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My Life In The Kitchen(s).


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Always this time of the year,I do some pickling.Most of the time onions.I buy 5 kg onions. This makes about 4 or 5 half lt jars. I Often add a few chilli's or garlic depends what I have in mind each time .Then I give away to family .I always use a new seal each time not reusing old ones.That way you get better results. 


So after a very busy Olympics.Life settled down for a time.Towards the end of 2012.I received  a letter from RBS.It appeared they had made a big mistake  on my Nat west pension.More to the point the money they owed me was considerable.What was funny they gave me the option of reinvesting it back in a pension with them or take the cash.So I paid off our mortgage, swapped Little  Kingfisher for Sweetkingfisher. I treated Marina to a trip to Geneva. She to her slight annoyance only know where we was going when we arrived at London City Airport. We had a lovely  time in Switzerland. Did some more bits and pieces  with the money. More good luck followed in 2014.More of that later.

Cookery books.Ive got lots,Some of which going back to my training  days.Even to this day,I enjoy learning new things.I am encouraged  by Chefs who truly enjoy there work.Some of my favourites are Raymond Blanc,Tom Kerridge,Paul Answorth.Just a few that I very much respect. 

A few photos of my  books 📚.




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When I was first married I saved up pink stamps the forerunner of green shield stamps (remember those?) and after about 6 months I managed to accru enough to get a Mrs. Beatons cookery book. Even though over the  intervening years I've acquired loads of other more exotic, modern cook books, It's still my favourite "go-to today"! more than 50 years later, although it's somewhat dogeared and stained in places it still holds pride of place in the cookery book collection.  I've never found a Christmas cake recipe I prefer.




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  • 2 months later...

So in January  2014 at the London boat show ,we had just got in someone asked if we would like to enter a drew for a trip to Londonderry. We weren't sure,a woman replied its free to enter, just need your email.We brought some bits for the boat enjoyed the day went home.A few weeks later Marina  had a call from them telling  her she had won an all expenses trip to Londonderry. So in June we flew to Belfast, included saw the Beach boys in concert,they were brilliant. Went on a guided tour of Londonderry, visited the clippers all moored on the Irish stop.The city had a boat,tagged Londonderry, Derry ,Legendary. The trip was organised by the Londonderry, Derry tourist board. Must say before we went,we were both a little nervous, needed have worry the whole trip was lovely  the people were great.Can highly recommend a trip to Londonderry, Derry. So back home ,working in many units large and small.


Don't forget to allow meat to come up to room temperature before cooking.So a turkey  may take a few hours.For joints of meat sit on a bed of onions garlic  carrot and or celery  🌿 herbs this will help with the gravy.Do as much prep as possible  that will help no end on Christmas  day,and get other members of the family  to  help.Happy Christmas. 

2015,things start to go south  for me.


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I can't remember if it was late 2014 or early 15 that I broke a metatarsal in my right foot.I was off work for about a week,but then was able to work with a boot.I had problems  at work,not health related. However when we could we went up to the boat which helped things.Then late November  I had problems  with my breathing, saw my GP and another  Doctor, they both said I had a virus.It got worse so Marina  took me to A&E at Dartford.They quickly admitted  me,put me on oxygen and found  out I had pneumonia. I was in for six days I think.Saw the consultant he said I had also COPD.Sent home with oxygen, a nurse came to see me at home once a day checked my stats and asked me to reduce  my dependence on oxygen. After a week I came off it.I worked one day before  Christmas which funny enough  was 23 December 2015.It took some time to regain my health.At that time my COPD was slight.

So into 2016,things start  to improve. 

Tips:What to do with all that Turkey. Even though  you may be tried.Strip off any remaining  meat and store in the fridge.Make stock with the bones,adding onions,carrots,leek and celery.

Turkey curry.When I make curry I'm not mean with onions so for about 500g meat,about 2 to 3 hundred grams onions. Cut into small dice,important to get a good colour  on the onions,the browner the better,but not burnt. Add a fews chopped cloves of garlic,then add one dessert spoon of ground coriander, chilli  power to taste,Marina  doesn't like hot curry so I add about half a teaspoon,one dessert spoon cumin,add a good spoon of tomato puree add chicken or Turkey  stock.Cook for about half and hour add fairly large pieces  of Turkey ensure its served  hot through. 

