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The Moon

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Today is fifty years since Apollo 11 landed on the moon.My mum and I watched the whole thing.It was exciting, a true since of history. At that time a series of missions took.place and it seemed that more would follow. Then it all slowed down.However it is something that will stay forever in my mind. "A small step for man,a giant step for mankind".

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Judith and I watched it in Spanish in a bar in Calafell about 50Ks south of Barcelona. We met at a bonfire party, 5th of November 1966 and as we had been "Walking out" for so long we decided to get married that evening, I was nearly 20 she was 18. We were together for 50 years 18 days and married for nearly 46. As has been pointed out on the retirement thread time passes so quickly! Nearly 20 then, nearly 70 now. Everthing to look forwards to then, sadly a very lonely future is what I see ahead.

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Didn't want to divert the thread with my last note. I was still at school at the time of the first walk on the moon, around 15 years old I think. I remember me, my mum and dad all glued to the TV. Come midnight, I was the only one left up as it was forecast to happen around 3am, I think. I just wanted to be awake to see it live so for around 3 hours I did all I could to keep awake until the actual footsteps down the ladder. I am still to this day, pleased that i saw it happen live. It's one of those "Where were you when Kennedy was shot" moments. I know exactly where I was 50 years ago today.

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Someone walked on the moon? Really? :default_biggrin:

1 hour ago, ChrisB said:

Judith and I watched it in Spanish in a bar in Calafell about 50Ks south of Barcelona. We met at a bonfire party, 5th of November 1966 and as we had been "Walking out" for so long we decided to get married that evening, I was nearly 20 she was 18. We were together for 50 years 18 days and married for nearly 46. As has been pointed out on the retirement thread time passes so quickly! Nearly 20 then, nearly 70 now. Everthing to look forwards to then, sadly a very lonely future is what I see ahead.


1 hour ago, DAVIDH said:

Yes Chris, if we are lucky, life can give you unimaginable happiness, and just when you get to the point where you are inseparable in every way, it puts you in the queue to prise you apart. 

These two posts brought a lump to my throat

 I wish you both well and hopefully some peace and happiness in the future


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Of course we are all celebrating this a day early because the story is American.

Armstrong actually set foot on the moon at 10:56 EST American time.

To all of us it was 03:56 BST on a Monday morning.

I remember crawling into work that morning after being up until about 05:45, all of us at work looked like death warmed up as all had stayed up to watch it.

guardian 21st jul 1969 171537.png

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13 hours ago, ChrisB said:

Judith and I watched it in Spanish in a bar in Calafell about 50Ks south of Barcelona. We met at a bonfire party, 5th of November 1966 and as we had been "Walking out" for so long we decided to get married that evening, I was nearly 20 she was 18. We were together for 50 years 18 days and married for nearly 46. As has been pointed out on the retirement thread time passes so quickly! Nearly 20 then, nearly 70 now. Everthing to look forwards to then, sadly a very lonely future is what I see ahead.


12 hours ago, DAVIDH said:

Yes Chris, if we are lucky, life can give you unimaginable happiness, and just when you get to the point where you are inseparable in every way, it puts you in the queue to prise you apart. 

Life really is rubbish sometimes. It certainly makes you value how precious life is and not to take anything for granted. 

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We didn't have a television at home back in those days, however 50 years ago we were on a sort of work/vacation in Switzerland, staying in the Kilchberg (south side of Lake Zurich) appartment of a scottish colleague of my father whilst they were visiting family in Scotland.  Thus we watched the landing on their B&W TV, trying to understand the swiss commentator in his efforts to speak high German.  Once they had landed the plan was for the crew to rest before the walk so we all went to bed - waking to find they had cancelled the planned rest & had gone walkies whilst we slept.

Back home I think we got our first TV in time for the final(?) landing on the moon.

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I was just three years old at the time and we were living in Scotland, Uncle Albert I think was on submarines at the time. I do have vivid memories of staying up to watch one of the later missions. That would have been in the 70's living in Doncaster as we didn't get a TV until the mid 70's. Having Mum explain conditions in space gave me nightmares. She had a knack for description.

Uncle Albert was a bit of a stargazer. His intention was to have his telescope on board Royal Tudor. This week I repaired the shelf unit on RT's bulkhead where the old boy set up his reference library. Among books on birds, plants and wildlife he thought we might have need of on our travels on Royal Tudor he brought along a battered book of star charts to identify any constellations he might not know.
"We might need it lad!" he replied when I asked why he had brought it.
"How far do you think we are going?"
"I'd like to see Beccles."
"Yes but, Dad...this is a book on stars of the Southern Hemisphere!"
"Beccles is south!"

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3 hours ago, Timbo said:

I was just three years old at the time and we were living in Scotland, Uncle Albert I think was on submarines at the time. I do have vivid memories of staying up to watch one of the later missions. That would have been in the 70's living in Doncaster as we didn't get a TV until the mid 70's. Having Mum explain conditions in space gave me nightmares. She had a knack for description.


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