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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hello Jimbob88, You may well find that your perceived running costs might be on the low side. you have to take into account, mooring costs, river toll, insurance, breakdown insurance, servicing costs, renewals and replacement costs. To give you an idea our operating costs for 2018 were just under £20,000 because of upholstery and bow thruster renewal costs which added over £7,000 to our normal budget. Regards Alan
  2. Hello Jimbob88, Have a look on www.boatshare.co.uk website under the personal adverts, there are people asking for other people to start a syndicate from scratch. I will get back to you with the information you asked for when I get some time. Regards Alan
  3. Many of the syndicates do allow small pets, one of our previous owners used to bring his parrot and its cage onto the boat. Well behaved pets and owners are welcomed. Regards Alan
  4. Reflections as we head into 2019 1. My goal for 2018 was to lose 10 pounds. Only 15 to go. 2. Ate salad for dinner. Mostly croutons & tomatoes. Really just one big round crouton covered with tomato sauce. And cheese. FINE, it was a pizza. I ate a pizza. 3. How to prepare Tofu: a. Throw it in the trash b. Grill some meat 4. I just did a week's worth of cardio after walking into a spider web. 5. I don't mean to brag, but I finished my 14-day diet food in 3 hours and 20 minutes. 6. A recent study has found women who carry a little extra weight live longer than men who mention it. 7. Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel. 8. Senility has been a smooth transition for me. 9. Remember back when we were kids and every time it was below zero outside they closed school? Nah, me either. 10. I may not be that funny or athletic or good looking or smart or talented. I forgot where I was going with this. 11. I love being over 60. I learn something new every day and forget 5 others. 12. A thief broke into my house last night. He started searching for money so I woke up and searched with him. 13. I think I'll just put an "Out of Order" sticker on my forehead and call it a day. 14. Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed.
  5. Happy New Year to all forum members, see you on the water this year. Regards Alan
  6. Hello Violeta Welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  7. Hello Jimbob88, If you wish to talk to me regarding syndicates and how to set one up please get in touch. Regards Alan Chairman & Trustee Ranworth Breeze Boat Syndicate
  8. Tan & I saw them at Wembley a few years ago, enjoy the event Ian. Regards Alan
  9. Alex Fraser replaced ours during last years winter service. Regards Alan
  10. Welcome to the forum Ghostwriter Regards Alan
  11. It's Christmas! Have a great day everyone. Regards Alan
  12. This year will be the first time I have not cooked the Christmas dinner in 38 years. I am going down to Stuart's (i have already sent down a joint of beef) Stuart will be doing the turkey and trimmings. I will be doing fish and chips on boxing day lunch and doing a buffet later in evening for family & friends. Regards Alan
  13. Funny our Father Christmas usually lets Rudolph have a bite out of a carrot, but seemed to prefer lager to sherry Regards Alan
  14. Hello Mike welcome to the NBN forum. Regards Alan
  15. Yesterday I did my final shopping before Christmas, made some cornflake buns and some chocolate truffles. Regards Alan
  16. Hi Grendel, we did similar at the Clark shop in Morecambe a few years back there shoes were on sale at 50% off and if you bought 3 pairs you got the fourth pair FOC. Regards Alan
  17. Hi Jay you might need all three pairs of running shoes just to keep out of Graces hands, shoes , wine and chocolate are sacrosanct. Regards Alan
  18. On my last Saab I got 3 spare alloy rims off of Ebay one to replace the space saver and the other two I had winter tyres fitted. Like many of the forum members I always have a full sized spare. Regards Alan
  19. For our narrow boats trips the ladies bring ready made chilled pastry, tinned steak,so they can make meat and potato pies, we also take the smoked bacon joints from Morrison's, they have two or three weeks fridge shelf life so are ideal. We do try to eat out but finding a pub or moorings is never a given, so backup food is a must. Regards Alan
  20. I always used to like custard, however we went to Tan's Dads house in Manchester, We had a meal and Mavis then came in with what we thought was apple pie and custard, I took a bit and was disappointed by the flavour. Custard tended not to go with potato and leak pie. Needless to say I do not eat onions and am allergic to garlic. Regards Alan
  21. Wishing all forum members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year full of perfect boating for next season. Regards Alan
  22. Going by the figure's listed above regarding dredging, the operation of dredging seems to be a piecemeal project. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Ian, Mine did arrive at work on Monday, thank you. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Vanessan, Sadly the brain & hands are not always in gear. Regards Alan
  25. Hi Robin, Further down the marina towards the river most of the boats were still floating according to one of our owners. We have been winterised but Ranworth Breeze is being taken around to the NYA workshops this week for gelcoat repairs, replacement of the rubber bumper around the bathing platform poorly fitted two seasons ago after an incident with a Richardson's boat (I should have had Richardson's do the repair). We are also having a powered mud weight windless fitted and replacement of the heater (which as been deemed not cost effective to repair). The boat will be polished and the rest of the winter service performed during January. Regards Alan
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