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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. How could they punish you for doing 56 in a 60 limit. I know the world has gone nuts but this is silly. What difference does it make what vehicle you are driving , providing you dont do above the speed limit. Lost me....
  2. Hylander

    Locks Pub

  3. Yes sorry that was sent via my darn phone, little keys and big fingers I am afraid. We had Captain and just the two of us. Now there was an indicator in the head for the waste tank (which on one of the Captains did not function at all - that was helpful) but the other one definitely worked. As I said we found after 3 days it was reading well ready to pump out. So try and think where you are going and pop in mid week and have a quick pump out and then you should be set for the rest of your trip. Years ago we used to have the 'dump' type loos and although it was all a bit Heath Robinson or basic it certainly did not fill up so quickly as the electric loos. If you are staying down South Brooms will do a pump out for you free of charge, they are open most days in the season. All you need now is the weather. Wishing you a very happy holiday.
  4. Jay - bit of advice - stop playing hard to get.!!!!!
  5. 3 days before a pump out, follow Griffs mantra if its brown flush it down if its yellow let it mellow. Electric loos take a lot of water. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  6. Now where did I put that darn violin?
  7. Jean I am a regular viewer too. Coronation Street as well. I always feel that Coronation Street has a sense of humour running through it but poor EastEnders is doom gloom misery and more misery from beginning to end. Still watch it though. So yes Guilty Me Lud.
  8. I liked the Chintzy curtains!!!
  9. Interesting but as per usual with EastEnders so far removed from reality. Nobody runs out of fuel on a hire boat. Well I have never heard of it.
  10. Well well done to Clive and co. You would not get that kind of service from other Hire Yards.
  11. Are you all ok , more to the point. Some comfort me thinks for folk to say 'oh well Richardsons will repair it for you' that is not the point in this instance. Daft buggers should be looking where they are going.
  12. Really good photo. Well done. When it is a New Moon, my old Mum used to say "time to turn your money over". Goodness only knows why, anyone got an explanation.
  13. There was still spaces at Womack even arriving late. Thank you for the video , thank you also for the really soothing piano playing. Well chosen.
  14. I am sure amongst our throng we must have some younger fitter people or are we (and I very much include myself in this statement) well over the hill. https://www.jacquielawson.com/sendcard/preview?cont=1&hdn=0&fldCard=3466308&path=83542&pmode=init
  15. Come on children - play nicely. It isnt the Olympics , it is a bit of fun for goodness sakes. Polly I am sure you will get plenty of volunteers. What happened to our 'Tug o War' rope fund?
  16. Whatever or whoever we are referring to , its mother will love it. As the saying goes "only a mother could love". Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so on ......
  17. Crumbs that is a bit of a stretch walking all that way. You would be starving by the time you arrived there and certainly would have worn it off by the time you got back so a big plus plus, dieters special in fact.
  18. What Bye Law? I thought it was an understanding and a request at BA moorings and some other moorings ie Potter Heigham's quiet moorings. Putting myself in another 'shoes' when you are a stranger to the Broads and your batteries are low I dont suppose for one moment he thought that people were still asleep at that time. I personally wake up at 5.30 every morning so would be well awake. However, saying all that and trying to be devil's advocate in my response above. The fumes would get right up my nose and would concern me more.
  19. That second video reminds me of the sea when they brought Robin's boat home.
  20. Thanks Jay but the gremlins have been in and sorry I cannot view either of them. Bet they were a treat for a boring Sunday morning.
  21. I agree it is good to meet folk who normally you only really 'know' by their forum name.
  22. Now that is what you call a bedroom on the Faircraft Loynes Boat. If only we could have our time again. None of this mountaineering lark like on some boats.
  23. Too much knowledge is a dangerous thing. We used to cross in the early days oblivious of everything I am sure of that.
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