Also good pies.Adding cooked onions,mushrooms, Reduce white wine,add some stock,thicken with cornflour adding a little cream.Top with a short crust pastry lid,half fat to flour .I Often use trex.

Also good is stir fry.

When freezing I label items when frozen and I give two months. In my job,high risk such  as meat,fish,dairy one month,low risk bakery items six months.This is a good time to check what's in the freezer,so it's nice a tidy for the New Year.

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Thanks Ian. I sorted through my freezer yesterday and found several items from 2020. Whoops!

Today I have plans to make cranberry sauce, bread sauce in preparation for tomorrow's dinner, and also prepare a nut loaf for Graham. Harry and I are having turkey as usual, but Graham gave up meat a few months ago. I'm also planning to make some raspberry jam, having taken two large containers of pureed raspberries out of the freezer yesterday. I cooked down and sieved the raspberries in the summer but was too lazy to get around to making the jam. 

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I guess with commercial catering, you can't be too careful, but I've got stuff in my freezer that goes back 2-3 years. Whenever I am brave enough to defrost, cook and eat whatever it is, it seems to taste OK. Of course if something looks or smells wrong once defrosted or after cooking, it goes in the bin.

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  • 1 month later...

2016 through  to 2020,early 2017 I was asked to work the evening  shift at Goldmans Sachs. So I had a team of three.They were nice people  but not very good Chefs.Slow but sure I improved  the food,we started  to sell more food.Some Chefs left and I had new staff,the important  thing they were keen to learn.Im more then happy to help those that are keen to learn. So from 2017 to March 2020 Most of the time I was working at GS,and I was very happy. Me being me an accident was in the waiting After attending  a Health and Safety refresher, on my way home I broke both arms, I was off work  for five weeks.That said I did a first Aid course  as a first Aider at work.I was still recovering  from my broken arms.Part of the course was CPR.Well the pain in my arms was something  else.I was offered the evening  shift as a permanent position, which I was keen on doing,but sadly they couldn't meet my salary. 

Next time Covid ended my career and the highs and lows of my career.


Tips:January is a time when we're asked to go Veggie or Vegan. 

Now I'm not A Vegetarian or Vegan,but I tray to go meatless of Fish once a week.

I like stir fry veg with noodles. If you have glass noodles.I use grated fresh ginger,soy sauce, sweet chilli  sauce,use loads of veg.Tofu dip in cornflour, with a little  black pepper five spice powder,deep fry.Just add what sauces and spices you like.Theres also many ready made sauces available in most supermarkets now.

Sometimes I make cheese sauce in advance.To prevent a skin forming I use clingfilm, you can set aside for a later time.You can also top with melted butter. 

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I will probably regret asking this, but how on earth did you manage to break both arms? The only other person I know who did something similar broke both her wrists having tripped down stairs. Unfortunately she’d given birth to twins a couple of months previously. That was awkward! I think her husband had to take time off work so that they could cope. 

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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Gracie said:

Just catching up with this Ian, loving it, so interesting too. Is there a book or any advice you can give to someone who is a complete disaster of epic proportiions in the kitchen. Asking for a friend :default_hiding: x

I will look at some of my many books,that may be useful for your friend. :default_icon_liar:

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33 minutes ago, annv said:

Hi Ian what is the best way to cook Pollock when i oven cook it it like i do Haddock it comes out solid and tastes very bland.Thanks.  John

A few ideas,pollock is a bit like cod.Instead of ovan bake.Pan fry with a little  oil,season with salt and pepper. Dust in a little flour,add a spoonful of butter and keep costing with the butter,a good squeeze of lemon juice.It won't take long to cook 2 or 3 minutes each side.

Deep fry, My batter is 3 2 1 . 3oz plain flour 2oz cornflour 1oz of baking powder. All in one bowl add sparkling water make sure your batter is not to runny.Make at least  half an hour before frying.No need to put mix in fridge. Dust fish with flour dip in batter fry temp about 180/200c. Batter mix can be used for any fish,chicken or veg.

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