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Richardsons RC45 and RC35

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It has been nearly a month since I last posted about what has been going on,

There has been much clearing scrapping and binning of what was cluttering the shed, on Monday our three Plugmakers/Boatbulders started work.

There was some preparation along with the clearing by way of a trolley being made to support the 45 ft plug which will also have to take the weight of the mould on top of it, I had a trailer which has been in storage (a hedge) for about 12 years which we dragged out, cut some bits off then narrowed 18inches and put 3x 40foot RSJs on and a set of castor wheels, this was ready on Monday afternoon just ready for the work to start.

the first job apart from clearing a tea hut :) was to level up the trolley, the concrete floor in the shed is far from level so the trolley was jacked off the castors and chocked up as level as possible.

after this 3"X 9" beams were laid across the 3 RSJs levelled and bolted down then 3 more rows of beams were run the length of the trailer for the frames to fit on, these were also levelled and brought to a point at the front, while this was being done some of the frames were being assembled as now the bed has been made the next step is to fit all the frames at 600mm centres along it.

As of Friday at 5 O'clock the first frame had been fitted :dance the next 7 frames are ready for fitting and with a pointy bit at the front it is already starting to look like a boat :party:




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Hi Ian,

the finished plug will be the exact shape and size of the hull the mould will produce.


I measured the door so if it does not go through I will say that I knew it would not fit and the plan has always been to take the shed apart :lol:

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I measured the door so if it does not go through I will say that I knew it would not fit and the plan has always been to take the shed apart :lol:


dibs on anything that is left it that does happen :naughty::naughty:


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Great stuff, though not convinced the front is quite such a flowing shape as the artists impression :naughty:

Look forward to seeing the different stages of development... must be exciting times for you all, as well as eager customers keen to get their hands on the finished product! :grin:


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That was frame 13 we got up to yesterday not 14, we are now at 18, I know this is only 4 more frames but other bits and bobs have been being sorted for the next stage after the frames are all up. Also when all the frames are up the transom, transom angle formers and transom quadrant formers will need to be fixed into place but I will get photos of that when we get there, I dont think I will be putting photos up every day but the last few days (and tomorrow) things have quickly started to take shape, soon it will look like things have slowed down but thats just the way the different stages go, also you cant rush a good job!

Is it me or are some of the employees getting younger?




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Well, lets hope she fits under :-|

anyway, Here is some progress for today, Dan will be happy to see that the front is looking a little more like the drawings.

all the frames are up and the breasthooks (formers for the bows) are in, we had a slight issue somewhere along the design/ computer input stage that meant all the wood we machined up yesterday was in fact the wrong size :cry not really our fault but nothing we cant get over so after a bit more machining today the first of the splines have started to go on. :dance

every stage is really exciting and every time we start another bit is fantastic as we seem to be moving along quite nicely dispite the minor problems, we will have to see how I feel when we hit a long dull stage or a major problem :o




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