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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Try using chrome rather than samsung browser. Your last two posts don’t have big gaps, your original post did ?
  2. Pump the hole full of expanding foam, that should help raise it. My local authority patially filled a disused pedestrian subway near the river with expanding foam, then capped the entrances with concrete. Six months later when the tide was high, up popped all the 18" concrete slabs 4' in the air. 😁
  3. A couple definitely are, still waiting for the DNA test results for the rest. 🀣
  4. The only time I was moderated was by Iain, he gently offered some wise words and sound advice. It may be useful for members to remember that the Mods and admin are members first and foremost and sometimes get moderated, although not often fortunately. A happy, healthy and safe New Year to all.
  5. Finally onboard after a journey that took 4 hours instead of 2.10. 45 mph winds tonight 😁 Heating is now on and drink poured, and relax.
  6. I survived saying, " it is just a Sunday roast, relax ", just. This is the hob, both ovens are in use and four other items are waiting for oven space. Ok, I accept it is a bit more than just a Sunday roast. I now need to go to A and E to get my nose reset. 😁
  7. Seeing as how you asked nicely, you should have extra likes now 😁 🀞 πŸŽ…πŸŽ…
  8. It has been an interesting year with a lot to get my head around. It has only been possible because of the support from all the mod team and sound advice from the admin support team, past and present. So much goes on in the background to make the forum run smoothly but also keep it a safe and friendly place. A real team effort that is much appreciated. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
  9. Happy Christmas to one and all. Today we have 20 plus family for Christmas Eve lunch. As I have finally tested negative today, I will be allowed to join in. 😷
  10. I think the Ferry house has water, failing that, give me a message, we are onboard until lunchtime on the 2nd.
  11. The river looks a lot more usable. No ice about.
  12. Brundall Gardens marina yesterday. Nice looking Shetland F4
  13. The problem I have is I can't add antifreeze to the exhaust system as there is no weed filter fitted. I have to rely on heaters, could be expensive this year. I have fitted a drain off point at the lowest point of the domestic water system, this and all taps are left open. The shower sump and pump have antifreeze added. Other than that it is fingers crossed. I will pack a few spares and bits of pipe and a spare pump as the next visit is the day after Boxing day and most shops will be closed.
  14. I am claiming that they are essential in the rapid recovery from Covid, Matron disputes this 😷
  15. I can't believe these haven’t been mentioned
  16. A cake will lose moisture if left out and go hard and a biscuit will absorb moisture and go soft.
  17. After dodging it for nearly 3 years I tested positive for Covid last night. 😷 A bit achey and a head ache ( nothing new there ) so far.
  18. What is one called that has a lattice top ? 😁
  19. NBN are delighted to help with publicity for this very worthwhile cause. Good luck and thank you to all those involved in setting it up and a big thank you to those who will benefit from it.
  20. ExSurveyor


    A later shot with better light.
  21. ExSurveyor


    The snow arrived in North Kent yesterday evening. It took an hour and a half to do what would normally be a fifteen minutes journey home. Not a gritting lorry in sight all day or evening. We ended up with 6" of snow. I miss a 4x4, but the garden looks nice. πŸŽ…
  22. Never seen it without the cover 😁 It is a nice boat.
  23. I could give the technical explanation but I would hate to spoil your fun
  24. At that time the injected dpc would have been white spirit based, never recommended for use on a fireplace .
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