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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. If you spend a few years living in Northern Ireland you have to get used to that quickly!!
  2. It sounds like it will just be expansion loss. Our HE sounds similar in that aslong as the coolant level could be seen atleast within a few inches of the cap I left it alone, they do hold quite a lot of fluid more than you realise. If i brimmed it with fluid after cooldown it would always have lost the same amount. Do you have one of those basket type weed filters (the clear plastic ones you can see into) I have known an engine run hotter or overheat at higher revs due to that having been fitted to high up in the system? As you suspect a partially blocked HE core will cause your problems, there were only a few tubes totally blocked in ours and after cleaning it did make a noticeable difference to running temp at higher revs, we were getting up to 90 degrees before cleaning but it stays at a steady 85 regardless of revs now.
  3. Having completely removed the entire Heat Exchanger from a Nanni 50hp myself its not a complex job but access to the nuts underneath the HE holding it to the head really wasnt pleasant or easy! If you can find a suitable thin flexible rod you can just remove the end caps at either end of the HE (with it in situ) then very carefully rod through each tube from either end if access allows then replace the end caps with fresh o rings and a shim if required. Could your coolant issue just be expansion loss each time? Might be worth topping it up letting it use what it wants then not top it up for your next run and see if it looses anymore. I used to think our boat was using coolant topping it up each time till I realised this is what was happening.
  4. Are there many marinas with a 32amp supply at the berth? I know they are available on the BA posts but I havent seen any anywhere else, maybe Ive not noticed
  5. Its been stifling hot here in Lowestoft. Its not to bad during the day whilst at home as we have an aircon unit in the front room but come the evening some idiot in our vicinity keeps having a fire and the smell of burning drifts in so we are forced to close the windows which is fantastic in this weather. Its been going on and off for well over a year now, most nights of the week around 8pm the air turns thick with the smell of burning, I have walked round and driven around but I just cant pin point who the culprit is.
  6. Dont the BA also have their own legal team on the payroll?!
  7. I blame the people charged with making the decisions! If Lowestoft wasnt getting 24 trains a day would the problems be so significant.
  8. I feel the bigger picture needs to be taken into account, it isnt only a few boaters being inconvenienced. There will ultimately be knock on effects to Business then Jobs then homes etc etc.... I see it as why should boaters however insignificant people think they are be inconvenienced for those wishing to use a train when there are other transport options available to people which in many cases may well prove to be cheaper and more reliable. The inconvenience to motorists by the same line is my biggest bug bare and closing the line would in my opinion kill 2 birds with one stone. I imagine its taking around 40 minutes to pass through Oulton Broad by road at the moment given the traffic is queing back to Tescos on Beccles Road, as it is almost every time i try and go that way.
  9. You musnt use rigid cable for shorepower installations on boats, the flex takes into account vibrations. If you already knew that appologies for teaching granny to suck eggs!
  10. I agree with Jaws here. In my opinion ensuring we have operarional swing bridges whether the BA are responsible for them or not should fall to the BA under maintaining navigation. The way I see it is as an Authority It is for them to enforce the right of navigation. The fact that it has got to this stage only highlights shortcomings within the BA even further. (In my opinion) If network rail as (a for profit company with shareholders?) dont want to pay for repairs/upgrades/new infrastructure to protect navigation rights at all times then again in my opinion line closure should be forced upon them. When that happens aswell as unrestricted navigation rights Lowestoft as a town might cease to be sufficated by congestion in the way that it is. Taking me over an hour to travel less than a mile yesterday afternoon I feel exceptionally strongly about whats going on in this area and its about time someone (within the Authorities) grew the proverbials and did something about it!
  11. Im assuming a solution for Somerleyton was found? Its 29/30 degrees in Lowestoft at the moment so it must be just as hot at Somerleyton. Can anyone shed any light on why they seem to be managing with the heat now? Or is it still shut down?!
  12. Must be going out the country surely.
  13. Which must be most of the pubs with moorings then!
  14. Thats a point, there is the road/track alongside the newcut at the bridge end where the moorings are, not sure who that belongs to but could be an option!
  15. Im not so sure the WRC would be likely to let you to use the riverside even for a fee when they have the hoist there but it could be worth a phone call to them to find out. I still suggest Greenway, in terms of cost I doubt very much you will find a more reasonable place.
  16. Why is the Hiab part important to your plan? Most yards capable of lifting boats would lift on or off your transport. I would recommend Greenway Marine in Loddon who will pick up boata off trailers or low loaders and deposit via slipway in the Chet. I cant think of anywhere you could use your own equipment for free apart from where JM has indicated (but blocking a road could have its problems) unless there are any public slips with enough space to do the job.
  17. Its 29.7 degrees c on the outskirts of Lowestoft at 10am!
  18. If you are referring to the machine at the WRC you will probably find keeping your ropes tied on to those metal bollards more of a difficulty than doing the pump out is! If your pump out sockets are on the same side (if double pumping) then its a piece of cake, (albeit digested) but the tokens dont give you long so get yourself organised first.
  19. dnks34

    Tv Aerial

    Cant you mount it on its side rather than upright?!
  20. When Boatyards started calling themselves Marinas moorings started to cost more!
  21. Sounds like it could be “ive paid so i will do as I like” attitude. Security Deposit Security Deposit Security Deposit.......
  22. A large boat owner ought to halt midstream and drop a mudweight in protest next time it opens......see how quickly Network Rail start yapping at it. actually i mean breakdown.......
  23. Will any businesses set the bar and make a claim against Network Rail for loss of revenue? Its surely affecting the WRC, Oulton Broad & Beccles for mooring fees at the very least not to mention pubs & shops etc who will no doubt not be getting the business. I wonder how many large boat owners/hirers just havent bothered with visits this year as a result of it.
  24. You would think that common sense and good manners would prevail but unfortunately and as always happens the few let down the majority. Didnt Bramerton have an issue with altercations with fisherman leading to the ban? (i vaguely remember reading something about it) The attraction to fisherman doing so from a 24hr BA mooring must have a lot to do with it being free and if your sat there not willing to move for toll paying vessels it really isnt on. I suspect using one of the fishing platforms you see in various locations may involve joining a club and stumping up some ££ but I couldnt say for certain.
  25. Who enforces fisherman must make way for boats?!
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