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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. So how are you going to get THAT past Vauxhall bridge???
  2. I can't see why not, as a riparian owner they would have ownership of the river bed to the centre line.
  3. My wife says I can't have it. Something about the hideous colour of the kitchen walls.....
  4. These folk are pretty good - in Beccles http://www.ccmarinebeccles.co.uk/
  5. You can get tablets to help - so I am told
  6. An old friend, now sadly deceased was a Captain on the Blue Funnel Line, and regularly sailed out of Liverpool. There they were refered to as 'Mersey Goldfish.'
  7. Showing your age there Marshy
  8. Beavers are a rare commodity now it seems.Something has caused them to shed their luxurious coats
  9. When people are inclined to take short cuts and not take a similar responsible attitude, I'm afraid it often is.
  10. Exactly - and well put Richard. But what is wrong with the principle of paying more IF you chose to have and use mains ? After all, we are told that the safety of your boat is also of importance to thase moored around you, are we not ?
  11. Doubtless there will be those who disagree.....
  12. My mooring has steel piling alongside. There is no mains supply. QED! Mains electric supply shoud certainly be a MANDATORY part of the BSS !!
  13. Thank you Vaghan for a lovely, evocative holiday blog. Much enjoyed and appreciated.
  14. I can appreciate your annoyance, but surely it wasn't only 3RR competitors who were on the river last Week end - or am I missing something ?
  15. Aldi have had it in stock at £3.99 for some time. Very good value.
  16. Poppy

    Thurne Lion

    Teething troubles I'm sure. Give them a chance !
  17. Yoy will need one of these https://www.asap-supplies.com/sanitation/anti-siphons/seaflow-polypropylene-antisiphon-loop-507638 We had the same problem on Poppy, the toilet was back siphoning and filling the bilge. One of these at the highest point above the water line in the oitlet pipe - problem solved !
  18. That's my understanding too. You've obviously never shared a post wih me thingamybob .
  19. Psychologists all over the world will tell you that worst thing you can do in situations like this is give lime light, or any attention at all, to the attackers in this situation. Mainstream media, and politicians looking to score points do it all the time, and all it does is give potential attackers another incentive to carry out similar atrocities. Remember Columbine? The media were all over the two gun men. Everything was about them. What they listened to, what they watched, what they played, how they dressed. If you think this doesn't feed into the narcissism of others contemplating such attacks, you're spectacularly naive. Concentrate on the good, on those who helped, on sacrifices made, and what can be done in the future, don't aggrandize murderous c***. Remember the dead and injured , ignore the perpetrators!
  20. Ooooh! Where are all the trees ? Bl***y hooligans have cut 'em all down I suppose .....
  21. At least they'll understand what flappys do, and why
  22. We were. Run up to Thurne, lunch on the EACC moorings.
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