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5 hours ago, YnysMon said:

Me too. Looks like you had some lovely weather for the time of year. Your photos show how beautiful the Broads can be in February.

After the recent storms, it was perfect timing and we were very lucky.

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Monday 28th February

As usual we woke early to a bit of a sunrise. It had been very chilly during the night, especially when the electric ran out at 4.00am.  I went for a walk along the river and was delighted to see a pair of hares running around.  Thankfully Desmond didn't spot them, being too small to see over the reeds.  Think I may have to call him a 'bathtub' dog...

Our aim today was Ranworth. We have only moored there a couple of times pre Desmond because of the issue of getting him off the boat with no stern access.  We had to stop there whatever as we were getting low on water so the decision made to fill up and if the taxi rank wasn’t available we would find somewhere else.  It was a bit chilly on the way so we tucked Desmond up and as usual he slept the entire cruise as usual.

We arrived at Ranworth at around 9.30.  There were a few boats and the taxi rank was occupied so we moored up anyway to fill up with water.  Desmond was standing at the door as he always does when we stop so Selsie said he would try and get him to shore.  Heart in my mouth, Desmond trundled down the side of the boat with Selsie holding onto the handle of the harness and he was absolutely fine.  I was a bag of nerves.  He was a bit hesitant getting back on but again, no problems.  I was a bit cheeky and asked the people on the taxi rank if they were staying and they said they were leaving in ten minutes so once they had left we moved Luna and soon the other boats had also left so we had the whole place to ourselves. It was absolute bliss.  Sun, blue sky (sorry Cambridge Cabby!) and we sat just looking at the view thinking how incredibly lucky we were and knowing this was probably a one off this year.    Quite a few rangers were around and we started chatting to them and mentioned that we had emailed about the broken post at Potter.  They said they had seen our email and thanked us for letting them know and that Potter was their next destination.  

A group of private boats and a couple of hirers arrived, then Chiltern Lady so I went over and had a chat.  Had a lovely walk down Priory Lane but realised doing the circuit was a bit too far at that time.  The angry birds arrived at the window having a right old yell and squawk at us and even Desmond decided they weren’t friends and tried to ignore them. It was nice to see  quite a few moorhens about.  Haven't seen any of them in a long time.  As usual the fresh air and staring at a wonderful view all day meant we were utterly exhausted and retired early again. 









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Tuesday 1st March

Our run of fabulous weather was over.  What a miserable damp and cold day dawned.  We are not fair weather boaters by any means but I have to say cruising in the rain isn’t our idea of fun especially when it is cold so decided on a very short cruise to Horning staithe. On the way we saw an egret? The white stork heron bird and more moorhens.  We checked the sailing club webcam every now and then and could only see one cruiser there so felt confident we would get a space by the time we got there.  Sure enough there was space although a bit more of a squeeze than first thought as a little fishing boat was there which didn’t really show up on the webcam.  In between the rain, I took Desmond off for a walk around the village and found a nice little circuit, up to the playing field and down very steep steps into Lower Street.  Who said Norfolk was flat...  It was a fantastic view from the top.  We got some very good sausages from the shop and had them in rolls for lunch.  Quite a few Richardsons and Herbert Woods boats went past throughout the day but only one other boat moored at the Staithe which was surprising.   There seemed to be more boats about today and we could feel the season was starting.  






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I love that pic of Desmond all tucked up in bed with his own pillow. We’d  never get Seren to stay put like that with blankets over her…too wriggly! She is very good at staying in her own bed overnight though, even if we leave the door to our cabin open. 

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17 hours ago, YnysMon said:

I love that pic of Desmond all tucked up in bed with his own pillow. We’d  never get Seren to stay put like that with blankets over her…too wriggly! She is very good at staying in her own bed overnight though, even if we leave the door to our cabin open. 

He rarely looks our of the window whilst cruising unlike Seren who always looks so keen to watch whats going on.  I think he’s just very used to travelling from his show days as he’s the same in the car. 

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27 minutes ago, addicted said:

Back in day I used to have couple of racing greyhounds. They used to sleep all the way to about a mile from the stadium and then some sort of instinct would have them up with their chins firmly planted on the driver's shoulders. 



We have a very 'not racing' greyhound Carole 🙂




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love those teeth - say cheese :default_biggrin:


Wednesday 2nd March

It was another overcast dull day but at least it wasn’t raining. I'd woken early with Desmond falling out of bed.   We set off for Ferry Marine to get a pump out as soon as they opened at 8.00. We used to moor at the marina so it was all familiar to us.  Great service as usual.  We topped up with water as well and it cost a total of £18.

