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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. No sign of an advert on their site as yet offering it for sale, maybe the offer is now 40 Woodbine Regards Alan
  2. Dear all, We have recently received reports that Blue-green algae has been spotted at Fleet Dyke and Upton Dyke. It is likely that due to the recent weather conditions, there are currently unreported algal blooms present throughout the Broads and there will be future blooms over the coming weeks. Areas of still or slow-moving water are of particular risk. Exposure to Blue-green algae can be highly toxic (and often fatal) to dogs and can cause significant irritation and illness to humans. We are therefore issuing the following advice: Please do not enter the water if you suspect Blue-green algae is present and do not let pets or children enter the water either. Do not let pets drink from the water. Please exercise caution at the locations named above and be generally aware of the presence of Blue-green algae in the Broads. Finally, if you are unsure of whether the algae present is toxic or not please don’t take any chances. Blue-green algae can be identified by its resemblance to ‘pea soup’, often appearing as green clumps or as a marbled blue/green coloured scum on the surface of the water. An image is attached that shows an example. If you suspect you have spotted Blue-green algae please report it to the Environment Agency’s hotline on 0800 807060, let Broads Control know on 01603 756056 and remember to phone 999 if you require medical attention. Kind regards, Tom Tom Waterfall Communications Officer (Digital & PR) 01603 756034
  3. Hi Tim, When our two sons were small on our car journeys we used to play cassettes of Round The Horn & The Navy Lark to pass the time on our travels to Devon. Regards Alan
  4. Hello Simon & Jen welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  5. Hello Poppy I didn't think you were rich enough to shop at Tesco Regards Alan
  6. I always park when ever possible at an end of a row so I can only have one car parked at the side of me. I agree that if you are the only car in a car park someone will always park next to you or park so close to your boot that you can not walk around the back of the car. With regards to the 60's car parking size, there were only a few wide cars back then such as the Vauxhall Cresta etc, Morris 1000's and ford pops didn't take up much room. Regards Alan
  7. Lets face it the weather has not been kind to boaters this year and of course so far this year there has been only been a few occasions when Somerleyton Bridge has not been able to operate. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Chris, My guess is that it may be the fresh water pump that is loosing pressure and cutting in. You should be able to switch off the water pump from the control panel to check if it is indeed this. Regards Alan
  9. With the bridge being out of order many times during the last few years, we have had to wait for low water in order to pass under the bridge with our 9 foot 8 inch air draft (canopy and masthead down). You can phone the bridge or use VHF or revert to the three long blasts of the horn. Many boats were caught out last season and their plans scuppered. Regards Alan
  10. Tan had a bad experience with a couple of fisherman that were again hidden a couple of years ago, it really shook her, the verbal abuse should not have been given to any woman, some men will always act big when they feel they are untouchable. Regards Alan
  11. Hello Jay, Thank you for up to date photos of my old stamping ground, when the boys were quite young we used to go to the canal to work on restoration as a family every Sunday. Hopefully it will be connected to the rest of the canal at the other end of the tunnel and onto Worksop. Regards Alan
  12. What concerns me personally that we as boaters, be yachtsmen, cruisers, small boats, canoes or kyaks all pay for our right to be on the waterways, the same can be said for fishermen with their licences. This event used the resources of the Broads Authority and also Broads-beat, surely the organizers of the event should have been charged for these services? Regards Alan
  13. To be honest we will eat a sit down meal in either of the two fish shops and find them equally as good. Regards Alan
  14. The artist impression of the inside of the building and internal construction is not that different from the Cafe in the Norwich Cathedral. Regards Alan
  15. When Tan & I married we spent our honeymoon on Narrow Boat run by Mr Dye from Dycraft. On the run through of the boat Mr Dye went for ages about the shaver socket in the bathroom and eventually looked at me and commented but you may not need that. We opened our case which had been docketed with some form of confetti bomb that shot confetti all over the boat. Regards Alan
  16. Any waterway is good to be on, we all relax into a slower pace of life, we watch whats happening around us and take in what nature has to offer us. Regards Alan
  17. Many suggest it might be possible in Yarmouth
  18. Hi Grace back in the day before decimalization when I was around 10 (so the early 60's half a crown about 13 P now) would buy fish and chips for a family of six. Regards Alan
  19. You will find most people on the rivers are friendly and helpful. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Neil, Sounds OK but I would have to leave out the onion and pasta (or any other carbs for that matter) I might try with adding red or mixed beans. Regards Alan
  21. The last time I went up the Great Orme was to repair a jukebox in the cafe at the top for a operator in that area who used to be one of our customers. Regards Alan
  22. Hi Grace, The helming went without saying, it used to give me time to do the odd repair job or catching up on my tan. I am back on Ranworth Breeze on the 23rd July, hopefully some friends are coming to stay, but I do have a new owner to train and also someone is visiting the boat with the prospect of buying into the Ranworth Breeze family. Regards Alan
  23. Yesterday would have been Tan's 62 Birthday, we as a family had a celebration barbi for family and friends at Stuart's house which is a couple of roads below our road. It was cooler yesterday but at least there was no rain. A good time was had by all in their garden with Stuart doing the barbi, I had spent Saturday morning making cheese scones, cheese tartlets and a large chocolate cake, caramel and apple pie and a strawberry and blackberry flan. Joanne did all the other food. A good time was had by all from 2.00pm until 10.30pm with tales from the past. Regards Alan
  24. Brain Ward's are great, they let me borrow two different wattage inserts to trial to see which would be the best option aboard Ranworth Breeze for our down-lighters. I changed all 19 to the 2.1 watt inserts which replace 20 watt halogen. Tanya & Nick give excellent advice, service and of course our NBN discount. Regards Alan
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