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Breakfast On Boat Or Cafe


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As to Cooking Breakfast and the Smell of it coming out of Is to much for to Bear some mornings I can only say If you can't beat them join them . As to going to Cafe for  Breakfast saves every one from Washing  up. As to paying for the Bill other wise washing up lol. Which is better Cooking Breakfast on the Boat or going out for Breakfast at a Cafe?

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I am not really one for eating first thing in the morning and prefer to get sorted and set off along the river. I will have a liquid breakfast along the way, but were I to decide to indulge in a cooked meal in the morning it would definitely be on the boat.

Unfortunately, as I solo helm, that leaves me to sort out the washing up too :default_smile:

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We are happy to do either. Some mornings we cook onboard (be that boat or van) some mornings we eat out.

I don't mind either way, I enjoy cooking but equally I don't mind paying for someone else to do all the work.

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Hi Andrew.

As I usually choose a wild mooring for the night to keep away from roaring diesels, barking dogs and loud insomniacs and the like in the morning I always do my own breakfast as a cafe could be miles away.

In that way I can have a quiet little snooze afterwards whilst listening to Ken Bruce on Radio 2. Ah, peace and quiet and a bacon sarnie. Luverly!

Like Broads Explorer I am a single hander so I am landed with the washing up but that's no problem.

Also I can have a quiet dabble on the previous evening with my fishing rod with the whole river to myself. 

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5 hours ago, Popeye said:

Hi Andrew.

As I usually choose a wild mooring for the night to keep away from roaring diesels, barking dogs and loud insomniacs and the like in the morning I always do my own breakfast as a cafe could be miles away.

In that way I can have a quiet little snooze afterwards whilst listening to Ken Bruce on Radio 2. Ah, peace and quiet and a bacon sarnie. Luverly!

Like Broads Explorer I am a single hander so I am landed with the washing up but that's no problem.

Also I can have a quiet dabble on the previous evening with my fishing rod with the whole river to myself. 

Yo Popeye

You could always try DiliveryRue as they would exploit any situation and uour knackered breakfast would turn up on a paddle board. :default_biggrin:.

Other companies do exist as I want no litigation or one thousand sweaty burgers delivered next time we are aboard.  Poor Ole Marge couldn't manage then.

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

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I generally prefer to cook breakfast aboard, or more accurately in the van since we swapped from waterborne to land side transport. Far too often cooked breakfasts turn up with a huge pile of greasy hash browns and a lake of baked beans to make the plate look full with the odd slither of bacon and 2.5 inch long sausage hidden underneath. This is usually accompanied by some kind of boast on the menu about "local produce" and a bill of around a tenner. Neither beans nor hash browns have any place on a breakfast plate and anyone who inflicts them on me should be prepared for a keel hauling.

Ask for black pudding and most people look at you like you grew two heads overnight. 

Do it properly and breakfast creates one pan, one oven tray, a plate fork and knife each, a glass and a coffee can. Easily fits in the caravan's dishwasher plus it provides two of your five a day.


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done properly it can all be done in one frying pan, fried bread first, followed by eggs, eggs onto the fried bread and in the oven to keep warm, then sausages and bacon fried, the bits stuck to the pan can either be removed by finishing the cooking with baked beans, or an alternative is fried tinned tomatoes, either will clean the pan ready for a quick dip in the washing up, one plate, one fork, and a frying pan, you can of course forgo the plate and eat straight from the pan if you feel lazy


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I've got into eating fresh fruit for Breakfast since I've retired. My favourite being water melon and pineapple fingers closely followed by a Berry melody. We did have a very nice cooked breakfast at the cafe at acle Bridge this year and we recommend it. The fruit we would buy before take over so I'd guess we'd eat Onboard more often than not. 

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Best place for breakfast on a Sunday? at the sailing club, sailing day:default_biggrin:...


Best place for Breakfast During the week?

At the sailing club.. It means it's regatta week, :default_biggrin::default_biggrin::default_biggrin: coming soon to a river near you..

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16 hours ago, Paul said:


Ask for black pudding and most people look at you like you grew two heads overnight. 


A proper cooked breakfast is incomplete without black pudding. luvly stuff and full of iron. Eaten in moderation its very good for you especially if you have two heads.

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19 hours ago, MargeandParge said:

You could always try DiliveryRue as they would exploit any situation and uour knackered breakfast would turn up on a paddle board. :default_biggrin:.

Now there's an idea, something like the ice cream boat but where you can buy a breakfast butty. The smell of frying bacon drifting down the river would be an excellent advert and bring queues of drooling customers lined up down the river. 

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