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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. I am with you Gracie, he does nothing for me. Regards Alan
  2. No PS was referring to a system that you use standard 13 amp main sockets used as extensions of the phone system, they used to be on the market many years ago, however the wireless operated phones systems must have made the system almost obsolete. Regards Alan
  3. Hello Dave welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  4. I have to say Peter that shorts and cats are not a good combination, it is bad enough wearing jeans
  5. It's amazing that most men now have a wardrobe full of shorts
  6. So is it Never can say goodbye or I will survive
  7. Hi Neil, I tend to buy all our fish at Morrison's (the staff discount might have something to do with it) Most fishmongers will bone the fish for you. If I am freezing it I will run my finger over the fillet to check for any bones, this way you can just cook it after thawing. I do do prefer cod or haddock loin battered or pan fried. Regards Alan
  8. All this fuss about kicking a bag of wind about, well each to their own. Regards Alan
  9. Thank you David, Forum members can look at this on our list of webcams, these can be located on Handy Information/webcams. Regards Alan
  10. Saturday 4th May, After my Brother left the boat, I caught up on my computer and had a light evening meal of beans on toast with grated cheese on top. I followed up with an apple and had a beer whilst watching some cheap DVD's, The Scarecrow was somewhat predictable, but it was company of sorts. I decided to have an early night and was in bed by a little after 8.15 pm, it was still raining and windy, but I managed to sleep in until 6.00 am, up and dressed and caught up on the forum before breakfast, just cereals and fruit this morning. Breakfast done and pots washed I got ready to go up to one of the wet-rooms for a shower (no Jay it was not my birthday) ablutions performed I headed back to the boat and got chatting on my arrival on the pontoon. Graham had left a message on my phone when I got back aboard Ranworth Breeze, to give him a call, I had already put a potato into the oven for lunch so I turned off the gas after Graham said he was nipping over to the boat and he would have lunch with me in the Yare. I had been planning mooring up at Bramerton Green for the day and evening, maybe another day. This gave me a short while to clean the upper seating that I had meaning to do all week, it was hardly dirty apart from some of the seams in the leather-cloth. Graham arrived and we talked on the boat before going up to the Yare. We had burgers me beef and he had a chicken burger, we were the last to leave the bar around 3.15 to 3.30 pm, back on the boat we talked away until Graham had to leave to take care of his dogs. It was good to see him again, between us we could talk both the fore and hind legs off of donkeys, he is great company and do miss him in the syndicate. I am sat having a lime and soda for a change rather than a beer, I will more than likely have a beer later with my jacket potato and sausages for tea. It makes a change for the rain to have finished and the wind has died down, a few boats have gone out of the marina today, no doubt to Bramerton whilst dodging the two yacht clubs that are racing in front of Coldham Hall. Regards Alan
  11. Hi Matt, We get the same comments, I am on my 41st week on the Broads with still two weeks to use again this year. Without the aid of a syndicate share I would never have afforded to come down to the since 2001. Regards Alan
  12. Hi Ian, I know I come from Griff's neck of the woods but we are renowned not for being tight just careful! When we decided to go to Wroxham I was the first ready sat on the back of the boat, the boat keys in the door lock and ready I thought for the day! The fact that I was trying on clothes in Roy's with no idea that I had no funds to pay for them, I was also looking around their chemists for some sugar free cough sweets. When I found out I was without funds, my pockets felt very empty. Regards Alan
  13. Hi Jay, It is almost a spitting image of me, but I have more teeth, slightly more hair and I look better without a tie. Cheese bought this week includes Black Bomber, Cornish Yarg, Stilton, Cheshire and for Wallis's benefit some Wenslydale. Regards Alan
  14. Done but it reflects an old visit. Regards Alan
  15. My Brother, Kevin & his wife Linda arrived at the boat on Thursday afternoon around 13.30 after a three & half hours journey. We went up to the Bistro and had a bite & and a coffee. Once back aboard and their things stowed we made up the forward berth. After doing the daily checks we set off up the river, I allowed Kevin to take the helm after we had left the marina. This was short lived however because we moored at the Ferry House Inn, I had already booked a mooring and a table for 7.00 pm. We left the pub a little after 9.00 pm, Ross gave me a call the new girl that had started that day had not told her that we had already paid our tab, it would be not the first time I have got back to the boat and realised that I have not paid and have had to go back to pay. We headed back to the boat for a coffee and a chat before retiring for the night but had a chat to a couple that were moored near to us on a Broom Captain. Kevin & Linda had a sound nights sleep but I kept waking up, I still have the cough which I believe was the issue. We got up at 6.00 am and had breakfast, the idea was to head up towards Norwich and moor up at Commissioners Cut and get the bus in Norwich, the weather made this idea somewhat silly so we headed back to the marina and caught the train into Norwich instead. We had a walk around and eventually went to the Cathedral, Kevin & Linda had been been in it before so we waited a short while and joined the 2.00 pm tour. The lady that took us around made the tour interesting and informative and it took an hour and forty minutes going around. We called in the shop and walked back to the station for our return journey back to Brundall, according t the timetable it should have been a three carriage train, unfortunately only a single carriage train turned up so it was packed and a number of people had to stand by the doors. We walked back to the boat and opened a bottle of wine and talked before we walked back up to the Yare for our evening meal and the odd beer. Back at the boat it was raining again, so we quickly got back on board, after a coffee we retired to bed and had a better night, it might have been 5 miles of walking we had done during the day or the beer. Saturday morning up again at 6.00 am and the day looked promising, this was not to last and by the time I had cooked breakfast, it had rained and hailed. We decided to go into Wroxham, I must have had a mental moment or maybe I just wanted a cheap day because I forgot to take my wallet or any change with me, I did not notice even though I had tried on a jumper in Roy's. Kevin had to take pity on me and buy us all lunch at Ken's. I had called in Jeckells with the upper helm seat insert, I had noticed there were two cracks in the leather-cloth, I asked Peter to make another insert and let me know when it was complete for collection by another of our owners. Back to the Brundall and the boat we said our goodbyes and Kevin & Linda headed back home to Rotherham. More rain and hail this afternoon whist I type and drink a glass of Peroni. The wind is blowing the boat about but it is currently sunny, it looks like I will be staying on the boat, having a light meal watching a DVD and maybe an early night. Regards Alan
