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Everything posted by Upcycler

  1. It looks good for a Royal to wear medals, you can receive one for living on the back bench so to speak. I'm not a keen Royal lover, but for me William and Harry are down with us kids so to speak, compared with Philip and Charles.
  2. I am not trying to bait you, I just remember as I said how my dad use to get irate when he saw Philip on tv and through the years when Philip has come up in conversation, it seems to be a joke for many. Plus lets not forget, he has let go quite a few gaffes in the past and can be considered as a Royal comedian!
  3. When I said about Royals serving in the armed forces and wrapped in cotton wool, your reply was "If only you knew" You mention a couple of medals concerning Philip, but what about the rest? Have you taken a u turn on your opinion with the royals?
  4. By the way, God doesn't except cheques and the rainfall is free of charge!
  5. I have to say model BA is looking great and you are doing a marvellous job, but are we looking for completion by the centenary page of this subject. It would be a fitting end to this thread!
  6. Unfortunately my dad had the opposite thinking to you, unless there is a joke going on here linked to Only Fools and Horses? I can always remember when I was living at home and my dad was still around, he always had a severe rant at the tv when Philip appeared wearing his RSJ supported medals. I think it was because his dad died during his service war years and picked up a couple of medals and Philip who has many, I doubt has heard a bullet pass by his head. Over the years I have heard this brought up in conversation concerning the royals and Philip, and it seems for many to be and on going joke.
  7. I do wonder if there is an age limit where they wouldn't consider dissecting a human body for its goods!
  8. I don't know if I am right in saying this but I have always felt that Royals who serve in the British forces are always wrapped in cotton wool so to speak. I feel for the ones who don't and have life changing injuries. That's why I like Harry, because he realises this and for what he has done for ex army serviceman to be recognised is commendable.
  9. At your age I'm sure it's inevitable
  10. Are you on your own because the rest have been furlough?
  11. Never understood this comment, but I assume some people thought this had meaning. Perhaps he is remembered for us winning the war, and should not be for winning the war!
  12. For me it sends a tingle up my spine, for you, it's just another busy day at the office
  13. Unfortunately I was a bit sad and cheesy with my first car. It was a red Capri MK11 with the identifiable power bulge on the bonnet. 0 to 60 in 20 seconds going down hill, fog lights front and back, rear louvre on the tail gate, 20 watts per channel to the 4 speakers with the Audioline graphic equalizer with power LED's, rear static strips and to finish it off I had a George Michael striped blonde hair look. I would be interested to know about anybody else's cheesy teenage early car ownership stories.
  14. I'm sure there will be a few on here who will look forward to the house warming party.
  15. I went to the Fairhaven water garden last year and found it a really wonderful place to go. If you like a long walk in a garden that seems to go on forever, has little rivers running through it and you can take your dog, I would recommend it to anyone.
  16. This reminds me of what the RAF had in WW2 to identify enemy aircraft, obviously this is the broads version and I'm sure they are all friendly.
  17. At one point in her early life, this was someone's pride and joy. I hate to see boats looking like this.
  18. How can your lads week compare to the thousand of boozy holiday makers on the broads? You cannot oversea people you don't know!
  19. For me that is one ugly looking boat and with photo shop men on board so to speak, the picture for me is destined for the shedder.
  20. I do hope this BA model does get finished before 2021, because I'm not getting any younger!
  21. Unfortunately if that was the case and for some or most of our holiday makers, a lot of bottles along with caps and cans would end up in the river! Try and keep the drinking to the pubs Griff!!!!!
  22. If anyone can interpret from Yorkshire to the English language, it would be appreciated.
  23. I'm still trying to work out if it was quicker to make/build BA for real or the model!
  24. That's the trouble with those flappy things, they blot out the landscape and while you are trying to steer in a possible straight line and not annoy other river users with your unconventional tacking (I think that is the term) you miss out on what the Broads is all about. Believe me, stick to diesel!
  25. I think you find that if you were to do your shopping list, you would still get more likes and thanks than most. I have noticed on this site that there are a few on here that give a lot of input and should get more likes than that they receive. I myself can't bring much to the table as I don't own my own boat and since I am the only Broads lover in my family, my holidays in Norfolk are few and far between. But I do love the Broads and care for their well being and for generations to come. For me though when they have "Authority" in their name, they think they can do nothing wrong. So as I have said before, people will like you for what you are and will kiss some, because you are here!!!
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