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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. To be honest, Jenny Morgan himself has supplied me with the chapter I'm working on at the moment, though he had no idea that he'd done so :-)
  2. Interesting sir, I am on a few forums, certainly the comedy one, and I was on a film one years ago, As for engines, I am on a forum for those who run diesel engines on either Veg oil or Biodiesel (which I make) and I used to be on two fishing forums. I am on a Jaguar owners forum on my sisters behalf and a Landrover owners forum for myself. Finally I'm on an IT support forum (as a customer not an advisor). It would seem we have many interests in common, and now I'm wondering what names you use on these other forums. I can think of two possibilities for the vegoil forum but am clueless on the others. (My normal state) As Timbo knows, I am writing a book, which is why I'm in the comedy forum, but am suffering a writers block to end all blocks. still, slowly does it!
  3. Peter, one cannot always use the tides. Sadly sometimes the timing is such that you have no practical option other than to fight them. My call would be for the larger engine option
  4. I was going to add that Mrs JM is cross because now there's water all over the living room carpet in front of the fire... But I won't cos that really would get me a slap! :)
  5. "but misconceptions live on" They sure do! I could perhaps accept that [HP per square metre] over [length over beam] times draft might give a meaningfull figure to base a toll on, but who would be rewsponsible for doing the sums? Easier just to use either length or square meterage. On the subject of predudice... Yes I am. I am predudice in favour of the Norfolk Broads over Bognor Regis as a holiday destination. But am I predudice on the subject of boats... Yes! I wouldn't have a wooden saily (sorry Poppy et al) I wouldn't want a number of different styles of boat. There's nothing wrong with these predudices, but I'd like to think that I'd never critise anyone for holding different preduces (Except perhaps Peter ) except in fun and friendly banter. Are there boats that are unsuitable for the broads? No, or at least not within the limits as defined by the BA. If a boat is capable of obeying the speed limits, then it's suitable. If in addition the owner/hirer is happy with his/her choice then it is even more suitable!
  6. Staying on the broads to avoid the waves??? I've never heard anything more ridiculous!! You can't avoid waves on the broads, everybody does it!
  7. Strow & MM, Not having all (or indeed any) of the facts is rather what I was getting at. I can think of many reasons for certain things happening, and that's before I start on conspiracy theorys. What I do suspect and will do so publicly is that there is far more to this situation than meets the eye. Not money grabbing greedy land owners, not tight fisted BA and not gong hunting CEOs but a number of circumstances of which we are unaware... and probably will always be so.
  8. The things people blame on Oxfords section of the Thames is unbelievable.
  9. Oh come come Peter... That WAS predictable :)
  10. Bobdog, How do we know it's the greedy land owner (everybody boo) who is the provervial in the works? Are we privvy to the negotiations between those theiving, money grabbing, capitalist scumbags (everybody boo again) and that Cinderella of government quangos (everybody say "ahhhh") the BA? Sorry all, but I can't help but feel that there's a lot more to this.
  11. and that the numbers buying lottery tickets has fallen since the numbers increased, There's no answer to that!!!
  12. Two boats at Horsey? Would that have anything to do with the mere being voluntarily 'closed' for the winter?
  13. That's true Tim, though the Biebers are only Justin.
  14. I too worked in Tower 42 in 2002. Loved the view and watched as they built the Gerkin. Facinating!!! Now, Ian, ... As a Chelsea fan you might be able to tell me why the folk on TV call their manager 'Jose', pronouncing the 'J'. I thought the pronounciation was as 'Hose a' with the J said as an h.
  15. The Lea is pleasant enough, but not a patch on its main tributary, the Stort, which my parents used to cruise regularly.
  16. Agreed Poppy, but they are responsible for everything else!
  17. BLISS, My heartfelt thanks to Alan, John and ther rest of the team. The old saying about pleasing all of the people all of the time is very true, but this time I reckon you've come close.
  18. Oh Boy do I wish you luck! This can only go one of two ways, either your reason is read by someone who has a sense of humour, or it will be read by the Social Services. I honestly dispair sometimes at the lunacy of these people. I can see that a reply of "He needs one" isn't really helpful to anybody, but really! Like everyone I never generalise, but I think if you are dealing with the Social Services, you have an up-hill struggle on your hands.
  19. The shrimps aren't cooked in sea water any more. There's a cute little irony there! When one considers the quality of the Thames Estuary water when the shrimps were cooked in it, to the quality of the estuary water now, while they are not!
  20. Well let's not dwell on their Merky past.
  21. Brilliant will be laid up in a skirt. Well, we have to get our jollies how and where we can.
  22. Don't mention the war!!! Well, someone was bound to quote Mr. Faulty so it might as well be me
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