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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. That’s discrimination, I think a lot of ladies these days appreciate a good beer. There’s a lot of fabulous gins around these days, ask Mrs Nog. 😁 Must admit I did get a Bramble Gin from Tesco’s recently, rather like an alcoholic Ribena! Other than those two things I am tempted to buy you a lottery ticket or two as there are some fantastic ideas there. If only................😏
  2. That’s a popular spot for liveaboards I believe. Sad whoever it was.
  3. Are you calling me a lert?? I don’t remember that from the 70s, what did it relate to?
  4. I see the COVID19 alert level has been reduced from four to three today meaning a possible further relaxation of social distancing measures. Just in time to reduce 2m to 1m and open things up on 4 July. Call me cynical if you like but I’m not complaining..........😁 (Fingers still crossed though.)
  5. Glad they are preparing - hope for the best, prepare for the worst as the saying goes. I wouldn’t mind betting most hospitals are preparing in a similar manner, as I’ve said before people from Norfolk will be travelling to other destinations in the country. (As marshman will confirm.)
  6. I think that’s about as certain as the 4 July is for England. It’s the word ‘could’ that leaves it all up in the air. Fingers crossed all round still.
  7. Probably hit the nail on the head there Ray!
  8. Very sad. 😢 A truly inspiring lady for many decades.
  9. On the radio this morning there was a discussion on second homes, private caravan parks and the like opening up first. That should include private boats being used overnight too I would have thought. As has been said however, the government will not commit to the 4 July for anything yet.
  10. Here’s a thought for an boat owning angler. Take your boat out and find a suitable mooring, put your bivvy up next to the boat then take a nap. Spend the night fishing, have breakfast then move on and repeat the process. What rule has been broken?
  11. I’m not sure that can ever happen Paul. One thing that supermarkets brought to us was the ability to pick and choose what we wanted to buy and sometimes that means peering through wrapping to find the best looking item. We all know too that items with short dates are put to the front of the stack, sometimes I may not want to use that item immediately so it means reaching to the back for a longer dated one. At the moment of course, I am being more of a discerning shopper and avoiding handling things as much as possible. Many won’t though. Couldn’t agree more.
  12. I don’t totally believe anybody these days, particularly those who make a point of disagreeing with every statement made.
  13. Whilst I love that mooring for an overnight stop, I certainly wouldn’t want it permanently - even if I did live at the top of the hill. Look at the distance you’ve got to walk to get to the boat with everything you need to transport. No joke when the moorings are full! If it was me, I would be pressing the BA for the mooring actually granted according to the deeds, whether or not the BA have a boat shed there.
  14. I have read that scientists already think the current strain is different to the original. A vaccine still seems to be a distant dream but there is now this cheap steroid Dexamethasone (or something like that) that is giving some hope for treating sick patients. I thoroughly agree it is something we are going to have to find a way of living with if we are going to get back to some sense of normality.
  15. Andrew - don’t forget that Roy’s serves a whole community. Wroxham, Hoveton and all the surrounding areas. Whilst boating crews provide extra sales for them, I doubt they are anywhere near reliant on them. Many are pinning their hopes on the 4 July for a full return to boats etc but it rests in the Government’s hands of course.
  16. I shall be back to do my bit for the Norfolk economy just as soon as possible, I can’t think of a better place for all the dosh I have not been able to spend recently. I dare say a few folk from Norfolk will be travelling elsewhere in England to hotels, caravans etc so it works both ways.
  17. That sounds like a lot of noble rot to me!
  18. There is a news article today to the effect that hotels are ‘ready to open’ on 4 July. Caravan parks also. I don’t think the next Coronavirus review is until 28June and that wouldn’t leave much time for preparation if the hospitality industry left it until then to start getting geared up. It sounds as if either the date of 4 July has been mentioned so often, it’s become fact or a minister has been whispering too loudly to certain businesses. Either way, I’m sure we’re getting closer to being able to overnight on our boats, we just need a little more patience.
  19. I see what you mean now, thank you. It was certainly French Sauternes that graced our table back in the 50/60s, replaced with French Chablis later on. Think my grandparents’ tastes must have changed as they got older, same as a lot of us probably. Sophistication of course!
  20. Ian - what makes you say Spanish Sauternes is now ‘illegal’? (I was never a Sauternes fan but my grandparents used to buy it at Christmas as a seasonal treat.) Mateus Rose was very popular then too. How our wings have spread as the years have gone by! 🍷
  21. With the numbers involved in demonstrations in the US, UK, Australia and in Europe, we’ll be extremely lucky to avoid a substantial increase in virus cases. Social distancing has gone out of the window but at least a lot of them were wearing face masks!
  22. The bbc news website currently has its main headline as ‘protesters don masks but defy advice on gatherings’. The accompanying picture is of a gathering of protesters in Australia (unless we have suddenly become overly sympathetic towards Aboriginals). No doubt some will be taken in.
  23. The most poignant thing here is that he is apparently now Covid free. It is the damage that the virus has done to the poor man’s body that is preventing his recovery as yet.
  24. They are also sending these texts: (The correct contact address is: https://contact-tracing.phe.gov.uk/ )
  25. Hasn’t this been covered in another topic? http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2020/558/made Paragraph 46 refers.
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