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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. Electric lorries will be on the streets from next year, there’s already been a trial with busses which was a sucess. As long as you ignore the diesel gensets powering the chargers as the utility companies were completely useless in providing power. I think providing enough power to re-charge electric vehicles is going to be sticking point.
  2. That may have been me - https://www.volvopentashop.com/epc/en-US/Details/AccessoriesCatalog/5438?path=1532%2F4225%2F5437%2F5438 or page 86 here - https://www.volvopenta.com/content/dam/volvo/volvo-penta/master/marine-leisure-engines/for-owners/parts/Accessories/Accessories Catalog.pdf You can sign up to get prices or speak to French Marine in Brundall. I have seen similar systems running radiators before, good way to get heat when cruising.
  3. So sorry to hear this news, our condolences to you and your family.
  4. Volvo Bus have been running full electric bus trials in various cities across the UK. They use an overhead charger which outputs up to 300Kw installed at a couple of locations on the busses route. Everyone was on board, local councils, bus companies , planning authorities etc, basically every organisation that required an input did their upmost to make these trials work. Except the power supply companies. To be fair, I've no idea what the issues were but they were stopping the trials from going ahead. In the we (Volvo Penta) stepped in and supplied a diesel genset to power the chargers, so not very green - apart from the engine !
  5. NeilB

    My Day

    Something has also left a deposit on Mr Churchill !! Back onto the tube now and off to visit mum.
  6. NeilB

    My Day

    View from my meeting room today, not sure what Nelson would make of today’s goings on at the 2nd photos location !! I also made some time to pay my respects.
  7. NeilB

    My Day

    Not much moving but I’ve made is festive!
  8. NeilB

    My Day

    It’s time for my yearly trip to London, set off from home at 6:30. My pool car must be a reject as its like sitting in a bucket of vomit! I’m currently sat on an tube train to Westminster that rides like a boat doing 30 knots!! Only difference is I have someone’s bum in my face!! I’d normally use a train for the whole journey but I’m popping into see mum on the way home. Plus driving / tube is half the cost! I’ll try and get a few boaty photos later.
  9. Everyone will be deaf by the age of 25 !!
  10. NeilB

    My Day

    I watched Bohemian Rhapsody last week, the reviews are not great but Queen were not liked by the press. There are a few large holes in the script but I also thought it was fantastic, by the end you thought it really was Queen - great entertainment.
  11. Nice photos. Anyone know what the mounds were?
  12. Jamie Oliver may be open to offers as his restaurant is not doing so well ?
  13. It was called Lady Suzanne in the hire fleet, probably sold around October 92 or 93 at a guess. No idea where it went but it had a name change or moved off the Thames.
  14. Had one in the hire fleet on the Thames the first year or so I worked there in the early 90’s. They were wider, slightly longer and felt roomier than a Safari with a large aft cockpit. It had a 1.5 BMC on a V drive gearbox.
  15. Very sad to hear this news, my sincere condolences to Clive, Paul and their families.
  16. Not as hire boats until the infrastructure is in place. It will be hybrids first, they have been around for a while as one offs and people like Greenline, etc. They will start to become more commonplace in around 2 to 3 years time and serial production is coming, followed shortly after by full electric.
  17. I wondered where Chris had got those from, now I know !
  18. They will be ! All the engine manufacturers are starting to invest in the technology. Looks like your building new dayboats as well?
  19. I believe Brooms are still building some hire boats so still have the moulds.
  20. The weekly free newspaper is occasionally useful for lighting the BBQ or fire, it's about the only time I touch one !
  21. Sounds like there’s a serious problem with the rudder, definitely not you. The rest sounds very odd on a 2017 boat but please don’t let that put you off the canals. I can recommend Kate Boats, I’ve hired from them twice and both boats and staff are great.
  22. Depending on the A34 I should be there from about 9am on Thursday. A friend of mine at work is restoring an old Fletcher, I'll try to persuade him he needs some Teak Carpet and drag him over! The organisers will bring the breakdown info to you during the show, it's a bit of a bunfight to get any vehicles in on the Sunday night so try and sell as many mats and give out as many samples as possible!! May be able to wheel the stuff out if you have a trolley, we use a folding festival one to distribute VP mats around all the boats.
  23. Early start for engines this year - 5-30am !! Allan’s spot looking a little empty though! Sent from my iPhone using Norfolk Broads Network
  24. I never met him but worked on a few of his boats, quite a character from what I've heard. I actually worked on your boat when it was at Kris Cruisers. I can remember turning the battery master switch's off and the radio kept on going. Turns out there were 2 power supplies, one to each side of the domestic master switch ! !
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