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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Andyfish, You only have three options with regards to mooring. You can moor in the Norwich Yacht Station, if you can get under the Thorpe Railway Bridges then Thorpe, alternatively you can moor at Commissioners Cut. You can get a bus into Norwich from Thorpe or up the lane from Commissioners Cut. Regards Alan
  2. Hello David, Welcome to the forum. You do not say if this is your first visit or if you are a seasoned boat hirer? As other forum members have said take it easy and go with the flow. The Northern Broads will be a lot busier than the Southern Broads, the variation for tides is much less on the Northern Broads. There are some great spots for wild mooring and Broads to mud weight on, 24 hour moorings and outside the pubs will get full early. Personally I prefer the Southern Broads, but where you have hired from you would be using a full day tides permitting just on the journey south. The main thing is two enjoy your visit to the Norfolk Broads. Regards Alan
  3. Hello Nutngut, Welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  4. Hello Jocave, My advice would be that when you have removed and resealed the front windows, seal the holes in the rivets to stop any water that may find its way into the boat. We were on the boat a couple of seasons ago, it was raining heavy one day whilst moored at Brammerton, we were sat under the canopy having a brew for a change. Tan was holding her empty mug, we both saw a drip from the canopy, it was not from the canopy instead it had come from one of the press studs that are used for holding up the rolled up sections of the canopy. The drip was coming from the riveted hole in the press stud, on inspection this was the case on a number of other studs. I sealed all these press studs after the weather improved. To give you an idea of how much water came through the first stud Tan's mug was filling quite fast and soon had about an inch of water in it, just from a drip. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Nigel, I would deploy these and check that the bottom rung does go well into the water, it may be that you would have been better off with the 5 rung version also featured on the same page. If your is OK but does not payout correctly fix a weight to the bottom the bottom rung. Regards Alan
  6. Hello Nigel, Welcome to the forum, great early posts. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Tim the design looks good to me. and thick plastic or lexan if your Daughter in Law can get it will make it a stronger door than using glass. Regards Alan
  8. So far my only time I have been hanging waist deep in the water was many years ago, it was the year of the gales where all those piers collapsed, we were late getting back to the boatyard just above Stenson Lock on the Trent & Mersey Canal. We rounded a bend and went through a bridge but the wind caught us with a few yards and blew us into the bank. One broken barge pole later we managed to reverse back under the bridge and further down the canal into a sheltered section. Full revs on we bolted back through the bridge and managed to keep in the deeper water. As I said we went up Stenson Lock, quite a deep lock, I needed to pull us against another boat which had been left at the top of the lock, I stepped over to the other boat with a rope, I ended up with one leg over the rails of both boats, something had to give and I ended up hands clasped around the other boats rail, my legs and torso very wet. A change of clothes and the boat keys pushed through the office door, we headed back to Sheffield. The joys of boating, its great being on the water, but being in the water should be restricted to bathing or being on the beach. Regards Alan
  9. Hello Chris , Welcome to the forum. Looking forward to your input and advice from the forum members. Regards Alan
  10. For anyone interested in the BBC pay structure, here is a link:- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-40653861 Regards Alan
  11. Hi Smellyloo, How many TV programs do you watch on the BBC? I can only think of a one or two we watch on a weekly basis. I am glad we have not watched Doctor Who for more years than I can remember or I could be among the other people who are up in arms over the proposed female Doctor Who. Regarding Chris Evens, I always thought he was a prat from first hearing or seeing him from his early days on radio/TV. Regards Alan
  12. Contactless payments, I do not trust them and I always use my pin numbers. Regards Alan
  13. Hi Chris, My Maternal Great Grandfather was also in the Horse Drawn Artillery but he was in the Bore War, he was a small fiery Welshman and my Grandmother told me that he was not a very nice man as far as the family was concerned. Regards Alan
  14. It is the effects of your wash on the river banks which is the issue. The wash can vary from boat type to boat type. The worse wash I have seen on the rivers tends to be from the small boats used for accompanying sculling crews. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Tim are you going to peg the tenons to try and avoid joint creep, I have seen far too many hardwood doors fitted where it is a constant battle to stop them sticking. Putting another tenon in the upper section of the doors will give them more strength, I guess you will be rebating out for the glass before assembly. Regards Alan
  16. It looks like a cross between a Guards Van and a traditional gypsy caravan , its a pity there are no pictures or layouts of the inside. Regards Alan
  17. Hi Mark, Jon did indeed take the boat away, I always liked the curved stern of the boat, it had plenty of potential, I think he picked it up about three years ago, I am sure he posted some pictures of it earlier this year. Regards Alan
  18. Hello Y618 welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  19. Hello Charlie welcome to another branch of the Team. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Robin. I enjoyed the blog, as you say if it goes wrong then do it in style. This could take over from your tin opening moment Regards Alan
  21. Hello Innes, The message from Laura at the Broads Authority has the typo errors of June instead of the correct dates in July, I could have edited the message from Laura, but I left it alone to show that the Authority is human and make errors, I also prefer not to alter someone else's message. Regards Alan
  22. Dear All Please find attached the ABP Notice to Mariners No. 19 of 2017 regarding yacht racing in Lowestoft South on 15 – 16 June 2017 and a chart of the course area. Kind Regards Laura Milner Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Tel: 01603 756035 Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk Topper 2017 Course Area.pdf Lowestoft tide data July 2017.pdf
  23. Hello Martino, Welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
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