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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. We are afloat from tomorrow afternoon until Sunday. Cant wait for our mini break
  2. Moisture traps dotted around would be good especially as you have no electric to run a dehumidifier. We use them all year around as well as our dehumidifier. Very cheap from QD
  3. Thank you to the new team for taking on these roles and also to those that are carrying on behind the scenes. As Jean said, its also part of my daily life. It’s reassuring to know the forum continues to be in safe hands 🙂
  4. Thank you Tim, Polly and Ian for all your hard work. We would never have met and made such fantastic friends if it wasnt for this forum. Hope to see you all at the spring meet next year x
  5. I don’t know if we will ever have the nerve to go under Wroxham bridge. Is it correct privateers can use the bridge pilot there?
  6. Lulu

    My Day

    Will be thinking of you Carole. X
  7. Really interesting write up and lovely video Jean. As you are so close to all the yards perhaps you could have a wander and look at the boats you have in mind before you hire? My parents hired a boat a few years ago and mum couldn’t see out at all. I did a little tour of the same yard to see if anything else would be more suitable for the following year then the pandemic came along. Sadly they’ve now decided they can no longer go boating because of increasing mobility issues.
  8. Lulu

    Lost Pub

    Ferry Inn at Stokesby? Terrace houses one one side, garden to the right although no houses on the other side. Terrible photo but may ring a bell?
  9. May see you out and about over the weekend. Staying in the marina tonight hooked up to the electric. Very chilly all of a sudden
  10. Great photos Malcolm. Have a fantastic week.
  11. Although I’m back behind a desk again which wasn’t what I intended to do, I’m in a totally different sector to any previous jobs so a lot to learn and take in. Thankfully, I’m not doing the hours I used to do. 25 hours a week finishing at 1.30 most days.
  12. When we used to keep our boat in Wroxham we went to the Wherryman a lot. Food and service always really good
  13. We have moved one post up now so not right on that corner :)
  14. Thank you. This work malarkey keeps getting in the way!
  15. 8th October. After a very intensive first week at the new job, my brain couldn’t take anymore so looking at the weather forecast we packed the car and arrived at the marina late afternoon. Took Luna for a pump out and water then back to our mooring. 9th October After a lot of investigation we think we don’t need a new calorifier and it’s just the pressure cap causing the leak. New one now on order and left the marina around 8.30. Moored up for the rest of the day on we are calling ‘Luna’s Lay-by’ (Barton Turf Staithe) where I’m sitting on the back of the boat in the lovely warm sunshine. Bliss 😊
  16. I agree. To be honest I got bored and turned over at the snail racing
  17. Warm welcome to the forum and good luck with your boat hunting. Please keep us updated!
  18. You cant tell if someone has waved at you with the dark windows.
  19. The Club has now been renamed as The Broom Cupboard as we can’t keep up with Ray’s purchases lol. Brundall Navy needs to join now he is a Broom owner
  20. Think we have approx 420 ltr tank. Fuel approx 160. Like Meantime, we could easily tell when nearing empty by the jaunty angle Luna sat in the water and the feeling we’ve had one too many when standing in the saloon. We have now fitted a gauge which is brilliant. Up until we fitted it, we filled up with water whenever we could, but now its easy to see what we have left we usually fill up after 3 days unless I’ve washed the boat. We both have showers each day, washing up, the toilet is flushed with water from the fresh water tank.
  21. It was showing 8ft this morning at 7.30
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