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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. As a mere yoof I used to do this every week on the top shelf at the newsagents! Nowadays, if it was the size of a volume of Encyclopaedia Britannica, I'd consider that heavy reading!
  2. That is one horrible looking effort! I would love to know what Langford Sr would make of that!
  3. So this is the typical young Broadsman! Courtesy of Yarmoth Mercury
  4. I'd suggest the answer to that is definitely yes David. There were/are some minor vaiations in window layout etc but the basic design concept certainly originated on the Alpha yard.
  5. David, you are right about that design of boat and this was actually the second such example at least of this innovation. Langford Sr also produced the Alphacraft CC class of which an example is shown below courtesy of Craigs website. This boat then appeared in fleets all over the country including the Thames and there were also some over on the continent. Yes, He has certanly left behind a legacy of design and boat building that many have tried to follow. Can you tell I am a fan?
  6. I agree as well but I must also say that, over the last 5 years or so, the general standard of food available to the Broads boater has improved beyond all recognition in a lot of places. I can recall, not that many years ago really, that, once you discounted the gems like the Kings Head at Coltishall, Sonias at Surlingham, Nelsons Head at Horsey, the majority of pubs were expensive badly cooked and presented mass catering. The chings of the microwaves reverberated around the bar! Of course there were also the cafes such a Roseys, and the occasional restaurants so this is not an exhaustive list, but you get my general train of thought? ( I didn't mention Woodbastwick establishment as I've never been minded to walk there)
  7. Don't know if anyone watches Antiques Road Trip but, this week, Trevanion was out on MTB102 and they had her going at full chat of 35 knots allegedly! Certainly looked very impressive.
  8. I totally agree with Boycee and Graham. We had at least one and often two holidays every year with Langford Senior from 1973 and went through his whole fleet. At the time the zenith for us was a fortnight out on "Samarkand" (later "Jaguar") Langford and John Cressey spent almost two days working in the engine room at Yarmouth Yacht Station replacing a damper drive. I last saw him at the London Boat Show and he was really fed up and frustrated at being kept away from the actual boat building. "I simply want to build boats" he told me and I swear there were tears in his eyes. I really liked the bloke! Rest in peace.
  9. I've read the article in the EDP about the "protest group". Seems to me they need to identify some clear issues if they want to mount a meaningful campaign. At the moment it is just a group of generalisations without detailed specific objection.
  10. Only comment I would make is be mindful of the height limitations. "Might" get under Ludham Bridge??
  11. Sorry, I freely admit to being a philistine where fish is concerned! If its not haddock in batter deep fried in beef dripping. The rest, including herring, is cat food! I will partly justify this with my exposure to drums of salted herring in my Dads shop as a child! Stuff bad dreams are made of!
  12. I didn't think it was the BA that was involved with that. I seem to recall some sort of Horsey Trust?
  13. Along time ago in a town far away from the Norfolk Broads I worked in a pub where the "beer" arrived in a road tanker and was pumped into huge tanks. The tanks contained an equally huge plastic bag which was new to each fill. Gas pressure was used to push this noxious substance into glasses. At the time I worked in a very large establishment in Leeds where, behind a bar about 12 yards long ten of us worked non stop (and I mean non stop and very rapidly) for at least 3 hours chucking this out to thirsty students. They quaffed this stuff at an unbelievable rate!
  14. Please correct me if I am wrong but did they not put a chain across where the dyke enters the Mere at one time? I'm sure I can recall coasting across that bit with my fingers crossed at one time when I had a mooring at Martham.
  15. Can we please consider a one page for each photo and a separate page for notes etc for each month. Something like this!
  16. The Mere usually closes to boats for a period every year, Can't recall the dates but isn't it some trust or other that has control of Horsey??
  17. Very interesting especially to see the waterways/flood channels just away from the navigation which we never see from our boats. Of course there is always that bit more we would like to see. It would be really interesting to see similar footage further up river at Yarmouth of Marina Quays to compare to the planning application which is also fascinating many of us! Thanks for your efforts David.
  18. Looks quite a bit like the entrance to Short Dyke to Rockland but too many trees I fancy!
  19. VetChugger


    " not wanting to do a three day camel ride " Oop north we recognise that as a "Mick Morgan'ism"! Not a Norfolk based Rugby League fan are you??
  20. I once used a "smellyfied" version of cat litter for something like this and it seemed to do the trick.
  21. " If you have lovingly burnished stainless steel rhond anchors then you wouldn't want to maul them with a lump hammer either! The way is no secret, just that folk won't believe how easy it is! " Which is why I suggested a rubber mallet!
  22. We too had the joint that fed us at least until wednesday and often thursday. My Mum used to make "rissoles" on a wednesday with left over beef. It was cut into large chunks and with large chunks of unsliced bread and great lumps of onion was put through one of the old cast iron mincers. I've still got the mincer and have tried to replicate these a few times but just cannot get them to taste the same!
  23. I have! Numerous times and it really does have one of the best beer gardens I've ever had the pleasure of supping in!
  24. I would also suggest you take a rubber mallet, like the old camping mallets for bashing in wooden tent pegs. Its often a tad difficult to set rhond anchors just by a swing and a stamp! (There really is no secret way of doing this!) Occasionally you may find one provided by the yard but ...........
  25. What is the boat moored alongside here at Oulton Broad? Looks to be quite an ancient girl. The one on the inside of the tour boat!
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