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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. ARRRGGGhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  2. SWMBO was most displeased when i got home last night, BBC 1 Football, BBC2 Tennis, Channel 4 Horse racing...
  3. When that mill was built there were still buildings along the river edge there, including a pub, it was still a busy area...
  4. TheQ

    Time And Tide

    The chart I use is on here http://www.norfolk-broads.org/index.htm It tends to indicate that the 4 hours applies to low tide as well, the difference being that more time is spent on tide going out than going in, as it brings the river water down and out. So may be it's 7 hours going out for 5 and a bit coming in. As is said, the wind rain and air pressure makes it difficult to predict exactly..
  5. I don't know I've forgotten..
  6. I succefully missed it all, two weeks more of missing it all to go...
  7. One of the problems with allowing all this modern design is you are losing the broads as it was. When I first came here Wroxham by the river was a mass of wooden sheds. Now it's a lot of Identikit housing. The building that replaced the wooden fish restaurant is another Identikit building that could be anywhere. The fact that wooden buildings were all over the broads were part of the broads... A single story with thatched roof, would be much more in keeping with the broads..
  8. Spend a few million on an under rail refridgeration system... they have the oposite for turnouts (points) with heaters to stop them freezing up in the winter...
  9. http://www.edp24.co.uk/acle-bridge-visitor-centre-plans-1-5565396 I don't know about you but none of these designs seem" sensitive to the area". They are all too tall and stand out like a very sore thumb...
  10. I was the maintenance man at Tesco at the time, the plans which I saw at the store. It Took the current road through the staff car park across Upper staithe road then parallel to upper staithe road. With a round about there on the main road. The petrol station, was moved across to much of the site of the abbatoir, and the current road to the main road + the petrol station site became the extended car park. Sadly without expansion, the store is too small to shop for everything, and is overloaded. The Stores loading bay and warehouse are woefully small already. The Expansion plans included a .com, home delivery service, this at the moment comes from Blue Boar or Great Yarmouth. Stalham is expanding, in this case I think the management, have been short sighted with stopping their expansion in Stalham. Yes is was the former management that were found to be fraudlently reporting the performance of Tesco. that lead to Tesco cutting back on expansion plans..
  11. Another set of signposts knocked down on the NDR, the signs in the triangle of the NDR / Wroxham round about on the city side have been down for some time, now the ones on the Wroxham side have been demolished, large piles of sand absorbing oil on the Triangle where the sump must have been smashed
  12. Further developements, electrcity installation vans at the cremated Swan, security and FIRE alarm instalation vans there as well. As an aside to this I see the Stalham Tescos has it's staff car park up for sale now...
  13. Horning Sailing club don't disable their home up and down river cameras, the computer does however trip out occasionally. So it needs someone with the right keys and know how to go in and reset the computer. It being a Thursday, there are people down at the club to get everything ready for the sailing school, so it has been reset, and soon you'll see lots of little future 3 rivers racers getting ready on the water..
  14. They generally didn't keep coal plants on standby, it was gas plants / nuclear, as it was press a button and almost straight To full power on them.. plus of course dinorwic
  15. Thats the problem with throw away Vehicles like Jeeps. 50% of all proper landrovers are thought to be still on the road, mines a youngster at 34. This isn't mine but it's the same model.. NO it's not a Defender..
  16. TheQ


    You only need to come over Hoveton /Wroxham bridge to see the problem. Would all those holiday makers behave like that on an A road at home... no. But they're on holiday and think it perfectly correct to wander out in front of cars and seem most put out if you beep your horn to remind them your arriving in a ton of moving metal..
  17. These are the enviroment agencies live river level gauges. https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/river-and-sea-levels With a bit of work someone should be able to tally the gauge readings, nearest each bridge with the level at each Bridge. Sadly It's not something I have time to do..
  18. Come past Horning sailing club, 08:00, each day 30th July to 3rd August and your wish will be given..
  19. The Hamptons are in New York(state) Not in Norfolk, Virginia, although Norfolk, Virginia, is part of the hampton Roads (metropolitan area)..
  20. yes quants can be used, providing you are within the limits written in the race notification. You are allowed in any racing to use a quant or paddle to extract yourself from being aground, what you must not do is propel yourself forward, or use them in any other way for an unfair advantage like paddling or quanting sideways to help the boat tack.
  21. 1st and 2nd June 2019, and unfortunately the tide will be coming in again, but high tide horning is around 12:20 so not as bad as this year, it is however only 3 days before spring tides....
  22. That's those in the Brundle Navy or down at Cowes week, normally accompanied by faded red trousers. Me, you'll find I wearing the same as I would to work or sailing in good weather + life jacket or my waterproofs which are flotation devices as well. So if you wish to shout at a person for not wearing a life jacket don't shout at me!! 90% of the time I can spot a private boat, as they say above it's only the very recently privatised boats that are difficult to spot. You could spot my boat by, solar panels, navigation lights, Red Ensign and if your really observative, no diesel exhaust unless I've got the generator on.
  23. Camel train, wagon train!!! it's a Railway Station. Potter Heigham's RAILWAY station's last day of services was 27th September 1958.
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