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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Just a thought and without political prejudice: Before long there'll be a General Election and by all accounts there'll be a scramble for votes. Wouldn't now be a good time make representations to local MPs who may well be looking for something to champion? I guess it depends on how much influence they have over who runs the BA.
  2. This also happened in Scotland. Scottish Canals had no money for the repairs so everything stopped until they raised the cash. We rebuild old buildings in museums. We sold London Bridge to the US. Surely reasonable to think we could take it down and rebuild it a tad higher? Or just flog it to the US and reduce the tolls?
  3. I've been following this thread with interest but it's moving so fast it's hard to keep up! I guess home moorings are going up to cover the lack of an increase during the pandemic. I would be bothered if I were in the business of hiring out boats on the Broads: so when considering the cost of a holiday how much should one budget for extra mooring charges? Don't know, so therefore can't work out how much the holiday is going to cost. Hmm, don't think I'll bother then. What about people who have already booked holidays, do they have the right to cancel for free? I'm not sure they'll be a rush for bookings once the word gets out that apart from the hire fee, there'll be further charges for moorings. How does it sound to you hirers? Could there be a last minute amendment whereby hiring companies could prepay and/or be exempt? Is it just me but wouldn't a better way forward be to have more free moorings with the rules of overstaying firmly enforced? More boats, more tolls? Alan Thomson's remarks are very dismisive and extremely unhelpfull. Although to honest I still haven't learned the perfect time to keep it shut either. Clearly demonstrates the general culture within the BA. I see no evidence of a willingness to encourage new visitors to the broads but I do see evidence of the wrong kind of thinking. In the name of balance though, they are reducing the size of their own space at Yare House so credit for that at least.
  4. Having looked after a puppy for a couple of weeks you should well used to toilet style leaks. You mention your friends. You'll find out who your friends really are; they're all on the list of volunteers to help with your toilet work. With previous experience I would love to help but... good heavens, is that the time? What were the parrot's favourite topics of conversation?
  5. On the subject of employed rangers I remember a discussion long ago (crikey, I have been a long time...) where I made the comparison with the C&RT who rely on an army of volunteers. I think the member or members who climbed up to the moral high ground may have left the building now but I was soundly shot down for suggesting that we deny someone a living wage. So if we want to support someone with a normal 2.4 children family in a decent house with a mortgage, it's going to cost us all but we should feel very pleased with ourselves as we reach for the bottom of our pockets. Oh, and don't forget if we want to claim compensation when one of these professionals is negligent and our boats get scratched, there'll be a corporate insurance policy to pay for too. I know which I would prefer. I guess there's a balance between numbers of full timers and volunteers.
  6. Beat me to it by 2 minutes! Yes I think it's probably an attempt to tee us up for a substantial increase so there'll be less of a revolt. I also think a lot of these price rises are ways of recovering losses made through the pandemic although I don't think that applies to the BA.
  7. I can recommend this place: https://www.yorkcaravanpark.com/adult-camping-and-campsite-facilities-york/ Best toilets/shower rooms we've ever seen on a campsite and a bus stop right outside.
  8. Norton, McAfee, Nord VPN are all in business for some reason. When we say something is secure I think we mean that we believe it's relatively secure. Every time they come up with something more secure than the last thing, someone else out there will be working hard to crack it. On the subject of security: I had a spare RFID key wallet and put my credit card in it. The screening worked, I tried paying for lunch with it in the pouch and it wouldn't connect with the reader. Thank goodness it did when I took it out or I would have been washing up!
  9. Absolutely. But where I live parking on the pavement actually helps the community: our houses were built around 1972 when oil was supposed to be running out and all families were going to have just a mini. Parking on the pavement means we can have visitors. It's a bit of a grey area which relies on consideration of others.
  10. Forgot to mention: New years eve I was reminded of my boat's history by some of the stuff on TV. Early evening Talking Pictures had Edward Woodward presenting In Suspicious Circumstances, which is an interesting watch. Just into the new year the same channel also showed Robin Askwith in Confessions From a Holiday Camp. I didn't watch it as I find it a bit intellectually challenging for my brain cell. That's TV have recently been showing Warren Mitchell in Till Death and In Sickness recently too. I didn't notice anything with Nigel Davenport in it which is a shame as the above quartet dined on board the Denham Owl in St Katherines Dock at the time of filming Stand Up Virgin Soldiers in 1976.