  16. Nobody eats my cheese let alone a mouse. Regards Alan
  17. When I joined our syndicate in 2001 our training what there was of it comprised of practising figure eights on Hoveton Little Broad, we were then allowed to set off on our own, I was the second owner on the second week after the boat was brought into service, thankfully I had over 25 years of experience of going on the canals. This however was a learning curve because of the wind and tides. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Monica, Black Horse Broad/ Hoveton Little Broad is on the starboard side of the river after you pass though Hornng towards Salhouse, you will see the narrow gated opening after you have passed the last cottages/holiday lets, it is opposite the Bure Marshes. Regards Alan
  19. Wednesday 1st May 2019 I managed to stay in bed until after 8.00 am. I got up and picked up my messages and checked out the forums before having my breakfast, bran flakes and fresh fruit. By the time I had finished a couple of the guys from NYA called into see me so we could conclude the work that was carried out during our winter service. I made ready for setting off from the marina rolling up the back sections of the canopy and removing the forward sections, I left the top up but with these sections out it stops Ranworth Breeze acting like a yacht. Engine started and warps stowed and hook up removed I set off to Brammerton and moored at the Waters Edge, it seemed a shame not to call in for lunch and a couple of pints of Becks. Sitting outside in the sunshine drinking my second pint was good just watching the world go by. I decided to stop here for the night so booked a table for 7.00 pm and lounged about in the afternoon sunshine on the boat, watched the end of a film I started yesterday before getting ready to go back to the pub. I sat at the bar and ordered my steak, well done, I do not like mushrooms so had it with cherry tomatoes and chunky chips, with a blue cheese sauce, I tried it before putting it on my steak, sadly I could taste garlic, it was a pity because the last time I had the sauce it was perfect for me. Main course finished I ordered crackers and cheese, mainly because the menu said there was Black Bomber; it also came with some brie and some stilton. I must say that I do like a cheese board; the only thing not edible was the mouse decoration. I spoke with a couple of nice people at the bar who told me they had sold their boat and I chattered with another couple that were admiring Ranworth Breeze at the moorings, it turns out they were local to the pub and were looking for a smaller boat to spend a night or two on as well as being a day boat, I did give them some suggestions but ideally they need a local mooring. Back aboard it was time for a coffee and then bed at 10.00pm. Regards Alan
  20. Yesterday I awoke at 5.40 after a good 9 hours of sleep, I was set up for the day. The couple who were interested in purchasing a share in Ranworth Breeze arrived around noon, I showed them around and they were impressed with all the refurbishments we had done in the last two years. We chattered and I answered queries on the two contracts that new owners have to sign, all ironed out and the way that the types of shares are drawn at the yearly AGM. We went up the river with Terry at the helm after we had left the marina. I wanted to show Terrry how the boat could stop within its own length at 6 mph and the manoeuvrability of the boat with its tight turning circle. Terry was impressed and commented on how stable the boat felt. We turned around just before the Ferry House Inn at Surlingham, I was saddened to see that a boat had sunk on the moorings opposite the pub. We came back to the marina and with aid Terry did a fine stern on mooring into our berth. We chattered away and they left for home to mull over the option of the shares we currently have for sale. I had a late lunch and phoned one of our old owners who was a fellow trustee of Ranworth Breeze, we had talked earlier in the day about me popping over to his house in Watton for an evening meal. I eventually arrived with direction from Graham over the phone. I changed my car about 4 weeks ago from a Saab Convertible to an Audi S3 Convertible which I have got used to apart from the inbuilt satellite navigation that makes little or no sense at all, if you put in a post code (in the case of Graham it starts IP) but it does not allow you to put in any of the numbers and with Ipswich that covers a very big area. Anyway I arrived and we chatted away outside in the last of the sunshine, their two Labradors were barking away me but eventually settled down after licking me death. We had a great meal and all tried to put the world to right whilst conversing over dinner. Before we knew it 10.00 pm reared it head and I had to say my goodbyes before setting off back to Brundall. I arrived back at the marina a little after 11.00 pm, I noticed Robin was in residence with the lights still on in his boat. Once aboard I quickly headed for bed feeling somewhat tired, I took the last of my 7 days course of antibiotics which seem to have nothing to help my coughing, so its back to the Vick and the cold tablets. Bye for now Alan Regards Alan
  21. Hello Paul, Welcome to the forum I tend to cook all the meat in an oven and if needs be waft it over a barbecue for that smoked effect. Regards Alan
  22. I heard your cuckoo yesterday Carole. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Gracie, Jay might be inclined to help but not for any of that dirty beer, now if it was kegs of stella that might be a different matter Regards Alan
  24. Hi Carole, No Ranworth Breeze was very clean on arrival considering that nobody was on the boat last week. Regards Alan
  25. Update on this topic. Dear all, Due to mobilisation of equipment relating to Notice To Mariners No. 8 of 2019, the channel in Haddiscoe cut on the Reedham side of Haddiscoe Bridge (at TM452992) will be restricted to 10 metres on Tuesday 30 April and overnight until Wednesday 1 May. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and ask for you to please exercise care when navigating in the area during this period. Kind regards, Tom Tom Waterfall Digital Communications Officer 01603 756034
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