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Acle B.N.P.


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The comment re BNP rebranding that really struck a chord with me is this one: 

It is our opinion that the Authority should respect the decisions of a democratically elected Parliament and not take on a marketing title by the back door.

Hardly becoming of our esteemed Broads Authority, an action that is not worthy of respect in any form.

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3 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

Thank you, Bill, I will take that as a compliment, even if it were not intended.

First comes the fire and secondly comes the smoke, I am the smoke, as are numerous other concerned folk.

 No fire, no smoke.

It was intended as a compliment- I greatly admire your tenacity and commitment to your cause. 

I don’t agree with you on many things though, you are shouting “fire! fire!” even when there isn’t even a wisp of smoke. 


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13 hours ago, batrabill said:

Vaughan, no one would argue against being aware of possible threats, but I am arguing that there is constant spin against everything the BA does. I don’t believe that “most people” buy into that but threads here often read like everyone does agree with one specific viewpoint. 

Sorry but that in itself is a misleading statement, it has often been stated on here and elsewhere how much respect is held for the vast majority of BA employees and the good work they do, it is just some of the policies that seem to be driven by the personal ambition of the executive that are questioned.

Where I live and I am sure in many places the work done by the majority of people on my local authority is well appreciated that dosnt mean I cant and shouldn't take issue with the often politically motivated polices of the controlling body that have a detrimental affect on mine and the lives of many others.


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a post to consider - the response in another National park to the prospect of 10 recreational cruisers on the lake.


to those that say it could never happen - take note.

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26 minutes ago, grendel said:

a post to consider - the response in another National park to the prospect of 10 recreational cruisers on the lake.


to those that say it could never happen - take note.

I don’t think this is a reasonable comparison at all. All the lakes in the Lake District have different regulations as regards boating. It should be remembered that Coniston has an annual Speed week. So basically this is a false comparison. 

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Bill, just my take on it but surely all that Grendel is doing is in suggesting what could happen. I did post an RSPB report earlier suggesting that the Broads motor boat fleet should be reduced to just 50% of all the boats on the Broads. Whilst I don't think it likely under present legislation I have to be aware that the RSPB, for example, has almost bottomless reserves should it wish to sponsor another Private Bill.

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Another NP with boating is the Brecon Beacons. I've hired many times from a boatyard and marina within the NP at Cambrian Cruisers on the Mon & Brec canal. Another company - Beacon Park Boats - outgrew it's traditional base and managed to get permission to build a new one within the NP. OK, in terms of fleet size they are tiny compared to the Broads, but it does show boating can be compatible with NP status.

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8 minutes ago, RS2021 said:

boating can be compatible with NP status.

Indeed it could be, in an ideal world. Perhaps even more ideal would be if NP status were entirely compatible with Broadland.  Indeed the UK Parliament has on three separate occasions declared that the legislation that governs the Broads is incompatible with the legislation that governs the real national parks,  a very wise judgement in my opinion. No easy answer I'm afraid. Hope that I haven't reignited or even opened another can of worms but rest assured I am not anti national parks in principle.

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48 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Bill, just my take on it but surely all that Grendel is doing is in suggesting what could happen. I did post an RSPB report earlier suggesting that the Broads motor boat fleet should be reduced to just 50% of all the boats on the Broads. Whilst I don't think it likely under present legislation I have to be aware that the RSPB, for example, has almost bottomless reserves should it wish to sponsor another Private Bill.

With the greatest respect, anything is possible, but as adults we should surely try and judge what is important and meaningful and what is just scaremongering. 

The Lake District has a complex and very successful relationship with boating which provides all kinds of boating. I’ve sailed on 5 different lakes. 

There is little evidence that being a NP is “bad” for boating in the Lake District.

You are currently really pushing the RSPB line but do they really drive policy in the Broads? Or is it crying wolf for the millionth time ?

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19 minutes ago, batrabill said:

You are currently really pushing the RSPB line but do they really drive policy in the Broads?

Do any of us really know?


19 minutes ago, batrabill said:

The Lake District has a complex and very successful relationship with boating

Water skiers might not agree!


19 minutes ago, batrabill said:

With the greatest respect, anything is possible, but as adults we should surely try and judge what is important and meaningful and what is just scaremongering. 

I think that many of us have learned the wisdom, in respect of the BA, of keeping a watchful eye open. Shouldn't have to be like that though. How many of us dreamt that JP would go against declared policy and erect these blessed road signs for example, despite previous Parliamentary dictates ?  

