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Everything posted by grendel

  1. this is why I prefer to keep an older car going, at least then I know what work has been done, and whats likely to need doing. when I get a new to me car, I dont know what will fail next, whats been replaced recently, etc, but then, you have to start somewhere with a newer car occasionally.
  2. well my day started off badly, half way up the M2 heading for work, a warning light came up, battery warning, and a message electrical service required. at this point I also noticed the steering was heavy, oh I thought- broken alternator belt. I safely pulled into a service station that happened to be handy, upon checking under the bonnet, there is the alternator belt, its not broken, but isnt on the pulleys. hmm why I wonder, closer inspection revealed the alternator pulley way off alignment with the other pulleys. well I carefully drove home, no electrics or power steering, then it was a two hour tussle to swap the old alternator from my old car into the new one, this achieved, it was time to look into the reason the pulley had failed - this pulley has a clutch in it to stop the alternator being overrevved. this one was freewheeling in both directions, when I removed the pulley the centre was allowing the outer to spin around it, the actual clutch part had seized. so car once again running, this is the second time my old car has saved the day by donating spare parts.
  3. now while I might worry slightly over cheap supermarket blotting paper bread, I would think a good artisan loaf having more proper ingredients and thus more nutritional value, would be perfect.
  4. the filename was missing the .jpg or whatever off the end, thats why it didnt upload.
  5. I tend to limit my cooking on board, something easy like bangers and mash or even a fray bentos pie and mash. but then again I have been known to bake bread on board too.
  6. I have just had a nice tea of liver and onions, just threw it in a frying pan for a while until the liver was cooked through, some weekends I throw a stew into a slow cooker leave it on all day, then add mash for the end of the day.
  7. I think bread is fine, as long as the birds are also getting other food as well.
  8. Thats the one thing you are not allowed to do within the electricity supply regulations, they are very specific as to how much more than the rate you pay, you can resell the electricity, this was mainly done to stop the exorbitant prices landlords were recharging their tenants, I seem to recall this being brought up when we were discussing the new posts in the past, they are covered under the strict regulations governing marinas and caravan parks.
  9. several of us there at the moment
  10. http://www.nbnquiz.co.uk/chat/
  11. ooh jay you are in trouble now, and accountant taking back credit..
  12. I think that was the account number he wanted all those fractional pennies transferred to.
  13. its a wooden boat, water always finds a way into those.
  14. definition of an expert - ex - has been spurt - a drip under pressure
  15. I think we drifted into one of those roundabouts and headed off on another tack.
  16. I think the government are hoping that by the time we have to all 'go electric' the car manufacturers will have perfected the hydrogen fuel cell, when all that will be needed would be to convert all of the existing petrol stations to hydrogen filling stations, this is a much faster and better process than charging electric vehicles and brings the roadside filling back into the same timeframe as fossil fuel vehicles (ok it takes a bit longer to fill the coal bunker on a steam roller). hydrogen fuel cells are the future really, its a shame there are only a handful of filling stations already as there are some manufacturers producing fuel cell cars. once again (as with the charge points its a chicken and egg situation, the population wont but electric vehicles until the charging infrastructure is in place, and the councils wont install them unless there is enough demand.
  17. most developments now that have on site parking are required to have a percentage of car charging points designed in - however there is an easy way around this - you put in bicycle storage and no parking spaces, the number of 20 story flats we see the plans for, 200 flats, storage for 300 bicycles- 5 parking spaces, now in central London this is possible as there are good transport links, but out in the suburbs....
  18. Just a minute MM....................................
  19. if we build nothing but power stations and substations from now until the deadline, when they go all electric - we might just manage, but then nobody wants a new power station / solar farm / wind farm in their neighbourhood, so when we dont get the planning permission to build them, people wont get their energy to charge their electric cars. simples.
  20. shh dont shout it too loud - or they wont have any boats left to hire to me
  21. the vent is usually on the side of the boat, when you fill the tank (s) you may well find that when full you find the second vent as it will flow out (thats how you know you are full).
  22. not a chance, with a property you can apply diversification, that is you average out over a lot of properties and they average about 1.5 kW, a car charger on the other hand is either on or off, so you cannot apply diversification, ie each one would be on at the same time overnight, your average car charger needs about 3x the power than your average house, the network couldnt stand this. most modern houses have a 100A cutout, most fast car chargers need 32 or 64a, dont try turning the oven on while the cars charging, my house only has a 64A cutout, if I connected a fast charger, the fuse would probably blow (not to mention the cable feeding 16 houses - even that is undersized.
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