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Everything posted by Bytheriver

  1. Have a look in here - all will be revealed ( You can take part in future reviews as well) https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/planning/planning-policies/development
  2. Hen has been away a lot even in the night this week & not sure if I have even spotted the cock visiting with food recently
  3. Add The Ship at Reedham to the list of closures - word on the Quay is that it will not re-open as anticipated however the old Cup Cakes Café seems to be re-opening soon selling fresh food ( Staff wanted for anyone interested)
  4. This is the latest published documentation I can find on BA website - unless Tom can come up with anything newer? https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0030/264738/Residential-Moorings-Guide-for-consultation-pc060320.pdf
  5. I had to wait 3 minutes for the Ferry yesterday going south ( It was closing at 9pm also) They have a vacancy for an operator
  6. Future Roadworks ⓘ Location The A47 westbound between the junctions with the A146 and the A140 Reason Barrier repairs are planned Status Pending Schedule Expect disruption everyday between 20:30 and 05:00 from 10 May 2021 to 15 May 2021 Schedule Expect disruption everyday between 20:30 and 05:00 from 17 May 2021 to 22 May 2021 Schedule Expect disruption everyday between 20:30 and 05:00 from 24 May 2021 to 28 May 2021 Schedule Expect disruption everyday between 20:30 and 05:00 from 1 June 2021 to 5 June 2021 Schedule Expect disruption everyday between 20:30 and 05:00 from 7 June 2021 to 12 June 2021 Schedule Expect disruption everyday between 20:30 and 05:00 from 14 June 2021 to 19 June 2021 Schedule Expect disruption everyday between 20:30 and 05:00 from 21 June 2021 to 26 June 2021 Lanes Closed
  7. According to the Traffic England website the works are overnight only !
  8. I did read the official list of discharges & did not spot any Broads Locations thought the names are not always obvious but bear in mind all of the treated sewage does end up in the rivers ( Spot Norwich just by the A47 Bridge on the Yare as one example)
  9. If the current number of boats about carries on I suspect wild moorings will be well used this year, by the end of the season many more will become obvious from the paint/jel coat marks on the banks & tree roots as they were back in the 1970s & 80s. By September when we came it was pretty obvious where it was safe to attempt a mooring. Stay safe & wear life jacket
  10. The yacht which was tied to the sunken craft ( now removed to the bank ) is on its way to Norwich BA Depot
  11. The Details are here https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/about-us/committees/navigation-committee/navigation-committee-15-april-2021?fbclid=IwAR2SLu-W1nh1dYQlA_QRS5ThlZdlO4Z4sl22y4reHf8V87MINHzFx-ttkxg
  12. The new development in Norwich on & around the Colmans Site includes a proposal for a new Marina - I signed up with Norwich City Council to receive updates last week
  13. On the FB page of a London Park I follow someone claiming to be a Councillor claimed due to objections to so many objections to bulldozing a council estate to build posh flats (true) they were going to build in the underused parts of the park with a consultation to choose which part - now that was OTT in my opinion To make matters worse Admin took it down but it was reposted this afternoon! Problem is knowing the reactionary nature of some of the population there will be a demo outside the Town Hall tonight as they cant resist a good flag waving session
  14. Here is the latest info for liveaboards https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-for-those-leading-a-nomadic-way-of-life?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_source=3bf5bb5f-776e-483c-b3bc-a440d1f0f5ea&utm_content=daily
  15. I ordered Heating Oil on Saturday just to be on safe side on a pay now deal so fingers crossed
  16. Of the Councils in this shared contract with Serco only North Norfolk is on the Broads & their service is good - The Contractor does what the council put in the contract specification & empty the bins the council provide. Serco have had the North Norfolk Contract for a year so there should be no noticeable difference in their area. NNDC put in a whole new set up at Neatished in 2019 including re-cycling Broadlands DC contract is with Veolia & their high summer amount of bins are out already. South Norfolk is a in-house service using (at Loddon) litter bins that are emptied daily. Great Yarmouth BC are the ones who took all their bins away in 2014 from Stokesby Thurne & Repps but pick up daily (BA supplied bins for Acle Bridge last year)
  17. You may be interested to know Broadland District Council have already installed the full complement of Boat Waste Bins on Reedham Quay The last two do not usually arrive till Late Spring Bank Holiday. I would be interested to know if the other councils ( that still provide bins that is) have or are about to do the same. P
  18. The next Nav Com is on the 15th April as it meets only every 3 months with papers available on 9th April with a link to watch on the day . I suspect land sales are dealt with far away by people with lack of local knowledge but wonder if the purchaser had motives in not doing due diligence enquiries with their prospective tenant?
  19. Looks like the St Benets problem has arisen due to a change of ownership - clearly not a public sale & BA were not aware of it & have subsequently offered to purchase but its going to be a case of watch this space. There was a lengthy discussion this morning & the lease for the moorings has some years to run but not currently long enough to warrant commitment to a repair at this stage. Approx half of the moorings are not available due to safety concerns
  20. Here is the link https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/about-us/committees/broads-authority/broads-authority-19-march-2021 The papers are available & the meeting link will be available tomorrow - they are often a bit late starting so just keep refreshing page Start time 10am & there are usually around 20 people looking on.
  21. Few points - there is a lot of official help in the South from the Quay Rangers at GY Reedham & Norwich plus the Harbour Masters at Beccles & Oulton Broad & I'm sure someone at WRC can provide info. Reedham was full most nights last summer ( mostly hire craft on weekdays) Single mooring was a bit of a restraint. There were a couple of weeks that crossing times were not helpful when there were clearly less visitors. I spent my last 4 Mon- Fri Hires on the South & found plenty to do. What I have noticed having missed the initial stages of the 20 year bank heightening both South & North is the loss of view especially if in a low craft or bathtub
  22. The problem with selling the cards is that outlets are not allowed to get a mark up to cover their expenses paperwork etc Its due to the legislation to prevent rogue landlords over charging their tenants for power An unforeseen consequence yet again that would need parliamentary approval (Note to MPs to have it included in future legislation)
  23. When doing research into the subject of abandoned & semi abandoned boats a couple of years ago I came across two substantial EU Reports ( remember them) from around 2010 over concerns over the disposal of Fibre Glass Craft when they reached the end of their useful lives so clearly a Europe & probably World Wide problem. Even undated info from RYA https://www.rya.org.uk/newsevents/e-newsletters/inbrief/Pages/end-life-of-boats.aspx
  24. Bit like Norwich Station Sidings when the Class 37 were there a couple of years ago!
  25. There is a whole lot of work by the Environment Agency on water levels under the banner of the Broads Futures Intuitive The website is hosted by BA but please do not hold this against the project which is led by EA who have the funding & clout with government for future funding - the only way to get any suitable changes made. It is supported by local MPs as well as local representatives The project has been underway for some time so there are a number of reports well worth a read https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/looking-after/climate-change/broadland-futures-initiative
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