek
  16. I agree , this is a great place with lots of knowledgable and kind people . The hard work which goes on behind the scenes , I can only imagine , my heartfelt thanks goes out to them all . Before I " submit " anything , here or any other site , I always ask myself if I would be prepared to say it face to face ? And if the answer is yes , I send it. It's also the advice I give to my not so young kids. It stil, didn't prevent me from being sent to the naughty corner here for a while , in a post which I genuinely meant as light hearted! . I didn't mean to cause any grief , and has resulted in me not posting on here very much . We live and learn by our mistakes , and being human, we will always make them I suppose . My best wishes are sent to all , and I look forward to booking a boat in the new year and telling you all about it , and finding out all the latest " hot spots" Happy Christmas everyone . Neil
  17. Well done , lucky people , I'm sure you will have years of great times onboard. Also , without knowing him personally, Alan ( Ranworthbreeze) appears a top lad and will I'm sure help you out all the way. Have fun and keep us posted
  18. I've just re-read this and want to point out, my young lad didn't say pooh!!! the missing letters are are I and S. A Scottish term for below standard
  19. Sitting at the tea table one day , good few years back , I asked my young lad who was about 6 at the time how he got on at school today? " boys v girls at basketball " he said "did you win" "yeah, the girls were p@@h" he replied all innocent!!! Tomato soup then burst out my mouth over the table!!! We just informed him that's not a good word!!! He obviously learnt a new word in the playground that day , and didn't realise it was on the "banned list" I swear too much , truth be told ( not in front of kids etc of course), but it often seems the best way of expressing myself. Never heard a swear word in my house growing up, ever.
  20. In what respect is it any different to having fun in today's goings on? I certainly have a lot of fun when on the broads, doing nothing much different than I did 40 years ago as a young lad.
  21. Only had time to watch the,first 15 mins , will watch the rest later . Fantastic viewing!! Couple of points of note, not a,life jacket in sight and the water levels look quite high which seems to blow away some of the myths.
  22. The boat " Lady Linda" appears to be taking on some water and they are trying to inform the owner. Dosent say the location which might help a bit. I seem to remember seeing this boat but can't remember where.?
  23. pacific cruisers were a good experience for me , and I plan a week on them in July hopefully. Just awaiting the word from my daughter who is now at uni and "might have a better offer apparently" though goodness knows what that could be??? Clubbing it on some sun drenched island , with the hunks and beauties of youth is a poor second if you ask me!!!!, also as I point out to her, the bank of Dad doesn't operate in such places ( I aint half getting old ) But with age comes wisdom , and she should listen to her old man. I must admit, the stretch between stracey and reedham aint the prettiest and I prefer toddling around all the other gems above and below. Cruising north to South is for a 10 day break at the least for me. That said , there is for sure worse things to spend 5 hours doing . Better get some work done , or my holidays will spent doing the garden!!!!!
  24. Apologies if this information is already in the archives, but it appears Pacific cruisers have a new boat called Vista. It has the look of an Alpha cruiser , am I correct in this assumption? It looks a lovely boat but is the top end of their price list by a bit. Or, as usual , am I just talking no sense
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