  11. I see they are trying to resurect the Crab Festival this year as they haven't had one since 2019.
  12. Well the deadline for giving notice to the marina has come and gone so I have decided to keep the boat for another season. The priority is going to be getting rid of the big blue cover, or at least to retire it to winter use only. That means making the topsides completely waterproof and for this I have recruited a helper. There's only really two main areas of work to do anyway, the rest being endless minor jobs. The target will be to get it done by June (Ha!) but we'll see. But come October it'll definitely be up for sale so if anyone fancies it, they have the whole summer to come and have a look.
  13. I notice the parking bay for motorhomes. I never knew these existed. It's a bit of useful information which should be shown in motorhoming with Merton or whatever it's called. We watch it to see the places they go, but they rarely show local places to park a motorhome, and I mean park, not camp for the night. They seem to be promoting motorhomes but they show a lot of hedge bashing which would put most people off. I'm sure it's not such a problem if a lot of care is used. People thinking about motorhomes would learn more if they could read these threads!
  14. There must be some very good salespersons selling electric cars; I reckon we could soon be hearing anecdotes of how people bought next year's model at last year's price "and they gave me more for mine than I paid for it!". Just like I used to hear all the time from anyone who bought a new caravan. Someone I know well is just trading in a petrol Peugeot with about 26k on the clock for a new electric version after they went to a main dealer for work. "While you're waiting have a test drive in this..." is how it started. I've said my bit but they have rose tinted spectacles...
  15. I wonder if any of that regulator is suitable for refurbishment? The square box marked "CAV" looks very much like something classic car/lorry/tractor enthusiasts may be looking for.
  16. It doesn't get any better does it?: "The hole, initially the size of a 10ft boot, has got bigger over the last few days according to Mr Rice and it is big enough for someone to fall in. " OK, it was me who suggested Leprechauns so I'd like to change my story; it is panto season after all. I think you will probably hear, " Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum....! bellowing around PH. Although looking at the pic, the hole would struggle to swallow the traffic cone nearby. EDP, close to the truth but never quite making it.
  17. I'm glad you're negative in time for Christmas. None of my business but in another thread you mentioned you are onboard until lunchtime on the 2nd. So 20 plus on your boat? I suppose you could fit a few on the Shetland? Just saying... Have a good one!
  18. That's a nice neat job, well done. Any BSS examiner would be on your side as soon as they saw this; they would have to look hard and split hairs to find fault. Any potential buyer of the boat would also be pleased to see it; someone's made the effort. The fact that it's so neatly laid out is a contribution to safety in itself as any faults should be easier and quicker to find.
  19. He said: "The hole is big enough to put a size 10 boot down it. It's significant enough for someone to fall in." Are there Leprechauns in PH?
  20. Our 91 yo has an alarm on her wrist, she triggered it the other day. The message came through to us that she had fallen but "she didn't think she was bleeding". So off we went, wondering what we were going to find. The place was in total darkness and as we opened the door we heard a little voice call out, "Hello". She was laying on the floor with her head against the sofa, in no pain and very little discomfort. The problem wasn't the fall, it was her inability to get up. She said she had toppled over when she got up to put the lights on. But it was totally dark so how long had she sat there? About 1/2 hour she said. So why didn't you press the alarm when you fell over? The classic: "Well, I didn't like to be a bother."
  21. Looks interesting. Pre paid parking is £12, probably more on the day. But to get your money's worth the Craft, Hobby & Stitch show is also on, the two shows overlapping on the Sunday 19th. Edit: Check first, the craft show is trade only I think.
  22. I've just had something come back into my memory at the mention of baud for some reason: Back in the mists of time I was unemployed in the recession of the mid 1980s and did some part time work (with the promise of full time) for a guy developing a product for sending information via the normal phone line. He traded as Duplex Communications, one product was an Octet typewriter and I think another brand name for something was Comcen. I know the name Comcen is currently being used but I have no idea if there is any connection. He was based in Dunton Bassett, Leicestershire and I have no idea what happened to the business but I think it folded.
  23. Oops, thread drift alert. It was me who mentioned fridges but in the name of balance I have to say we've had Liebherr fridge/freezer for a few years now with no trouble at all. Affectionately known as Herman, just a few odd noises now and then. To get back towards the thread a bit: I also have a massive Liebherr crane in Lego Technic. For the kids y'know...
  24. I remember those days too but I think we would all be amazed at how efficient modern computerised logistics are. No need to hold stock locally as you can get it from anywhere in a very short time. Ok, the days are gone when you could strip the car then get the bits off the shelf but that's progress. From an enviromental point of view it also means parts aren't moved around the planet until they need to be. A lot of things are going "backwards" in the same way; a few years ago retailers used to compete by having large items like fridges in stock but now next day delivery/collection is becoming the norm.
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