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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    There was a roundabout planned by Tesco when they wanted to expand onto what is now the Macarthy and Stone Site. But the plans were objected to twice by the Stalhamites.. Tesco gave up.. I don't think the traffic lights warned about, are permanent they are just for the road works..
  2. All the grass, the sailing club car park , and the public car park all belong to the Swan Inn. The sailing club leases it's car park AND IIRC 12ft depth into the grass, from the car park along the bank edge to the end of the moored motor boats. That's to the start of the where gravel path on the bank starts. The sailing club DOES NOT authorise anyone but club members to use their leased parts for anything but club purposes, due to insurance requirements. I do not know what the Swans position on fishing is officially, However I have seen many times people fishing including overnighting. But the mooring of boats comes first, as that's their customers.. Also note if your planning to fish there, it's worth having a look at https://horning-sailing.club/ "sailing calendar" to see what's on during daylight hours (09:30 -16:30 ) at weekends, as the river just there gets busy with turning boats. Generally one Sunday in two is a racing day at the club, with the rare Saturday. In the Summer, Saturday afternoon / evenings is Sundowner sailing, Thursday afternoon / evening is the sailing school, but they normally go up on to the broad. From Mid October Snowflake sailing club https://www.sfsc.co.uk/pages/ rent Horning Sailing Club premises for 6 months through to March, they race only on Sundays and Boxing day. (10:15 - 16:00)
  3. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    A new set of road works signs ( for traffic lights) have appeared outside the Tescos Junction at Stalham. Where at 06:00 this morning there was queue of traffic almost to the A149 for petrol I expect chaos... Meanwhile a few minutes later in Wroxham, there were people queueing up for fuel on Norwich road, at the barriered off PFS of Roys, two cars had obviously driven in the exit and were at the pumps... The petrol Station was in darkness....
  4. https://amp.theguardian.com/travel/2021/sep/26/sailing-holiday-norfolk-broads-historic-wherries Though not entirely correct, because iirc Colin Facey rescued and rebuilt White Moth , but was forced to sell her during a previous recession..
  5. I don't know if its been mentioned, the DVLA staff have been running a go slow / strike since early August..
  6. The sun, newspaper? Has been running articles on Britain "RUNNING ON EMPTY" 23rd sept. We drove down from Scotland yesterday, no problem with fuel on the motorways, except £1.599 a litre but elsewhere very little fuel about. When I got to Tesco's Stalham the queues were out onto the A149, I had to drive to Sutton and back to the high street to walk into Tesco for a bottle of milk. We have half a tank of fuel left, we use a tank and a half with me just going to and from Norwich for work. I can't remember what's left in the Landrover but that hopefully will keep me going for a few more days..
  7. Yep I've got the trailer the quad was towed in, from job to job. I bought it from Hazel, who I still meet most weeks at the model railway club.
  8. Cost of containers and shipping has gone up all round the world, the cost of shipping containers from China to the UK has quadrupled in the last year. So it's not just Brexit. The company I work for brings in stuff from Europe and sends stuff to Europe all the time (and the rest of the world). Once they got the hang of the new forms, there wasn't a problem. Just type in the relevent details in the boxes on the computer, the printer spews out the forms , attach to the items box. They've not had to increase staff or anything. Much of the problem has been just in time manufacturing, one hiccup in the supply chain and there's a problem. Hiccups all round the world in the form of covid and there's a BIG problem.
  9. There's also voices of Hickling, I knew the late Harry Nudd he helped at Hickling SC and looked after the parish Staithe . Though I knew him through Broadland Model Railway club , and I inherited his model railway. http://broadlandmodelrailwayclub.co.uk/ If you can understand every word of Harry you be a better man than me bor. http://www.voicesofhickling.co.uk/harry-nudd-17.html
  10. Seen kingfishers in Horning, out the back of the sailing club many times, also regularlyin the entrance to Black Horse Broad.
  11. ooh I think thar be much to wide a definition. Someone from the next village be a furriner.
  12. The thing about tidal rights, is it only applies to natural waters, before the rediscovery that the broads were not natural , that thought was used to keep various waters open. But we now know the broads are not natural. So legally the land owner of a broad has total rights to close it off.... UNLESS Some rights are otherwise granted. Such as access to a staithe, or say Barton broad where the river was diverted through the broad. Access to a staithe, does not give the rights to mudweight. Sutton ( originally called Stalham broad), apart from the fact it could do with being reopened into its original broad size, it's now just really a wider bit of river. Yes rights of access. Bridge broad, not sure who actually owns it but access is allowed. Wroxham broad, no rights, never been a staithe, no reason for any one to use it. NBYC hire it from Trafford estates and have total rights. Salhouse broad, ex gravel pit. As far as I know no staithe and no rights to use it but no objection from the owners. In the distant past there was a charge to mudweight, various chancers have extracted money since . What the current position for mudweight charging is I don't know. Hoveton Great Broad and associated minor connections , closed off by the Blofield family, no staithe, but reports are it was a wherry short cut, I believe there's a photo of a wherry on the broad, so closure of the broad is doubted legally. Hoveton little Broad / Black Horse Broad the wherry men used to moor in the north east corner to walk up to the black horse pub without objection. So some rights have been earned Cockshoot broad, no staithe no reason to use it so doubtful we'll ever get access again. Ranworth Broad, no staithe but is it really part of malthouse broad? Should there be rights to navigate? Malthouse broad has a staithe therefore rights to navigate. South Walsham broad, the Weirs, well there is a staithe in the Weirs area so a right to navigate, but does that apply to the main part of South Walsham broad? Hickling broad, and associated open waters to get there, there are staithes and there must have been a waterway through it so yes rights to navigate. Horsey Broad, access to Horsey staithe and Waxham cut which once led to a brickworks, so yes rights to navigate whatever the national trust say. Trinity broads, I believe there was once wherry access to the broads, and that it's still possible by canoe, but I can't see the right of access ever being restored. Southern broads I don't know, and I've missed out some bits of the northern broads. I'm sure others can add to this.
  13. TheQ

