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Springer’s Retreat On The Rivers


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Final bits sorted this morning. The tomato plants have been given a new home by Nigel’s shed and he’ll reap the bounty of the remaining harvest for his kindness. 
I drove the boat round to reception, Paul R took her to the slip, brought out the crane and then, just like that, she was out of the water. All that worry about nothing!!




I’m pleasantly surprised by how good she looks underneath. I was expecting to see the prop virtually half eaten away and the rudder all bent. Don’t know why, just did! 

So that’s me done for a good few weeks/months - who knows? Lulu sent me a lovely photo of her mooring at Boundary Farm. I miss it already 😢

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7 hours ago, Broads01 said:

So what have you specified for the repaint, Kate?

There are so many people worried she’ll be a different colour, but she’s staying ‘as is’ and will be totally recognisable once done.
While I can’t remember the name of the paint etc it’ll be 2 pack etc after thorough prep, windows out and all that. Colour exactly as now, with nonslip on decks. And a navy ‘go faster’ stripe near the antifoul line and maybe a navy band under the toerail. Hopefully I can keep the existing bin iron, as I want to keep her looking her age. If not, it’ll be a stainless steel rubbing strake. And keeping the existing cleats as again, they look right for the boat. Still keeping the rubber round the front as protection against me! Anode fitted as there hasn’t been one before. I’m having the transom cut out to future proof me/husband getting on board and adding fenders to the front bow sides, maybe adding corner fenders on the stern corners too as I have been knocked there a couple of times. Probably missed something from the above list. 

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22 hours ago, NeilB said:

Don’t know if you already have them but centre cleats are really useful, especially when single handed.

I had a long discussion with Paul about centre cleats. I'd already bought two matching ones at the boat jumble at Norwich last year for just that job. But we came to the conclusion that fitting the one on the starboard side would be easy peasy, but the port side would either entail removing the kitchen (not a chance) and fuel tank is I wanted it put in the most sensible place, or not having a supporting plate underneath. And I'm really not keen on that.

I don't like the idea of having one on one side only and decided I've managed OK up till now so I've abandoned the idea. One cleat will come in handy though as I have an odd shaped one at the back, so that'll get replaced. 




20 hours ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

It is a good time to check the rudder bearings whilst it is out of the water if that isn`t on the list.

It will be. Is that the cutlass bearing? All that metalwork underneath will be given a good check-over. I'll get the stern gland repacked too,(unless you lot or Paul etc say don't be daft) - it probably doesn't actually need it as it was done in 2021 and has been behaving itself beautifully, with my daily 'turn of the screw' (remote greaser). I don't know how often it should be done.

And by the way, Brian at LBBY managed to repack it with the boat in the water, took him about half hour all told and that included time explaining to me what he was doing.





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10 hours ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

It is a good time to check the rudder bearings whilst it is out of the water if that isn`t on the list.

Actually, maybe I do know the cutlass bearing is in a different place than rudder bearings. Is the cutlass bearing something to do with play on the prop shaft?

Anyway, all will be checked. I did have some fishing line wound the prop shaft, not much so hope it hasn't worn anything. Paul said if I was ever clearing it myself to be careful of hidden fishing hooks.


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4 hours ago, Roy said:

Hi Kate glad you are keeping the orange I think it suits the horizon 35s and it’s nice to keep it original. 

Funnily enough Roy, the silver gems' original colour was grey. I suppose grey is rather more like silver than orange is. I was pondering it at one point, but decided that light grey makes it look a bit drab and flat. And orange sort of suits my use of the boat - a bit quirky what with my tomatoes and one group of friends who insist on dressing up as pirates and frightening kids on passing boats! Most embarrassing.

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12 hours ago, kpnut said:

Actually, maybe I do know the cutlass bearing is in a different place than rudder bearings. Is the cutlass bearing something to do with play on the prop shaft?



It is yes whilst the rudder bearings are on the vertical round section of the rudder (as seen in the last of the photos).

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13 hours ago, kpnut said:

Funnily enough Roy, the silver gems' original colour was grey. I suppose grey is rather more like silver than orange is. I was pondering it at one point, but decided that light grey makes it look a bit drab and flat.

Weren't the Silver Gems originally Golden Horizons. I suppose orange would be as near to gold as they could get.

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2 hours ago, webntweb said:

Weren't the Silver Gems originally Golden Horizons. I suppose orange would be as near to gold as they could get.

it does confirm that on Craig's database. But it was Paul who told me its original colour was grey. And there's certainly grey gelcoat under the white paint of the sunroof.

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1 hour ago, kpnut said:

I’m going to be scared stiff of knocking her, at least till I’ve done the first scrape. So I hope it is durable to cope with me! 

I bet you'll feel like those canal boat owners who get their boat's 'bottom's' blacking redone and then immediately have a dink in the first lock they go through.


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7 hours ago, kpnut said:

it does confirm that on Craig's database. But it was Paul who told me its original colour was grey. And there's certainly grey gelcoat under the white paint of the sunroof.

They did stay in the grey gel for quite a while when they were transferred over from Horizon Craft... here is my Mum and our Springer on the back of Silver Gem 2 in 1996 as proof! 

silver gem2 1996.jpg

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