We then went back up the Ant, destination Neatishead for the night.  A lovely slow cruise and hardly met anyone.  Ludham, How Hill and Gayes staithe all had just one boat at each.  We arrived at Neatishead, also just one other boat there.  The fishermen were great while we were faffing about mooring up. Like last time, it was very muddy around the Staithe.  

I took Desmond for a walk down to Gayes Staithe and back and resisted the fudge lady’s stall, then popped up to the shop for a few supplies.  Later the same group of private boats we had met at Ranworth arrived and by the evening I think there were around 6 boats in total.   

We decided to order a meal from the White Horse, delivered to the boat.  Such and excellent service and the food was just as good as last time.  It still amuses me that we have to put in an address which is "Luna Aurora, Neatishead Staithe, on the right as you look from the road”.  The food was delivered right on time and piping hot.  Thoroughly recommend.   A lovely evening and so quiet,  just the sound of an owl every now and then.  We are now full of confidence getting in and out of Neatishead but will still probably avoid during the peak season.








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8 minutes ago, Lulu said:

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I took Desmond for a walk down to Gayes Staithe and back and resisted the fudge lady’s stall . . . . . . . 

Noooooooo!  That’s almost as difficult as leaving Lathams without a bargain!!  😉

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Thursday 3rd March 

Selsie’s rather significant birthday! (I'd better not disclose)  We don’t buy each other presents usually but so I didn’t get told off, I bought presents for Luna instead, two rope holders for the pulpit rails.  We are so pleased with them and how tidy it makes everything, that I’ve ordered two more from Sheridan Marine.  Speedy service and good prices.  

I took Desmond for a walk across a field opposite the fudge lady's cottage and was hopeful the day would brighten up. We decided to go off grid for the first time this holiday as it wasn't going to be quite so chilly so set of for How Hill.  How Hill was totally empty so we picked what we call Luna’s Nook.  I guess in a few weeks time it will be heaving again.   We so like winter cruising!

I went off for a long walk around the grounds.  Desmond was in his element.  Molehills everywhere which for some reason he has to pee on every single one of them.  It was a very long time wandering about....

We had an easy to cook ready meal for dinner realising we had timed it a bit wrong having our meal from the White Horse the night before instead of on Selsie’s birthday night.  But to be honest, having How Hill totally to ourselves more than made up for it.  It was absolute heaven.  It was so quiet and I spent late evening looking at the stars, with no light pollution.  Think I need a telescope....










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Friday 4th /Sat 5th March

I woke to hear the booming sound of what I assume were bitterns and lots of other bird song. We could quite happily spend days at How Hill. Absolutely love the place to ourselves.   I took Desmond for a walk along the river towards Irstead then we set off for the marina quite early.  Once back, we thoroughly cleaned Luna inside and out.  We had tried to keep the mud ingress to a minimum all week and had done quite well but I wanted to do a proper spring clean.   We had some non boaty stuff to do in the afternoon and spent the last night of our holiday in the marina. On Saturday we loaded up the car with all the washing (and there was loads of it) and left around 8.00am.  

It had been a fantastic holiday.  We had been on the whole incredibly lucky with the weather and had got on all the moorings we wanted, knowing we were unlikely to get some of them again with the new season starting.   As much as I love spring and summer there is something very special about winter boating.

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Good to hear that you had an enjoyable break.  I’m looking forward to getting out on Norfolk Lady for an extended break soon.  Work on our bungalow has taken priority since the New Year and it’s fair to say that I’m decorated out now until the autumn.

We have a week on Moonlight Shadow starting at the end of April and are taking friends new to The Broads with us.  Four adults on Norfolk Lady would be just a little cosy for a week!  Definitely looking forward to that and Deleon river levels, maybe getting to one or two places inaccessible on our boat. :default_biggrin:

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1 hour ago, Mouldy said:

Definitely looking forward to that and Deleon river levels, maybe getting to one or two places inaccessible on our boat. :default_biggrin:

Delon?  Delon???? 😡. ‘Depending on’ is what it should read.  Bl**dy technology!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

26th March

After spending a couple of nights in the marina, cleaning and getting the BSS done, we headed out with a plan to go to the boundary farm moorings but spotted a nice end spot at How Hill. The weather was absolutely glorious, a few hire boats but surprisingly not that many privateers. Wonderful sound of bitterns booming close by. Im going to attempt to upload photos but suspect they will end up sideways which never used to happen but lets see….






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