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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Simon, I hope the treatment goes well, has the hospital tied it down to what caused it? What you need is some good boating magazines and maybe the latest Hoseason's literature to while away the hours. Regards Alan.
  2. His name was Bill Foggitt, yes he predicted the weather by his observations, I can remember his predictions on Yorkshire Television. His predictions were always better than the official forecasters and on average his predictions were 88% on the money. Regards Alan
  3. Hi Jim, We just have a small frost stat that is powered by a AAA battery which I change at the start and end of the season, this controls the two tube heaters one each side of the engine that are wired into the battery charger circuit. We only have the main shore breaker on and the battery circuit on during our closed season. I Will get back to you on the frost stat make and model number when I am on the boat in November. Regards Alan
  4. Better a frown than a toothless grin These days my thoughts on the next problem is usually how to get home before the suns gone down. Joking apart most come from an era if the part was broken, we repaired it or managed to have a work around until a part could be purchased. My last job at home was fitting water intake valves on the washing machine (the sacred white lump in the utility room) water was leaking from the valves when the machine was stood. Tan regards the washing machine above everything else in the house. I wish I had a pound for every time I have had the machines (we have only had 3) apart over the last 36 years. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Matt, I would guess all told 10 to 12 miles. Regards Alan
  6. Hi Vaghan, Merged as requested. Regards Alan
  7. Personally Tan and I are glad when Halloween is all over. We regard that this over the last decade or so has become another Americanized event that has got out of hand. We do not encourage it at all but we only had one group of 4 girls about 12 years old who came to the door at around 8.00 pm, I was not feeling too well I caught Lucas's cold so Tan went to the door after the kids kept banging on the windows. If people want to join in with this Americanized event then signs such as lit pumpkins should be adhered to and leave the rest of us alone. Regards Alan
  8. I still have a bag of Fruit Gums, pity you can no longer get the boxes of them, we always used to get chips on the way home. Back in the day we had a local cinema less than half a mile from us, Saturday matinee was a must. 9 pennies if I remember correctly. Regards Alan
  9. Mod hat off. Here is the way that I see what we are getting for the well over inflation increase in the Toll Fees again next year. Less spaces to moor, piecemeal maintenance of the rivers, information centers closed, inactive policing of the Broads (non toll payers still managing to get away with it), safety aspects such as Yarmouth Yacht Station being allowed to be closed, it should be manned all year, not ensuring that there is a solution for the waste disposal issues on the Broads and for allowing this stupid ruling to go on for well over two years. What the Broads needs is an elected governing body and committees that are accountable, caring and effective, not the quango which is accountable to nobody and which seems to be in anyone's pocket. Rant over Regards Alan
  10. Hi Neil, Send Jonzo a PM, I am sure he can work something out for you. Regards Alan
  11. So what was going on at Beauchamp Arms this weekend? Regards Alan
  12. I will let you know what it is like on the 20th November. Down in Norfolk from the 18th November for our AGM on the 19th November. Regards Alan
  13. Hi Paul, Because of the upper deck we can see everything when going on the Chet, at least it better than it was a few years ago. when the trees and bushes were cut back it improved the journey, as you say it is tight in places, but still passable. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Paul, Thanks for that, when was the picture taken? Loddon one of our favorite mooring locations and its an haven in windy weather. We moored there a few years ago when the trees were shedding their seeds, talk about sap on the boat, mind you not as bad as once moored in Brundall when earwigs were landing on the boat after being blown in the wind. Regards Alan
  15. The pearls would be ok but lets not have him standing on the bows like his crew Regards Alan
  16. Hi Grendel, I recon you will need some chalking on those planks Looking good by the way Regards Alan
  17. Hey I have still to get to the Boat in November for about twelve days and into December so lets not have tales of woe. Some Broads crews never stop for the winter weather. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Trev, We have two low wattage tube heaters (60 watts per foot) in the engine on a frost stat, we do the standard winterisation when all the allocations have finished. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Neil, Being as you are talking about Sunday be it lunch or in the evening I would book a table for you and your guests to be on the safe side. Regards Alan
  20. Hello Charlie, Congratulations to you both. Regards Alan
  21. I would prefer that anyone gets out into the open air rather than staying indoors, if a scooter enables this (as long as the rider is in control of their machine) then I have no objection of them being used. Charlie I commend you for your Independence an endurance to remain active.
  22. Subject: Senior Inspirations 1. My goal for 2016 was to lose just 10 pounds … only 15 to go … 2. Ate salad for dinner. Mostly croutons and tomatoes ... Really just one big, round crouton covered with tomato sauce ... And cheese... OK. FINE, it was a pizza... I ate a pizza …; 3. How to prepare Tofu: a. Throw it in the trash. b. Grill some Meat. 4. I just did a week's worth of cardio after walking into a spider web … 5. I don't mean to brag but… I finished my 14-day supply of diet food in 3 hours and 20 minutes … 6. Kids today don't know how easy they have it... when I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel… 7. Senility has been a smooth transition for me… 8. Remember back when we were kids and every time it was below zero outside they closed school? Me neither. 9. I may not be that funny or athletic or good looking or smart or talented … I'm sorry, I forgot where I was going with this … 10. Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed. Regards Alan
  23. My Granddad had one but never used it because he couldn't handle it, he bought it off of a chap across the road, it spent time in the hallway until it was sold, back then some of the scooters were very large. Stuart regarding the nun and the stick, I think this was one of the elderly traits that we have yet to reach. My Nan used to prod slugs with her stick, frogs were not safe nor anyone else for that matter, other than that she had a heart of gold and is sadly missed, she was just short of being 100 when she died. Regards Alan
  24. Sadly there are bus drivers and bus drivers. It is not a job I would like especially late at night. We have no doubt come across a number of drivers that are not suitable with dealing with the pubic. In any service job dealing with the public there is always issues that can be handled in a pleasant and suitable manor. In the story the driver mentioned that a suitable bus had been contacted. Regards Alan
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