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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Good shout to start the new thread. Silver Sapphire looks very inviting. Hoseasons have got the correct photos for a new boat, what's going on? 😊
  2. I think both have the same layout with the exception of the stern bed orientation so I'm not sure why they're different capacities. Re bed comfort, personally I found the bed to be on the comfier side from what I've experienced.
  3. Humber Bridge is Howard's (Norfolk Nog) regular boat. I loved the stern cabin on Forth Bridge 2 with its diagonal bed. Forth Bridge 1 is slightly different I think but no doubt just as nice.
  4. It's doable but limited choice of boats available. Herbert Woods offer a few plus Ferry Marina. NBD may do but I'm not sure.
  5. Am I right in thinking the New Inn has changed hands more than once recently?
  6. Half-term peak well and truly over then. It looks lovely, have a great time.
  7. He what? Isn't that what you're paying Brooms for? I have to admit, Helen, in your position I'd have been starting the boat up and off.
  8. I agree Andy. I hope the "staycation" boom doesn't drag on beyond next year and competition from holidays abroad pushes prices back.
  9. That's ex-Alpha Craft hire, I recognise those arched windows.
  10. I was thinking along the same lines. Mmm, OBYS is going to be super busy then because former WRC overnighters will head there instead.
  11. Thanks, Vaughan for such a fascinating insight. Re Herringfleet swing bridge, you've helped me learn what those concrete posts and signal box once were.
  12. I can add myself to the list of people reluctant to moor at Ranworth for the night. I did do so once and it was fine but, like you Malcom, I'm not one for stern mooring overnight with boats close each side. Probably my favourite thing to do there on a daytime mooring is walk to the church and climb the tower. No other Broadland view gets close.
  13. Mooring at Ranworth Staithe is one of Broadland boating's pleasures for many of us, myself included. Mooring space availability there tends to be a lottery for the whole time between April and October so I'm sure I'm not alone in approaching the staithe thinking something like "I'll see if my numbers have come up today". If there's a space, great, if not, I'll take a brief look to see if anyone looks like they're about to leave and if not I'll be on my way. However, not everyone does this. Some want to moor at Ranworth so much they can't face possible disappointment and seem set on holding station for however long it takes, waiting for a non-existent space. Is Ranworth so good it can't possibly be missed?
  14. Fair play to Jonathan for not letting the bridge put him off. I'm sure it was worth the effort. The Bure would be almost empty up there I imagine.
  15. I think they'll have to switch to a day boat first.
  16. I've hired from Richardson's many times of the years and never been disappointed. Even with their older boats, everything "just works" and call outs have been needed very rarely, even late in the season. Richardsons have only ever fallen short once for me and that was in 2018 when I was one of a number of hirers who had their booking cancelled at short notice due to their policy u-turn on solo hiring. That decision still grates on me now, especially when I see the boat I hired solo on two occasions (Broadland Wave 2), a boat which I loved.
  17. Why not Jean? I could think of worse places ( like Benidorm maybe!). If it's peace and quiet you want though, I don't think you're limited to March on the south Broads. April and May would be pretty quiet outside school holidays and Bank Holidays.
  18. I'd be interested to hear what the clearance is at Ludham and whether any Richardson's boats are having issues.
  19. Thanks for your write up and boat review, Jean. For me, mooring the last night in the boatyard is always an option and I do that some of the time to get the advantages. When at Richardson's, I like the side-on moorings just inside the entrance because you don't feel like you're in a boatyard. The boat looks really nice from the photos with one exception. As others have said, it's that helm view.
  20. With countries starting to close their borders due to our high Covid rate, bookings are going to fill up in my view.
  21. Echo that, I think that's one of the best Salhouse spots. There's only enough room for 3 boats I think an end spot is great. You hook up types do miss out on a lot (says he, knowing he'll be after hook ups himself next April)!
  22. If it was low enough to be dipping in the river then that might explain the movement.
  23. Curious that a fender on the river side of the boat could be noisy like that. I must admit I wouldn't have had the patience to try and lift it from the inside, I'd have been straight outside with my life jacket on, rightly or wrongly. David, I would never have thought altering the rudder position would have any effect whilst the boat was stationary. I might give that a try one day, just out of curiosity.
  24. I don't remember that boat being available. The prices and the photo make it look earlier than 1990. Where did you take the scan from?
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