And another thing, The Broads is the Broads, not The Lakes.

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16 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

And another thing, The Broads is the Broads, not The Lakes.

But you are being a bit cheeky there because Grendel said:


1 hour ago, batrabill said:

to those that say it could never happen - take note.

... explicitly saying that what happens in the Lakes could happen here.

And you well know that comparisons with all the terrible things that happen in NP's has long been part of your story.


20 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Water skiers might not agree!


No they might not, but you also know that waterskiing on Windermere was NEVER a Sandford-style conflict between boating and nature. It was much more about safety, noise, and the character of any area of naturaL beauty.

Windermere is thick with boats of all kinds. Tough for the waterskiiers, but like lots of people I don't think they should be there.


As I have pointed out many times, the Lake District happily stages a SPEED event on Coniston. Perhaps you'd be better off warning that they might want to do similar on Hickling if full NP status was achieved. Horrors!

I may start a petition - NO KILLER SPEED EVENT ON HICKLING! 



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Actually I was just pointing to it as an example of how other NP's use their powers to prevent things they see as unwanted, plus the irony of a message that says in huge letters at the bottom visit the lake district, on a publication that gives the message 'visit the lake district, but dont expect to be able to stay on a boat while you are here' and the conflict between messages that gives, maybe i should have started a new thread for that, but hey i was tired after a days training then a 6 hour drive home.

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6 hours ago, batrabill said:

I may start a petition - NO KILLER SPEED EVENT ON HICKLING! 


I used to take part in the annual speedboat race during Barton Regatta in the 60s. There was also a workboat race, for boatyard towboats. The wash was quite enormous! I still have the little envelopes, which contained the winnings for 2nd and 3rd prizes.

10/. (ten shillings) I won!

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Come to think of it, it would have been late 50s rather than 60s, when I was about 10 years old. I have got one of my mother's old ciné films of it somewhere. I must look it up for Carol Gingell.

The race died out in the end, when Ian Mackintosh bought an Albatross and lapped all the rest of the competition about 4 times! Everyone else reckoned that was cheating!


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Going back to local culture, it is perhaps worth remembering that local boatyards such as Jack Broome in Brundall Gardens, Pete Sabberton, Leslie Landamore and Don Hagenbach of Windboats, were building and selling very successful - and powerful - speedboats for use on the Broads, in the 60s.

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3 hours ago, grendel said:

Actually I was just pointing to it as an example of how other NP's use their powers to prevent things they see as unwanted, plus the irony of a message that says in huge letters at the bottom visit the lake district, on a publication that gives the message 'visit the lake district, but dont expect to be able to stay on a boat while you are here' and the conflict between messages that gives, maybe i should have started a new thread for that, but hey i was tired after a days training then a 6 hour drive home.

But Grendel, that’s still making a link between the mythical effects of NPs and things you can’t do. 

It is equally valid to say “Welcome to the Broads but don’t expect to be able to get up on the plane on Hickling.”

The 10 forty-foot boats at Grasmere are a change from what was there before 

If this was a plan for Ranworth inner would you be reacting in the same way? I suspect there would be howls of disapproval 


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it was just the thought that if I was booking a holiday in an area entitled the lake district, only to be told I couldnt book a boating holiday, i would be kind of disappointed. its just the mixed message presented by a NP, though I suppose that we should be used to that already.

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The situation on Windermere with the speed ban that was imposed should be a stark warning of what a Quango can do. The boating community were against the ban also the vast majority of the shops that featured banners in the shop windows. There were rallies and protests that were ignored by the powers that be, they had already decided the fate of the lake almost 20 years before the ban was imposed, they were not worried about the lose in revenue to the area at all, it is estimated that the skiing community about 4% of visitors to the lake district contributed about 20% of the total income to the area.

The area was well covered by patrols on the lake and the three area's that the speed was limited to 6 mph  was adhered to in the main. In the later years before the ban jet-ski were an slight issue but were policed by the boat patrols. 




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22 hours ago, batrabill said:

 . Tough for the waterskiiers, but like lots of people I don't think they should be there!

But they WERE there, and they were banned, which is a change, and you`re all for it?.

13 hours ago, batrabill said:


The 10 forty-foot boats at Grasmere are a change from what was there before 


But this change you are totally against, why is that?.

It appears in your own words, you obviously only like change when it suits you, i know what that smacks of to me, and possibly to others too?.

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