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Everything posted by Bytheriver

  1. The 80 page "Residential Moorings Guide" ( Google it) was presented to the July Broads Authority Meeting. The decision/updates will be in the Papers for the September Meeting
  2. There was a one off high tide Monday probably a combination of wind tide & atmospheric pressure it was almost up to the steps by the Rangers Hut at Reedham
  3. That particular high tide was a one off in the sequence & probably a combination of wind, tide & atmospheric pressure
  4. And an email to those of us who are Shareholders
  5. The village independents seem OK too ( as they were in the first lockdown) ! Lathams & the other QD Stores around the area & the other cut price sheds never ran out of Loo Rolls either - most made a feature of them as they started to re-open
  6. There is a video around somewhere of a craft with not quite enough power fighting the ebb up to Stracy & if there are any of the predicted thunder storms there could just be increased flow - bit hit & miss who gets them at the moment.
  7. The Ship Reedham opening today (Sat 24 July)with board out advertising their Sunday Lunches Best ring ahead though ( Check FB or Trip Advisor in case of revised phone number) Under new management.
  8. The real experts re Braydon are of course the staff at GY Yacht Station & you can ring for advice re the craft you are on much closer to the date of your visit as they will be able to advise on the conditions likely at the time.They are open till end of October
  9. BA Information Centres have a booklet on sale "Walking Close to the Norfolk Broads" The Broads Society have in their quarterly members magazine Harnser a walk supplied by the Norwich Branch of Ramblers in the July edition is a 5.5 mile walk around Coltishall & Belaugh
  10. This subject has been covered in past - In the boom years of the 1970s & 80s there were twice as many hire craft. Many of the large yards were taken over by the big companies ( Coral & Guinness and others) sold back when the bubble burst then lean years when economy & accountants came to the fore as in most business's Economy of scale now rules aided by the growth of short breaks especially off main season added to the mix (the traditional Saturday to Saturday relied on a lot of school age staff being ) I suspect a bit of Health & Safety is involved (Qualifications to work on gas & other technical equipment also a factor) All in with investment needed for what is still a seasonal trade the use of booking agents mostly investment companies not good old Hoeseason's & Blakes any more. Even the internet has totally changed the world.
  11. Top up tanks daily if you can then less panic if you miss a day ( with careful use)
  12. Does the site have mains drainage? Any prospective buyer certainly needs to talk to the BA Planners & check out the Broads Local Plan for what it has to say about the area https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/planning/planning-policies/development
  13. Just for info they are closed on Mondays & open the rest of the week at Noon & moorings can be reserved in the front of the Pub (Not the 24 BA Moorings of course) 01493 700367
  14. The application documents do include reference to the recently agreed Residential Mooring Guidelines. The next thing to look out for will be the Officers Report to the Broads Authority Planning Committee which are held every 4 weeks ( Not on- line any more) as well as any other comments submitted especially from the statutory consultees as only Norfolk County have so far submitted anything
  15. Indeed that is my question - no doubt they would look perfect in the presentation & they are not concerned as to returnees. Is the parking on the site of the building they propose to demolish?
  16. Pretty strong objection from Norfolk County Council on pedestrian access to village
  17. I don't know what the cameras picked up but there is of course always the chance that the said vandals were actually on a boat moored at the Yacht Station ?
  18. The full 100+ page document including the BA & NCC reports were presented to the last Navigation Ctte - unfortunately this meeting was after the end of on- line meetings so we will have to wait for the minutes to come out at the end of August https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/390008/Carrow-Road-Bridge-repairs-reduced-version.pdf
  19. Bytheriver


    The Lord Nelson is open 11am till 11pm Tue to Sat though does tend to close early on Sundays ( Currently closed Mondays)
  20. For those not aware the fact that the site is is on the river side of the flood defences is the reason it is the Environment Agency raising an objection rather than Norfolk County Council as lead flood authority. Both the parish council in which the site sits and the adjacent parish recognise the need to redevelop the site.
  21. Until the Environment Agency give the green light little else BA could do.
  22. The full info is here https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/391412/BA_2021_0067_FUL___The_Old_Bridge_Hotel_Site_Bridge_Road_Potter_Heigham___Redevelopment_of_site_to_create_12_holiday_units__restaurant_and_parking__.pdf
  23. This are the component replacement details https://www.networkrail.co.uk/running-the-railway/our-routes/anglia/improving-the-railway-in-anglia/swing-bridge-renewals/
  24. Bus from Reedham to Lowestoft would be a bit pointless as it would have to go via Great Yarmouth or Norwich which are both on Express Bus services to Lowestoft
  25. Its a long walk to the Bus Stop in Acle probably 20 minutes each way & the bus from Acle Bridge is very limited.
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