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Everything posted by Bytheriver

  1. Things have moved on a lot since the current swing bridge was installed with the overhead electric supply for the trains with only one pick up arm as they were loco hauled with push pull capability & the new ones are EMUs with two pickups & the rural ones are bi-modes with a engine as well - That said even the old ones would have cruised across the bridge & there would only have been a problem if they came to a stand. That said a fixed bridge could be designed with a much shallower profile allowing taller cruisers under anyway. Hopefully they may disclose this to BA possibly even for the Nav Ctte meeting One of the proposals for the new development downstream is to include a marina which would far more secure than Norwich river banks & is likely to have some form of public transport connection into the city for the whole proposal too meet sustainability requirements.
  2. The more polluters or potential polluters become aware EA are not enforcing /testing the more they will push their luck. Any government spending leads to more people being employed so can be regarded as a negative impact on finances (providing excess profit is not a consequence as is being alleged over some Corona related contracts)
  3. From the Town Council website - not sure what's happened in lockdown probably Food only? Last summer the Antique Fair moved to by the Quay and was extremely popular BECCLES FRIDAY MARKET Beccles Friday Market operates from 6.00am until 4.00pm every Friday. The Town Council is always looking for more traders to sell their products on their Friday Market, and if you feel you have something to offer in what you craft, bake or provide, then please download the registration form and send to Beccles Town Hall, The Walk, Beccles NR34 9AJ or call 01502 712109 if you require further information.
  4. Lived & worked in South London till 2001 & rarely return to see its overflowing litter bins & junk on almost every street (so that where our new visitors last summer learned the habit)? I've heard over 50% of hire boat bookings for 2021 are to those new to boating
  5. It may be worth having a look at the papers for the next BA Members meeting on Fri 19th March which will be issued a week before - They will include the minutes for the last meeting. Watching the meeting on line live will also yield the latest information https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/about-us/committees/broads-authority/broads-authority-19-march-2021 All of the papers & minutes for past meetings are also available
  6. Standard Council practice is that Domestic Waste & Recycling has to be taken to the Public Highway Trade Waste likely the same. Big surcharge for opening & closing two sets of Level Crossing Gates That information will of course be provided in the relevant box on the Planning Application Form
  7. Looks like the Network Rail had to do some safety work before the trains returned They have done a number of areas around Reedham since then as well
  8. The Permissive Path section from the Village to the River re-opened last October but the Public Footpath along the Yare is a bit rough & muddy where the Environment Agency raised the flood-bank last summer It should be fine by May
  9. Tea Room in Post Office does breakfasts from 9am in season & just maybe the Nelson could venture that way too
  10. The Ferry + The Lord Nelson ( under new management for 2021 ) The Ship
  11. To be correct - Three Pubs (One at the Ferry) Post Office opposite the Rangers Hut open Mon /Wed /Fri Mornings incorporating the Tea Room (Hours according to season including 7 days a week in summer) Grocery Shop 7 days a week (Hours according to season) Fish & Chips + usual extras Thu Fri Sat at lunchtime and evening (all year round except proprietors holidays. Back in the days of more than double the number of hire craft there were Two Grocery Shops on Riverside & two on the Hills including a Coop Mustn't forget the Train Station serving Norwich & Lowestoft with some direct trains to Great Yarmouth (All new rolling stock)
  12. The full story from Norfolk County Council re the upgrades https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/news/2021/02/major-upgrade-to-great-yarmouths-haven-bridge-starts-this-month
  13. I couldn't see any 37s stabled near the Snow Ploughs at Norwich last week just a DRS Class 68
  14. Like this one which may be sold though. On at bit more than 3 of its neighbours a year or so ago https://www.watersideestateagents.com/property/wea880/
  15. Norfolk Nogs Picture makes it look quite tidy unlike those in the presentation to the Planning Committee on the 5th Feb (EDP selective use of picture) The BA papers clearly show the lengths the officers have gone to over several years to resolve this.
  16. Best I have managed with my one ticket per draw ( when I remember to play) is 5 free goes from 2 numbers since Christmas which is better than my 6 month average I guess
  17. Most of the A47 closures are over night for "Horticultural Works" ie hacking back the roadside trees! (well overdue in places) (I always envisage a gang of gardeners in their headtorches pruning a few rose bushes)
  18. Not been to Norwich Station recently but they were putting the pantograph up whilst laying over in the platforms. There has been a suggestion that GA could run from GY or Lowestoft to London without having to change trains and of course the trains to Stansted do go over to electric for part of the journey.
  19. Maybe they had been reading their history books & thought the channel was reserved for Coasters ?
  20. Since that picture was taken the Station Car Park is now adorned with very expensive LED Lighting though from being full all day since a charge was brought in (pre Covid) the maximum is just one & I believe the same goes for Brundall as it is cheaper to drive to the Park & Ride than pay fares + Parking fee Postwick will hopefully be able to relinquish its role as a Covid Test Station soon
  21. Have to say since children were allowed in pubs along with many other things the ambience has changed. That said I have never smoked & hopefully didn't drink & drive. My daughter did accompany us on occasion & had her first job as a washer up in the back at 16 before moving to other things but it certainly set her up in the work ethic! The licenced trade is certainly about to enter a whole new era. Lets hope at least some thrive.
  22. Its not in the BA remit to dredge for drainage purposes only navigation though I hope the Environment Agency take a good look at the pending depth survey currently being undertaken by BA
  23. Seem to remember that Broadshaven felt like a cross between a Village Hall & a suburban Edinburgh Pub when everything was bolted down (The people I knew north of the border only took me once in daylight as an Londoner after dark would have been not welcome) Broadshaven was just bleak. Oddly the Edinburgh family were on holiday with us & we also visited the now lost Hotel at Potter & yes it was busy.
  24. Tolls are due for discussion at the re-convened meeting on the 9th Feb & Public questions can be raised up to 3 clear days before https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/about-us/committees/broads-authority/broads-authority-29-january-2021
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