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Christmas Fair 11&12 December Hemsby Lifeboat.


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Hemsby Lifeboat are having  a Christmas  Fair. 11&12 December, lots of things to do and buy and on Sunday they will be naming there new boat.Im pleased to say I will be helping out.So if you are close by,pop in a gets some things  for Christmas and help out a very worthwhile cause.

A recent photo of there New Boat.


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I until recently  I was not only a member of the RNLI(which I still  am).But also my local branch Bexleyheath  Kent.We used to collect  on average  10/12 Thousand pounds per year,which we returned to I think London. 

Griff Hemsby Lifeboat  is independent of the RNLI,so it raises money for itself. Therefore it's important to raise funds in the best way it can.

So rest assured any money raised tomorrow and Sunday we go to support Hemsby  Lifeboat  Station .

Come along 30 stalls, cakes, face painting and 🎅 Santa. 

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Griff Hemsby Lifeboat  is independent of the RNLI,so it raises money for itself. Therefore it's important to raise funds in the best way it can.

So rest assured any money raised tomorrow and Sunday we go to support Hemsby  Lifeboat  Station .

Come along 30 stalls, cakes, face painting and 🎅 Santa. 


Thanks for the info, that is good to know,  I will make more of an effort to donate to the Hemsby outfit then. I could possibly use 'B.A' as a fund raiser and offer an auctioned skippered weekend afloat for six crew maybe? I have done this a few times before now and each time it has raised over £1k

The Hemsby lifeboat station - as of yet I have never been there.  Popping down at this time of year is out of the question even with the temptation of the offered attractions as it will be in the region of a 350 mile round trip.  During the summer months on the Mighty Tiger though would be doable, especially with a stop over onboard 'B.A'

Now I know this bit will be controversial but I made a conscious decision recently not to donate any more of my hard earned to the RNLI whilst they are being used as a daily taxi service for the illegal immigrants landing on our south shores daily.  Oh and btw - They are NOT refugees before any snowflake wrongly states they are, that is unless france has become a war torn country recently whilst I wasn't looking  

RNLI's loss, Hemsby's gain


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13 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

whilst they are being used as a daily taxi service for the illegal immigrants landing on our south shores daily

Well, you're right about that being controversial Griff. Of course it's right that you decide what you do with your own money but even without my snowflake hat on the RNLI go out simply to people in trouble at sea. They rescued Germans during WW2 for example, it is only enough that a life is in danger and they will risk theirs to save it.

I agree with many of the arguments about economic migrants rather than refugees but there's no time to check credentials on a sinking boat!

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Having heard many tales from my father in law, who skippered the first rib lifeboat to be stationed in Trearddur Bay, I'm not surprised that some lifeboats went independent at some stage or other. His frustration (this was in the 70s) was not having communication equipment that worked properly, so once they had launched it was difficult to check out latest position of casualty and so on. 

I do admire the RNLI and all the independent services though. I've been catching up with the latest series of Saving Lives at Sea on iPlayer recently. Episode 6 featured the rescue of a surfer that I reported on in a post I did back in May. We happened to be visiting Trearddur Bay at the time and saw the rib lifeboat coming back in. The conditions were horrendous. I noticed over the course of the whole series that there were several incidents reported from the same weekend. 

Griff, I think your support for the rescue services is great, but I do recommend that you watch the final episode of the Saving Lives at Sea series, which involved the rescue of refugees off the south coast, it might help you see their plight with a new light. They might be illegal immigrants, but it takes a lot for most people to leave their home and risk everything, including their lives.  I can't imagine how desperate people must be to pack their family onto such a small and overloaded vessel. When they returned from that shout the skipper remarked that the crew had abuse shouted at them from some bystanders who had collected by the quayside, for rescuing illegal immigrants, but he explained that they have a duty to rescue all. It's a shame that their funding efforts should be affected by that. 

By the way, there were children on board the rescued vessel.

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I won't make comment.However all my life I've  tried to help in the best way I can to many charities. In recent years the RNLI and the Poppy appeal. I also donate to a number of other charities. Now that we life close to Hemsby I will help them when I can. The RNLI have contacted  me,so I hope to help them when I can.

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2 hours ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

I won't make comment.However all my life I've  tried to help in the best way I can to many charities. In recent years the RNLI and the Poppy appeal. I also donate to a number of other charities. Now that we life close to Hemsby I will help them when I can. The RNLI have contacted  me,so I hope to help them when I can.

Ian! Don't let on you are a chef or they will have you grilling their delicious Herring. They do this for the summer fete and used to be at the Yarmouth Maritime festival too.

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6 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

Griff Hemsby Lifeboat  is independent of the RNLI,so it raises money for itself. Therefore it's important to raise funds in the best way it can.

So rest assured any money raised tomorrow and Sunday we go to support Hemsby  Lifeboat  Station .

Come along 30 stalls, cakes, face painting and 🎅 Santa. 


Thanks for the info, that is good to know,  I will make more of an effort to donate to the Hemsby outfit then. I could possibly use 'B.A' as a fund raiser and offer an auctioned skippered weekend afloat for six crew maybe? I have done this a few times before now and each time it has raised over £1k

The Hemsby lifeboat station - as of yet I have never been there.  Popping down at this time of year is out of the question even with the temptation of the offered attractions as it will be in the region of a 350 mile round trip.  During the summer months on the Mighty Tiger though would be doable, especially with a stop over onboard 'B.A'

Now I know this bit will be controversial but I made a conscious decision recently not to donate any more of my hard earned to the RNLI whilst they are being used as a daily taxi service for the illegal immigrants landing on our south shores daily.  Oh and btw - They are NOT refugees before any snowflake wrongly states they are, that is unless france has become a war torn country recently whilst I wasn't looking  

RNLI's loss, Hemsby's gain


The Hemsby Lifeboat hold an annual Herring festival in August.

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18 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

I made a conscious decision recently not to donate any more of my hard earned to the RNLI whilst they are being used as a daily taxi service for the illegal immigrants landing on our south shores daily. 

I am no fan of the RNLI these days and cancelled my subscription of 40 years duration about 5 years ago.  This is because of the politics of their shoreside management and nothing to do with the raw courage and seamanship of the crews themselves. 

Their calling is to save lives at sea and so, naturally, they cannot choose which lives to save!

The immigrant problem has to do with territorial waters.  At the narrow eastern end of the Channel, there are no "High Seas" , as there are in the Med, between Africa and Greece, or Italy.  Between Calais and Dover, you are either in France, or England.  So once you are half way across, you are "in the country".  That cannot be the RNLI's fault and cannot influence their own duty.

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Norfolk has a fine set of independents. Mundesley, Sea Palling, Hemsby and Caister.

As Vaughan quite rightly points out you are either in France or England at that point in The Channel. From the moment those sub-standard craft leave shore to cross the separation zones without the most basic of equipment all those onboard lives are in severe danger.



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