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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hello Diesel Falcon, It might be an idea to remove the old veneer and replace with a new veneer sheet/sheets, not for the faint hearted but if your boat does have a lot of teak it may be worth it. I would try to remove it with a damp cloth and iron or a steam iron, the idea is to soften the glue that is holding the veneer in place. You could of course try using some wood bleach to get a more uniform colour and then fill the missing veneer with some wood stopper (teak if you can find it) . If you can get a good overall colour then you can stain it and give the top a polish. I have had very good results with many thin coats of Danish Oil allowing to dry between each coat. Regards Alan
  2. Lets be honest, if you wish to go beyond Potter Heigham or for that matter Wroxham, you can always hire a range of dayboats to travel beyond these bridges. Regards Alan
  3. On this site there is a few tips to try out, before you go the whole hog and have to totally strip down the surface of the table top. http://cleaning.lovetoknow.com/Remove_Water_Stain_from_Wood To be honest I think you will have to strip the table, treat the stain and then re-polish. Regards Alan
  4. Hello Stefan, I would estimate between 2.5 to 3.5 metres dependant on the state of the tide. Regards Alan
  5. Safety aboard should be of concern to everyone be it part of the BSS or not. On taking over our Syndicate in 2012 we checked all of our safety devices, extinguishes for dates, we found that the engine bay extingusher had been removed (replaced) and normal extinguishers were out of date, no throwing lines on the lifebuoys. We opted for automatic lifevests but kept some of the smaller sized normal vests as backups. We have a CO/CO2 detector in the galley (check the batteries and change each season). I also tend to turn the gas off in the gas locker when travelling and the last thing at night. What do you do? Regards Alan
  6. Hello Robin, Thank you for the report, it is a while since we last went to the boat show. Lets hope all the companies that exhibited from the Norfolk Broads had a good turn out on their stands and full order books. Regards Alan
  7. We have all done it at some time and anyone who hasn't just give it time, we all make mistakes, I know I do. Regards Alan
  8. If you really would like some warning points I am sure we can oblige Regards Alan
  9. Most of the chandlers will have them, we got ours from Brian Ward's when we replaced our damaged horseshoe lifebuoys. Regards Alan
  10. They always tend to get in the way being as they should be located handy, ours are reachable from the upper helm when the canopy is down but we brush passed them when walking to the boarding ladders. If you are leaving one on board make sure it has a good length of floating line attached to it. Regards Alan
  11. It always makes me wonder when the weather turns for the worst and the gusts strengthen how this effects all the boats we pass out of the water in the marina, if one boat blew off of its props they might all go down like dominoes. Regards Alan
  12. 58mph gusts have been recorded on the Norfolk Coast. Be careful out there. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/update_police_warning_as_windy_weather_with_gusts_of_up_to_58mph_on_the_norfolk_coast_brings_down_trees_and_causes_power_cuts_1_3911993 Regards Alan
  13. Hello BB, Thank you for posting this list, I am sure it will be of interest to many of the forum members. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Iain, Close the curtains, turn up the heating and hope it is all over soon. Keep safe. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Iain, On the radio this morning whilst going into work I heard that we had it bad in Yorkshire last night, it was certainly blowing where we live, we heard it all night. The report mention that the worst effected area was Scotland where parts were experiencing gale force winds of up to 119 mph. Regards Alan
  16. Hello Clive, I hope you do not mind, but I have provided a link in our information pages to your "Welcome to the Broads" this complements the links we have to your videos. Regards Alan
  17. Hi MM, Both Tan & I am involved with our local Pantomime (this year Alice in Wonderland) Tan in the spotlights as the Queen of Hearts me backstage as stage manager, lighting & scenerary as part of our small team. Panto has to be on two levels to keep the adults and children entertained, from what you say the panto you describe was hardly fit for children. I am with Iain on this, bad producer/director on that production. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Trevor, I have given your link a tweak, it appeared not to losd. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Steve, I suggest that you go for the 190 rather than the 150 but that is my personal choice. I agree with Alan to go for the automatic option. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Finny, That can't be Yorkshire, there are no wippets or nervous sheep to be seen in the picture Poppy the video was ok but what was with the people with the stencilled eyebrows or could this be the latest Norfolk fad? Regards Alan
  21. Hi Mark, I can't think of anyone on the southern rivers offering any deals. If anyone knows of any pump out deals or cheapest fuel please let us all know. Regards Alan
  22. For those of you that use Boulters for pump outs their loyalty card is a must. For details please see the following link:- http://www.boultermarine.co.uk/boulter-marine-loyalty-card/ Regards Alan
  23. Since Roy's took over the filling station as you come into Wroxham the prices there have been fair in my opinion. Lets face it if we paid under a pound per litre for fuel we are still being ripped off. Regards Alan
  24. I find I enjoy any boating program be it on the canals, Broads, coastal, it is down to the joy of being on or around water. Lets face it with any TV at the moment it is just soaps, realality (hardly realistic) programes so any programes that have real acting or documentries screened are ok with me. Regards Alan
  25. Hi BB, If the hull is aluminium then I would suggest that it is worth salvaging, the Narrow Boats that are made from aluminium tend to be very costly compared to the standard steel plate versions. I have heard stories regarding narrow boats that have sunk even though they were moored on pontoons, where the pontoons have been iced in and therefore not floating.. Regards Alan
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