    Cockshoot Dyke

    Which reminds me just when are they going to reopen Cockshoot broad which was closed "temporarily" about 40 years ago?
  14. Yep the thinners / brush cleaner used to clean brushes is more expensive than a cheap brush. I buy brushes in Bulk for fibreglass work and where paint work does not need to be of the highest quality (down in the bilge etc) and was getting them at 20 to 30p from Amazon, I see they are now just over 40p EA for 24 2 inch brushes..
  15. AGGGHH NO, the green will infect my boat at Horning.. it has enough green of it's own!!
  16. As for not putting that Zig unit in a boat, if it's a broads motor boat we are talking about, they're floating caravans anyway, many of the electrical fittings used in the hire ones are not marine rated, never have been, there just isn't any need. What's the difference between a boat on the river and a caravan sat on the bank by the river? That being said the Zig unit isn't a particularly good charger, there are many better around..
  17. No idea if it was full before it... The draft agreement to replace the railway bridge was 1963, the old railway bridge was demolished in 1968... So the concrete thing will have been built soon after.. That graph doesn't include the fact the south and east of England is sinking and has been since the last Ice age by about 0.6mm a year, or about 8 or 9 inches since the bridge was built...
  18. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    Back to road works, between Ludham Johnson Street and Ludham traffic lights due to a partially collapsed building by the roadside.. a vehicle may have helped in that. Catfield, just off the A149 towards Haines factory, road closed or so it says.. when they're not working you can weave your way through like the bus does. The road signs imply the road works are on the A149 but they're not.
  19. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    Where I live the proposal to build a railway line was abandoned around 1900. Buses what buses? There aren't any unless you like carrying heavy bags of shopping from the nearest bus a mile and a half away.. and there aren't many of them. 4 buses a day, taking 2 hours 2 minutes minimum up to 3hours 10 minutes to do the journey. All requiring two or 3 buses, requiring walking between bus routes as they don't connect directly. Distance? 20 miles..
  20. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    From Tuesday for those of you who wish to go to the big bad Metropolis that is Norwich, Grapes Hill roundabout is closed for the duration, I believe 3 Months!! Details here.. https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/-/media/norfolk/downloads/roads-and-transport/public-information-notices/norwich-grapes-hill-cleveland-road-improvements-31-aug-to-end-nov-2021.pdf
  21. TheQ

    Tour De Broads

    Wroxham Hoveton bridge is going to be a nightmare, most of the cyclists will be using it. I know several of the junctions they're using are not easy at the best of times.. Many of the roads they are using near me are single track which will be interesting if they meet a tractor and trailer or combine on route. I'll be at home all day, as I am today, with the noise of the hedge smasher going.. should be good for punctures for he goes a little further their way.
  22. TheQ

    My Day

    When I was a maintenance man for Tescos, taking apart the tops of self service tills was a regular occurrence to recover cards, that had gone between the scales and the counter.
  23. TheQ

    The Shed

    Reading elsewhere about pubs elsewhere, covid Pinging over the last few weeks has disrupted CO2 and some beers supplies.
  24. Due to the Queen's anniversary moving the bank holiday to the Normal 3RR weekend, the proposal for 3RR 2022 is that the race will be the Weekend BEFORE the bank holiday. So 28th- 29th May.. Final confirmation of next year's programme of sailing for the season has yet to be confirmed. Book your weekends now...
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