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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. So glad to hear that it’s all going well. You must be really looking forward to that week aboard later in the month. 👍
  2. Cruising as slow as you like is part of the charm of boating. But in the situation where you’re struggling to keep back and maintain any steering because you’re on tickover bordering on reverse, I always wonder how the boat at the front is able to go quite so slowly. It’s usually an old Richardson’s bathtub drifting along! The weather is changeable. Lovely when the sun is out but quickly cools down when the clouds come over. Have a good afternoon Grendel.
  3. We’re thinking along similar lines Malcolm. Make the most of today and then probably home in the morning. The forecast looks poor and if we don’t go before lunch we will have to make a decision as to how to fit the journey home around the snooker final! 😂 Have a great day. 😎
  4. Lovely to “see” you all Helen in your photos. Seren looks like she just loves that spot looking out. Hope you have a great time whatever you decide to do, north or south.
  5. What stunning photos. Beautiful. It certainly is a cold night. Hope you’re warm and snug onboard.
  6. Lovely photo. We arrived in Lowestoft this morning to a very heavy shower of rain and hail. Still feels so cold.
  7. I read the post on Facebook and it does sound as if people have been ignoring the rules. Once all the staff had gone home what would there be to stop anyone staying there overnight or even using the boat trip area to tie up and get off.
  8. SwanR

    My Day

    That’s similar to us with the caravan now. It really does feel very different to be there in 50 minutes. I’m sure it’s going to be wonderful to be so much closer to your boat. It’s all about lifestyle choices.
  9. Wonderful to hear you’re home Bern. Hope you’re feeling better.
  10. Exactly what I’m keen to avoid. And actually as we approach any mooring he also gives me a clear shout once he has stepped off onto the bank with the ropes. He always wears his buoyancy aid and makes sure that I always know where he is.
  11. I think a lot depends on the interior fit out and where the doors are put. On Swan Reflection I have a clear view from the helm through the galley and the rear cabin to the stern of the boat. On Rose Emblem the door from the front cabin to the rest of the boat was in the middle if I recall correctly so I didn’t have that view. Might be remembering it wrong but I just seem to remember that was a disadvantage. The boat did have a rear camera but it wasn’t much help.
  12. We always make a clear plan together when we leave a mooring - what’s the tide doing, take the bow or stern rope off first etc. And my hubby always gives me a really clear shout when he’s back on board and I can take us away.
  13. Hope you're having a great time. :)
  14. That sounds like good news Ian. Good luck with your own viewings later in the week. We are still chasing our kitchen installers to get the electrical certificates. They’ve not supplied them since December. Apparently the electrician lost the test results so couldn’t issue them! He should be coming back this week to redo the tests and issue the certificate!
  15. That’s a really good reminder. 👍 I think people genuinely don’t have cash with them a lot of the time.
  16. Good to get safety reminders but I wonder how much of this always happened. Without social media we were blissfully unaware. Now everything gets reported and everyone has an opinion.
  17. Highgate Village. Must have seen some very high prices up there. My family were from that area and we used to visit often as I had close relatives up at the top of North Hill.
  18. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should!
  19. I see Dave Whitworth has started putting up the videos of his recent trip. Cerise Lady is on the start of Day Two Part One as you were moored in front of him at Neatishead. Didn’t know if you had seen it or usually watch Dave’s videos.
  20. I agree with that. There was one came over our garden where we used to live and I was looking for where the swarm of bees could be.
  21. Good luck! Looking forward to hearing how things go with the viewings of your home and the places you choose to view up here.
  22. Evening All .... great fun in the quiz. It's lovely to catch up with everyone. Tonight's winner was NikO with 14 points. The runners up were close with Polly in second place with 10 points. Have a lovely weekend everyone. :)
  23. SwanR

    My Day

    It was the same for us last June but we had no agent there. We let the people in and let them wander round the house on their own. When the weather was nice enough we sat outside. If not we kept to one end of the kitchen diner. Doors had to be left open enough for them to look inside. Then we went round and cleaned all the handles and stair rails before the next people arrived. Hard work when we had 9 viewings in one day! Hope it goes well Ian. 👍
  24. Thanks for letting us know. How is she getting on? Better I hope.
  25. Hello Slighty ... and welcome to the forum! Start of June may be a little busy but it's before the fishing season starts so not as busy as it might have been a couple of weeks later. Although this year may be more unpredictable than most. But you have the benefit of longer daylight hours. It's true that some folk will moor up at lunchtime and stay put but we've often found that many people will move on again after lunch. We like to have a meal in one of the pubs at lunchtime and then move on to a quieter mooring for the evening. The New Inn in Horning is popular and is one place where you can book a mooring and a table for the evening ... or however many tables you will need for a party that size depending on the guidelines in place by then. If you go the other way to Acle you have Pedro's and The Bridge Inn, both of which are popular. And I think other folk have said that you can book a mooring as well at Pedro's. Fleet Dyke is a nice stretch with two sets of moorings and a good path for taking the dogs for a walk. Salhouse Broad, as already mentioned, is a place where you may well get in but you will need to pay for the mooring there at any time of day. It's a nice walk up to the Fur and Feathers for a meal ... and an even nicer walk back to the boat as it's downhill on the way back!! The Ant is a river not to be missed so head up there - maybe moor at Ludham Bridge and walk to the Dog Inn, or head on up to Sutton and try the Sutton Staithe Hotel for a meal. There's a good stretch of moorings there. I could go on and on ... but why not check out some of the holiday tales where you will be able to see the routes other folk have taken. We don't usually plan our days but see where we feel like going each morning. However if you do need to book tables still in June and really want the pub stops then that may mean you are trying to work out your route before you get there. We often moor by 11.30 for our lunch stop and then by 3 for our evening stop.
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