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Whilst we’re in this enforced Broads lay-off it would be wonderful to see any photos and read any blogs from this years (or previous years) holidays afloat .

So if any fellow members are twiddling their thumbs at home wondering what to do with their time I’m sure I’m not the only one that would appreciate reading and viewing your Broads memories of happier times past .


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I was actually reading my own Luna’s Log the other day from the beginning. I realise now, even if it’s for just my own benefit how lovely it was to look back at the great times and bits I’d would have forgotten about if I hadn’t done my log 

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2 hours ago, ChrisB said:

Apparently that Heron was very tame and used to hang out at the rental cottages just up river from The Ferry.

I can vouch for there being such a heron ... commonly called Harry. We stayed in one of the Ferry Marina rental cottages back in 2008 which I think was before they moved their hire fleet down to the waterfront. Anyway ... here's the heron ... not entirely sure whether it was myself or my husband who took these photos, wouldn't want to take credit for his work but can't remember.




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9 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

So many highlights, which ones should I choose? This pictures sees me out on the water in a Fireball that my wife to be and I had built in the loft of my parent's bungalow. No, we didn't win but we are still together which is a pretty good result! 

Oulton Broad 1966.jpg

I love the Fireball, beautiful boat. Known affectionally as "A Kipper Box" due to their prow design that I think is rather beautiful in a boaty way.


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1 hour ago, ChrisB said:

That was across Barton, mud-weighted off east bank just north of the shallow water bouys, looking WNW. 

Thanks its obvious in daylight on the computer - looked like a frozen channel on my phone not a frozen boardwalk

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47 minutes ago, LizG said:

Thanks its obvious in daylight on the computer - looked like a frozen channel on my phone not a frozen boardwalk

Sorry liz I clicked and did not expand that is the boardwalk, I went to photo a frozen Barton.

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1 hour ago, ChrisB said:

I love the Fireball, beautiful boat. Known affectionally as "A Kipper Box" due to their prow design that I think is rather beautiful in a boaty way.


For us the joy of the Fireball was that it was designed to be home built and that is what I and three others did in the loft of my then home. We built three hulls which when complete were lifted through a tightly fitting window and then lowered to the ground on a tackle slung between two nearby trees. Mine was the first boat out, that was a leap of faith but despite a frightening drop as the tackle took the strain my boat landed safe and unscarred.  We had a huge amount of fun with that boat, racing her at Southwold, Kessingland, Lowestoft, Gorleston and Snetterton as well as across the Broads, the joys of a trailable boat. We also raced Fireballs in Holland, the Dutch lending us boats as we in turn did when they returned with us to race in England. Three sets of three races in each country, the Dutch won, by one race. That was huge fun, the long waves off Holland were a new experience and well suited to a Fireball and its planing hull.

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