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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Alan, Which ever you go for (we have the horse shoe type, one mounted on each side) make sure that you get it with floating line, that way the MOB can grab for the line. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Poppy, It worked for me this morning, thank you for posting this. Regards Alan
  3. Hi Iain, Maybe you should go for one of these:- http://www.caravantimes.co.uk/news/gadgets/introducing-the-sealander--the-caravan-that-thinks-it-s-a-boat-$21380499.htm Regards Alan
  4. Hi Poppy, Thank you for your insight regarding the peregrine webcam. Sorry your link is not working. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Eric, Are you looking at the webcams through our links or directly to the webcam websites? Regards Alan
  6. Hi Iain, Enjoy your time away, is scoot also going on holiday? Regards Alan
  7. It has been good to watch the development of the young peregrines over the last couple of years on the Norwich Chathedral webcam. Our link to the webcan has been visited 5492 times this year by our forum members, lets hope the breeding pair return next year. Regards Alan
  8. Just been on the webcam and the young peregrine is just stood on the edge of its roost preening itself with no intention of taking flight. Regards Alan
  9. Hi Peter, "Alan, splicing is a doddle, just buy a Swedish fid and save pounds!" I have had a fid and a number of other aids for splicing, I made up our dock lines, all I need to do it nail them to the dock because they seem to have legs. Regards Alan
  10. Hi Ray, Open an account at Brian Ward's tell Tanya & Nick and you will automatically get your discount. Regards Alan
  11. Brian Ward's also offer a splicing service, have a word with Tanya or Nick. Regards Alan
  12. Hi Andy, I agree to some point regarding people who have experience on other waterways are boat aware but are totally out of their comfort zone when holidaying on the broads, the wind and tides are not fully appreciated. Training on all waterways these days is more involved and more time consuming both for the hirer and the boat yard. I am sure you tell if someone is try to pull the wool over your eyes regarding their experience. A few minutes at the helm is usually a sign of someone's competence regarding their boat handling, of course this does not mean they are taking in all of the procedures you are taking about, engine checks, toilet operation, heating and all of the safety equipment. Do you limit your instruction to one person (the skipper)? we have found that on the canals these days that instructions are usually given to two of the crew. Been boating for 41 years but only 15 on the Broads, guess that makes me a novice Regards Alan
  13. Hi Tim, Sorry to hear of this, you must be totally fed up. Being as you have backups are you going for option 1 or 2? Option 3 will be a none starter we have in the past used similar services for corrupt files being rebuilt for clients over the years, it costs a small fortune just to find out if they can offer any recovery of files. You always have to pay up front for this kind of service. I hope you are not down for too long. Regards Alan
  14. Hi David, I thought that was a Manchester Screwdriver? Please do not confuse Grace, its bad enough that that her favorite webcam has started acting like a Belisha beacon. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Neil, I had not heard about Lightning trying to demolish Wroxham Bridge. Regards Alan
  16. It seems to be fully working this morning with people queuing up to look at it. Regards Alan
  17. Hello Wonderwall, Welcome the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Not too long to your visit to the Broads. I assume that you are going on is Radiant Light? http://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/boating-holidays/our-boats/radiant-light.html Regards Alan
  18. Hello BoldBoy, Welcome to the forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  19. That does not seem right to me at all, can the Charity Commissioners do nothing about this? Regards Alan
  20. Hi Ray, Did you have to wait at the level crossing, when we were down last on going into Brian Ward's I got caught out on the way there and the way back. We go into the Yare if we are staying overnight in the marina, we have never had a bad meal in there, the fish & chip is great, just wish they did mushy peas (proper ones not those mushed up garden peas that a few of the other pubs have on offer; yuk)the pizza is ok but I keep making the mistake of a side order of chips and then struggle to eat both, Tan says the pie is to die for and the salads are very good, plenty on the plate and all fresh. Have you been in the new bistro yet? looks pricy with not much on offer personally for me. Regards Alan
  21. As far as I am aware Waitrose is even dearer that Tesco or Sainsbury. Even John Lewis staff with their partnership discount it is debateable if it is worthwhile shopping there. Regards Alan
  22. How can we make our time on the Broads safer for children? We can make sure that children are left in the galley on their own with anything being cooked. We can turn of the gas during travel and overnight. We can make sure that any matches or lighters are place out of sight or at a level that children can not reach. Ask the boat yard if they have fire alarms fitted also check if they have carbon monoxide detectors fitted, if not take one with you. Boat owners fit them as standard. If the children are allowed on deck life jackets are a must. If you own a boat and have small children aboard have some dodgers made for your doorways as a barrier. These can be fitted to open canopy doorways. Make everyone aboard the boat are aware of all the emergency procedures. Regards Alan
  23. Hi BB, It is already off again. and is now showing a temporary off line. Regards Alan
  24. Hello Bobdog, Timothy West & Prunella Scales did an episode in each of the two series of their Canal Journeys on of these programmes was on the Canal Du Midi. The canals do look interesting I have seen some other programmes that feature the wine growing regions. I am sure that you will enjoy it, it is just the question of who to book through. Like Holland all the locks I believe are manned. Regards Alan
  25. Hi Ray, Here is your picture. Regards Alan
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