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Brundall Church Fen


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This particular mooring last week came up on another thread in regards as to who managed the site , I have heard back now from the head of ranger services and it transpires that the down steam section only is managed by BA , the upstream section is by brundall gardens marina hence the authorities bylaws are not relivent to that section .

At least 2 people were getting confused and making accusations as to overstaying on a BA mooring were it transpires there is no case to answer to on the up stream section .

I would also wish to point out that to anyone wishing to moor on the up stream section should take great care when getting off the boat in wet weather , the quay heading is extremely slippery and I personally have seen a number of incident's where people have fallen , one of which ended up in the water between the boat and quay .

I hope that BAs clarification now helps to solve any confusion as to this particular mooring .

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4 minutes ago, SwanR said:

Just one point that I’m sure someone can help me with. Upstream and downstream. Which is which? Easiest way to explain it to me for this particular mooring would be which describes the Norwich end?

The Norwich end is upstream , brundall end down stream :default_beerchug:

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Very handy moorings to stock up on a few bits and bobs. Nice boardwalk, cross the rail lines, up the hill, turn left and there's the Co-op. Just past The Ram, handily, for those that like that sort of thing (no names, you know who you are)!

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It's very kind of Brundall Gardens Marina to provide these moorings free of charge to all users, I wonder what their thinking was? There's no apparent benefit to themselves, so why do it? This is me with my suspicious, cynical hat on, now!

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Lynsey, you're confused! These moorings are nowhere near the actual marina, they're about 100 yards upstream (towards Norwich) from the entrance to Bargate Broad, usually referred to erroneously as Surlingham Broad. On land owned by the marina, I think?

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Brundall Gardens covers a huge area, including a hidden broad that was blocked off years ago as an experiment by a university. The land extends to the edge of the original Church Fen moorings and were built as part of the planning permissions to extend the marina.

The moorings directly outside the marina are all private.

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18 minutes ago, Regulo said:

Lynsey, you're confused! These moorings are nowhere near the actual marina, they're about 100 yards upstream (towards Norwich) from the entrance to Bargate Broad, usually referred to erroneously as Surlingham Broad. On land owned by the marina, I think?

Nothing new there then Ray lol   :default_dunce:

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19 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

Church Fen - February last year 


It's worth pointing out that the boat in the piccie looking like an overstayer is normally moored just upstream of the moorings where the broad is blocked off and not on the church fen moorings themselves before anyone judges them too harshly.

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