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Everything posted by petersjoy

  1. Huddersfield beer, Rat brewery, white rat, my favorite tipple. Part of Ossett Brewery, Nows there's propper beer.
  2. I'll be going to the boat on Tuesday for a couple of days on my own, will have a chug to Oulton Broad for a night, might see you about, at least i'll recognise the boat you are on. .
  3. Clive is a member of this forum, you could send him a PM, C.Ricko if you do a search for him.
  4. i'm suprised too. Elaine watched some films on Netflix and i listened to a lot of music off You Tube.
  5. I've just got a 'Smarty' sim it's on the 3 network. £18.75 a month totally unlimited. Just checked my usage, just over 20gb this last 4 days on the boat so well worth it. https://smarty.co.uk/plans/unlimited?utm_medium=PPC&utm_source=Google&utm_campaign=CSIM_GENERIC_SIM-DATA_EXACT_GEN&utm_content=e&utm_term=unlimited data only sim&gclid=Cj0KCQjwoKzsBRC5ARIsAITcwXGzfb28IOcFN3JhIW6F9iEeVWtqdtnjwMJ35-LnjhvVwK3Ytu0BqAQaAhedEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Paul.
  6. https://www.spaldingtoday.co.uk/news/a17-bridge-works-will-restart-next-week-9085274/
  7. Hi John, i have a basic 'tomy' baby monitor, it is wireless with a mains charger for each unit. It's in the garage doing nothing, if you would like to borrow it to see if it would do, you are more than welcome. I'll be on the boat from this Sunday for a couple of days if you are interested.
  8. Yes, but it's £10 day mooring then another £10 to moor overnight.
  9. No, i think everyone pays to use the pool. Looking at their charges the £20 on the new pontoon includes water and electric so i dont think its too bad now. Will use it for visits over the winter.
  10. Yes, sorry about that, i missed the burgees on your boat, nice to talk to you though. i was too busy just saying hello to John also before we left.
  11. We also saw Nyx coming out of Wroxham, thought it was odd not seeing you at the helm.
  12. Yes, heading north for a few days then OB as you know for Wednesday. Unfortunatly we need to be back in Beccles Wed night to get home thurs, having a BBQ thurs afternoon as a leaving do for my granddaughter who is moving to uni in London on Friday. We have then lost our cat sitter who looks after them while we are on the boat, so we need to find someone else to palm them off to.
  13. We will be going to the boat next Tuesday afternoon until a week on Thursday.
  14. Hi Neil, If you tell me what name you want in i will do you a couple and give you them next week. Paul
  15. Do you mean something like i had in the window years ago? I made and laminated that one.
  16. Hi Peter, just tried the link, it won't allow permission to use.
  17. My insurance is also due for renewal, have been with my current broker for several years but have just recieved a renewal quote £135 dearer than last year. Needless to say i wont be using them this year. Just spoke to Alan Boswell in Norwich, got a reasonable quote from them so will go there.
  18. I wonder if Karl is still the 'owner'. It featured on Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners about 3 years ago. rewatched a recording of it i still have .
  19. Hi Neil, we should be onboard by Wednesday evening and heading to Loddon for the weekend, might get chance to bump into you. Paul and Elaine.
  20. Hi, Just for info, andyandsallyb no longer own Evening Star, i only know this from talking to the new owners the other week when i met them in Potter Heigham. only started talking to them from knowing the boat name and their thread mentioned above. I then found out the new owner was not only from Horbury near Wakefield in w yorks where i was born and brought up but he was the Commadore of the South Yorkshire boat club at Great Heck where a friend of mine and his mate have just moved their boats to Norfolk and all know each other well. Small wourld or what!!
  21. All this negativity against this once a year swim is really winding me up, just found what i said about this last year, if you havn't seen it don't knock it. Posted July 4, 2018 "Ok my View, i left Beccles just as the swimmers started arriving, no holdups i was in no rush to get anywhere so took it very steady watching the swimmers swimming the last 2 and 1/2 miles into Beccles well organized with plenty of Marshall boats and we could have been an extra pair eyes too if anyone got into difficulties. the last boat following said they were the last swimmers , so i could continue without worrying i may see any stragglers . yes it was well organized , not as many swimmers as planned probably but nice to see."
  22. £3 donated to forum paypal from me too for mooring fee.
  23. Is there a link to the Paypal account please.
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