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Star Gem 4, from Richardsons, the reveiw

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As it was our anniversary, I wanted a boat for two, with a bed that was always made up, and an area for just chilling...
I looked at the Richardson's boats and came up with this one...
I ended up with Star Gem 4.....
Here she is...
this is the view from front to back (bow to stern, for those that don't know their front to back)



You can see the armchairs, and the space that this boat gives you,

all on on level, and room that you don't get on some boats..







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In my opinion, and my OH does not disagree (if she did I wouldn't take her again) this is one of the best boats for a couple....

Very easy to handle ( I managed it) the helm position is great, the seating fantastic, getting in and out to moor up, not a problem, even in the trees for wild moorings, reverse parking (stern on for those who know) not a problem with the back door open.

chug along, very economical....

This could be my favourite boat...


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Star Gem 6 was our first ever boat, we were staying at a caravan site and fancied having a go at cruising so looked around Richardsons yard, talked to staff there who let us on board some boats to check them out and that's how we ended up with her. Have to agree she is a great couples boat, very keenly priced, comfortable and easy to helm, we had a lovely time on her.


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Looks like a nice boat. Glad you both had a lovely time. I thought the mud weight picture was particularly artistic, especially leaving just the right amount of mud on it. :)


that was taken at Salhouse Broad, we used it again on the last night wild mooring, (the last pic above) so it was clean when returned, honest.


I think we will be hiring her again.



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As I said earlier, I have had that style of boat before, what I didn't say was how many times :naughty: I think in total it was 10 possibly 11 but as Donny said, very easy to handle for two.


I had the two bedroom version this year, and must be honest, it handled a dream for a bath tub, the downside was the seating in the saloon was not the most comfortable, the boat in question was Gleaming Light.


They are great boats for the money, just a pity the reeds were not down at lawn grass level when on that class of boat. :naughty:


cheers Iain.

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My wife's introduction to the broads was on board Pearl Horizon, (Star Gem's sister boat from Acle). Could not believe the amount of space on a 2 berth boat.


I particularly liked the fact that you could get to the edge of the saloon without having to clamber over the settee. This was great for having the roof back and being able to fish from INSIDE the boat.


The only improvement I can think of is to fit the "new" idea of teak and holly flooring......would finish it off very nicely!

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This is a bit sentimental but Star Gem 4 means quite a bit to me, since it was the first boat I hired after an absence from the Broads for a decade back in 2011.

She looks the same, but nicer if that makes sense - here is a photo of her internally back in 2011. I really did not like the 'tub chairs' back then, but the rest of the boat was lovely - especially the comfy seat to steer from.



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