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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Chris, I fully understand your sentiments but I can't tell how we could know when that "time to worry" happens. For as long as Peter et al keeps 'banging on' about it, he keeps the subject to the fore, and by doing that reducing the opportunities for anyone (no names no pack drill) to try to further any moves in that direction. Some say that the law is the law and it cannot be changed without considerable effort. Whilst those people are correct, there are those who will happily expend that effort. Can a law that was set in stone be changed? Well For all my working life I was told I would get a state pension when I reached 65.....,. Nuff said.
  2. I am reliably informed by my older sister, Frances, that the most stupid thing my parents ever said was just a few years after she was born. "Well lets have another one then"
  3. Yes, Norfolk Marine. Take one of your old lamps (notice I didn't say "bulbs") in to be sure of the right replacement, and don't forget to ask for "Warm White"
  4. Well that's justmucked up one of my major fantasies Anyway Geofrey, Having your threads on a section devoted to cooking will certainly make it easier for me to find your stuff later on.
  5. Matt, I suppose really that a newbie on a boat has an awful lot to learn what with controlling the craft mooring up and the general basics of boating. It cannot be denied that the northern waters are easier than the southern for the complete novice, and that's the crux of it. Surely it must be better for the tourist trade to encourage the boating equivalent of skiing 'nursery slopes' for these novices and tempt them to make a return booking to enjoy the delights of the southern waters. Water wherever it is needs to be treated with respect, but be honest, the southern rivers do need an even healthier level of that respect. The above is of course just my opinion, but I should explain to Christie that my opinion is always the right one.
  6. One Minute !!!! That's an age and a half. It was 6 rings at our place!
  7. That surprises me a bit, I thought the Bell Inn wall came down a few years ago
  8. Does the pub still have it's famous red brick wall around the car park does anyone know?
  9. Now that IS a bloody good idea. Might be tricky to police but well worth thinking on.
  10. Many thanks all. I'm doing a full scan using the Windows Defender but it's taking an age (started 6 hours ago) but I'll download Malwarebytes too.
  11. True but it doesn't help the situation, something that although is blindingly obviously still needs be pointed out !
  12. Hi guys, I've been and gone and got myself in trouble again. I think I've picked up some spyware, What's the best freeby for getting rid?
  13. In no way is this a matter of who should/should not have a say in what happens to the broads. The answer is simple, everyone who uses the broads should have a voice. It is however perhaps worth mentioning that although some of the users who require facilities, pay little or nothing directly towards those facilities, their requirement not only entitles them to that voice but also that their requirements are unlikely to be for them alone. Waste bins are of course a prime example. The other day on TV there was an article about people using canals as dumping grounds and the trouble and expense that was leading to. I do hope that the relevant authorities (not the BA this time) watched this and took note.
  14. Horsted Mill, Geldeston, Salhouse, Reedham and Sutton Staithe
  15. You're right Peter. Take the mother in law instead.
  16. I always buy my sausages with the gearbox already removed. It saves a lot of time and stops my teeth getting black with oil.
  17. At least you could take the cat with you,
  18. I hate to say this, as it applies to a highly valued friend, but I have to agree with you Paul. As someone else said a while back... "Best to keep your powder dry."
  19. Tell me more tell me more ! I have been searching high and low for really good black pudding.
  20. I have to ask... which has the larger boot ?
  21. Ok, I admit it, I too prefer to listen to the Rats at lunchtime.
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