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Everything posted by RumPunch

  1. Interesting angle on 'the jab' A friend of mine in the USA has just had her jab, despite being a fit 40 something. It seems the reason is she's married to a Native American and they are very close to the top of the list
  2. Back to the safety / education issues, perhaps they need PCSO's / Specials or water borne equivalent from the local boating community ? Don't need to pay them, just train, issue ID, and maybe discounted / free toll as an incentive. Many of us do help / offer advice. Maybe if we could speak with authority.......
  3. I normally pack the wife and daughter off to the mother in laws for the weekend when any decorating needs doing - less of a headache. In lockdown I can't and she's nagging to do some - trouble is it's impossible: " clean up at the end of the day" " I need to get there" " look at the mess you're making" Plus my decorating engine runs on beer and curry, which tends to be frowned upon
  4. Slightly odd. I just had to nip into Wroxham for provisions, and the jab clinic in the viallage hall is not running. It's been very busy any other day i've passed. Out of vaccine or out of patients do you think ?
  5. I'll be one of the minority then
  6. Sadly I think that was a set up to fail, having been turfed out at 21:30, then later the change of use based on insufficient custom.....
  7. If I've been away for a while on a holiday say, for me it's the realisation that I live in a very green and plesant location. Normally hits me either between the Wroxham road and Neatishead or Neateshead and Barton Turf, with all the overhanging trees.
  8. These have appeared at Barton, Neatishead and probably Irstead car parks. I have views both ways....
  9. The old boy who used to be the last remaining licenced eel catcher on the Northen Broads told me two or three years ago he blamed the cleaner water these days I believe hehas now sadly passsed on ( if not true apologies )
  10. So I can go sailing as long as I don't go anywhere ?
  11. Cat 4R is apparantly frowned upon in Tesco too
  12. But some of us have a greater respect of IPE.... ( judging by the profile picture )
  13. Thanks I also use the old maps available online - Tithe, enclosure etc http://www.historic-maps.norfolk.gov.uk/mapexplorer/
  14. Had me map browsing now. Wonder if it was navigable from Horsey to Calthorpe Broad ?
  15. Like others I'm still waiitng for the small print. First lockdown, and so far since restrictions impossed this time, I did not sail as I was neither 100% sure of the legality, nor comfortable with doing so. However, if I can walk to a sailing boat in my village, I may technically be OK to sail it
  16. The rod under Wroxham railway bridge is closed with two cars abandoned there
  17. I too, being raised in South Essex, am a Hammer. Likewise though having lived here on and off since 85 have a huge soft spot for the Canaries, right up to the point they play West Ham
  18. ..... only to reappear between Hoveton and the Neatishead turn off
  19. Anything bigger WILL NOT fit my boat - the locker was made to measure
  20. You may have seen me sailing my R/C Yacht if you are ever near Barton Turf - when I have a spare 30 mins and no time to get the real boat out, it's a great relaxation
  21. Medals and shoes polished, uniform pressed - I'll be laying a wreath at 11:00 I am priviliged to be in the 'allowed' group on several critrea
  22. Yep - I can walk to my boat, fettle it if essential, but not go out. Then when walking back watch visitors to the village unloading their cars of canoes / paddle boards / fishing gear and get into a boat. Hmmm.......
  23. You know, I'm increasingly getting convinced the BA is overreacting, OR the rest of the world under. Sitting here looking at the Blakeney webcam this morning, we have had paddle boarders, canoes, Laser dinghy all going out. Yet I, who live in a Broadland village, at best can walk to my boat and stroke it.....
  24. I have a Chinese all in one. It sits in the cockpit when I need it and is ducted through a hole into the cabin. Nothing permanently fixed, totally removable and no risk of anything failing inside the boat. Add the now mandatory CO alarm, and I'm snug and happy.
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