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Invasion Of Privacy Or Passion For Boats?


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The thing with the broads is that the boats are part of the show. Also I suspect no boaty visitors don't quite realise that boats maybe privately owned.. we've not experienced any intrusion with orca. 

Saying that though we've had problems here with the new boat. It's a bit unusual for this marina and visible from the gate. Yup we've noticed people walking into the marina down the long steep ramp and face against the windows! 

 I'm not quite sure how I would react if I saw unknown people wandering around the boats. My finest French would certainly be offered...

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I'm not sure what to say about how I'd react to anyone coming along and randomly sticking their pen knife in the side of our boat in case someone digs this post up and calls it pre-meditated. I would be inclined to find a new place for them to put it for sure.

Getting on the boat is perhaps more situational where walking over the foredeck or sides can be normal in certain circumstances, perhaps more so among sailors. But as a general rule I thought everyone knew to ask permission before stepping onto a boat? Strangers found unexpectedly in the cabin or cockpit would be assumed to be thieves until proven innocent.

As for privacy I only expect that when the curtains are closed otherwise privacy is as per camping in my mind.

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I th

7 hours ago, Warp said:

I'm not sure what to say about how I'd react to anyone coming along and randomly sticking their pen knife in the side of our boat

I would start to pursue a case for criminal damage and for compensation. I'm sure that their actions would be indefensible. I would also start proceedings to have them certified as insane but that's because my boat is fibreglass.

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I would never board someone's boat without permission, apart from anything else it could be dangerous. Not on anything as substantial  as BA but Brilliant  for instance someone could be shaving / making tea so this could prove at best uncomfortable at worst well!!!

So far I have not experienced any of this with SP but I guess in time we will.

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My Dad has just reminded me of the time ( vaguely remember) we were moored at Horning, outside the Swan pub when other boats and not just day cruisers were allowed to moor there during the day, there were some gaps between boats and maybe room for one more if we all moved up. Just got back from the pub after a lunch time meal when he heard footsteps on top of the boat and then the boat being pulled, he jumped up as you would, dashed outside to find a woman pulling our boat along to the end of the quay. My dad obviously asked her what the hell she thought she was doing, to which she replied "Moving your Boat along so we can get in" A few choice words later and after this woman said "It's not you boat anyway, you only hire it" (unbelievable) my dad is very much a gentle man and would never normally swear at anyone least of all a woman, she was told in no uncertain terms to have sex and travel.

Not quite the same as posts above but an intrusion none the less, she only had to ask and my dad would have gladly moved up for her and as he maybe not so politely put it, we paid for it and it's our home for the duration.

I am not for one moment turning this into a debate about hirers and owners but some people really do think they own the rivers and we are the very dregs of society, although in my experience you will come across good and bad in both camps, mostly all good and fantastic people whether they own a little dinghy or a gin palace, it never ceases to amaze me how there are a very few who think they really do own the rivers because they live there or own a boat, or both

In the main and for anyone reading this who maybe thinking of hiring or buying, it's the most fantastic place to be, and you will meet some truly smashing people along the way but just be open minded in that we all have a right to be on the rivers but absolutely no right to intrude or invade any one's boat unless invited to do so

If anyone thinking of visiting Salhouse over the weekend, please feel free to board as many boats as you like to have a good old nose, most of the occupants will be on the bank and won't even realise you are there :wasted::naughty:




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What worries me is the insular attitude of many on the Broads. I also sail, although not often now, at sea and whilst 'land-lubbers' boarding boats would be regarded by most as a capital offence, punishable by keel-hauling, there are times when boaters expect to be able to board and to be boarded, namely when coming alongside another boat or when moored two abreast for example. Granted that etiquette plays its part, e,g, cross your neighbour  via the foredeck rather than the cockpit.

I was in the Yacht Station at Oulton Broad a year or two back, aboard a friend's boat, when a big hire boat attempted to go alongside our immediate neighbour and got into problems with the wind and blew across our bows. My friend and I jumped on to the neighbouring boat and rushed to help the one in trouble, you'd think that we had buggered the pope judging by the uproar from the indignant owner! Not only had we helped the struggling hire boat but also saved our unhelpful neigbour's gelcoat. There are times in boating when privacy goes by the board, especially in a communal mooring such as a yacht station. 

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when my wife and i first came to the Norfolk broads last May, we moored up at Sutton 24 hr moorings for the last night , with plans to go and have a meal and a drink at the Hotel , so off we toddled , went to get a drink from the garage at Stalham green , popped into the Hotel for a pint ( thirsty work walking ) got back to our boat only to find it had been moved about 50 ft down the moorings so that another yacht from a certain sailing club could get in closer to his friends, now earlier on  an individual had asked us very politely i might add, if we minded moving down a little way so that a rather beautiful wooden sailie could get in , we didn't have a problem and moved down , now it's one thing to ask a body if they would mind , but to do so when there is no one aboard is just not on , as we were on a hire boat , if anything had happened to it , the responsibility for any damage would have been ours . i reported the incident when i got back to the boatyard , the young lady i spoke to was  rather irritated and called the president of said yacht club , and told him in no uncertain terms that they must not move boats that are moored up and unattended . 

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I don't know about others but I'm only to happy to show people around my boat IF they ask, I put a lot of time, effort and usualy money into getting my boats just how I want them, so I'm proud to show my work off and it's really nice when someone says, I never thought of doing that or ask me how I did something so they can do it on their boat, but start noseing around my boat without asking is a big no no, for me my boat is an extension of my home and God help anyone I catch peeping through the windows of my house,,



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1 minute ago, Mowjo said:

I don't know about others but I'm only to happy to show people around my boat IF they ask, I put a lot of time, effort and usualy money into getting my boats just how I want them, so I'm proud to show my work off and it's really nice when someone says, I never thought of doing that or ask me how I did something so they can do it on their boat, but start noseing around my boat without asking is a big no no, for me my boat is an extension of my home and God help anyone I catch peeping through the windows of my house,,



i feel exactly that same , to ask is one thing ,to help yourself is totally different .

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 like most people on here I love boats of all shapes and sizes and love to look at and watch them but would never dream of going onboard.

I've been invited on board on a number of occasions and have invited people on board our boats to have a look.

I remember back in the 80’s when it got really busy and having to double moor, we always asked before mooring and usually ended up having a real good chat.

some people just begger belief........ As for the penknife, I see that as criminal damage.


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4 minutes ago, deebee29 said:

 like most people on here I love boats of all shapes and sizes and love to look at and watch them but would never dream of going onboard.

I've been invited on board on a number of occasions and have invited people on board our boats to have a look.

I remember back in the 80’s when it got really busy and having to double moor, we always asked before mooring and usually ended up having a real good chat.

some people just begger belief........ As for the penknife, I see that as criminal damage.


i would have been incandescent , there would have been usage of those special " short " words , and then a phone call made :River Police

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7 minutes ago, JawsOrca said:

Oh grace. That's just alerted me to the fact that orca needs to be clean and tidy.. no chance! Move along.. geez how am I going to find the time to clean it.. 

Simple young Alan.....rename her "The Midden" :naughty:

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