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Edwina The Pike She Say . . . . . . . . . . . .


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I'm assuming then, that all the 'green ink letters' of indignation, to the great, the good and the E.D.P.. Haven't yet resulted in the poor little 'jack pike' resuming his rightful place, back in the bosom of the 'blessed authority'?...

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9 minutes ago, kingfisher666 said:

I'm assuming then, that all the 'green ink letters' of indignation, to the great, the good and the E.D.P.. Haven't yet resulted in the poor little 'jack pike' resuming his rightful place, back in the bosom of the 'blessed authority'?...

That all depends on who you consider to be the the little 'jack pike'!

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8 hours ago, VetChugger said:

Won't someone rid us of this meddlesome pike??  PLEASE!

Interestingly the Pike's identity varies and this latest contributor is a new one in the swim. No, not me but the point is that there are a number of Pike, different opinions, different personalities, similar convictions. I don't always agree with the Pike but by and large he/she is remarkably close to the mark. Can't deny it, many a true word written in jest. Like or loath the Pike, there is always a serious point behind his/her meddlings. This latest one is spot on! All power to the Pike's fins!

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13 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

While we can all read the proposals for the new complaint/complainants policy and can judge for ourselves how close the Pike's commentary is, I would be very interested to know what grounds there are for connecting the apparent resignation of the Solicitor and Monitoring Officer to that policy. I would have thought that resigning on a point of principle would have been more effective if he resigned on the basis that he could not put his name to such a draconion policy. Preparing and submitting that report will be his lasting legacy. Not one I would have thought he would want on his CV.

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44 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

but by and large he/she is remarkably close to the mark. 

Don’t think that’s actually true. The pike takes any new event and presents it in the most negative way possible. Frequently off the mark. 

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I tend to agree BB, and it does lead me to wonder if the pike is doing more harm than good.

It is possible that the mighty JP could take any complaint and claim it to have originated from information from a "Pike article" rather than from source documents. Is the tail starting to wag the dog?


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Just now, batrabill said:

Don’t think that’s actually true. The pike takes any new event and presents it in the most negative way possible. Frequently off the mark. 

Perhaps occasionally but more often than not the Pike is pretty near the mark, as is the case with this latest report.  Indeed I really don't think that there has ever been smoke without some form of fire. Granted that we can all draw our own conclusions but in this case the BA's monitoring officer has moved on, coincidence or not but no getting away from the iffy goings on at BA HQ.

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32 minutes ago, Paladin said:

While we can all read the proposals for the new complaint/complainants policy and can judge for ourselves how close the Pike's commentary is, I would be very interested to know what grounds there are for connecting the apparent resignation of the Solicitor and Monitoring Officer to that policy. I would have thought that resigning on a point of principle would have been more effective if he resigned on the basis that he could not put his name to such a draconion policy. Preparing and submitting that report will be his lasting legacy. Not one I would have thought he would want on his CV.

I would be very interested to know what grounds there are for connecting the apparent resignation of the Solicitor and Monitoring Officer to that policy.

If nothing else I will suggest timing, perhaps more than just a coincidence.

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I cannot see any smoke at all, let alone fire!!

If the truth ever became known, it probably has nothing to to do with some peoples imagination - there are many many reasons why people move on and or change jobs. If it REALLY was on a matter of principle, I think the "news" would have broken in a more appropriate manner, rather than in something such as Pike Broadsheet which many people do not even have access too, and equally most who do, rarely read these days - generally hot air and squit comes to mind!!!

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1 hour ago, JennyMorgan said:

coincidence or not but no getting away from the iffy goings on at BA HQ.

There's the rub, if you have evidence that it isn't coincidence then say so, I don't need proof, but if you say there is evidence I will probably believe you, if it is a coincidence then its 'fake news', or 'spin', or 'lies', and the Headline should read, Man Changes Job. Nothing To See!


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3 hours ago, batrabill said:

There's the rub, if you have evidence that it isn't coincidence then say so, I don't need proof, but if you say there is evidence I will probably believe you, if it is a coincidence then its 'fake news', or 'spin', or 'lies', and the Headline should read, Man Changes Job. Nothing To See!


I don't lie and I sincerely doubt that the current 'Pike' does either. Regretfully revealing sources might prove unwise, for obvious reasons. 

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Surely the large glass towers that is Yare house doesn't need a solicitor? I thought all the Commandments came from on high, that they were the epitome of law in the land.

Like the non photographing of Rangers in public places

I think Pacman has been at the pills and ghosts again

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